Su Mu cautiously approached the direction of the black shadow.

When he stood in front of the black shadow, Su Mu saw the true appearance of the black shadow clearly.

"The grass and trees are all soldiers, the grass and trees are all soldiers!" The

black shadow he saw was just a sign.

However, what surprised Su Mu was that there was something similar to a map on this billboard.

The map divides Donglin City into four areas.

Residential area, commercial area, trading area, industrial area.

The place where Su Mu is now is the residential area.

Of the four areas, the largest is the residential area. This is followed by the industrial zone, then the commercial area, and finally the trading area.

Su Mu looked at the map with a serious face.

Soon I remembered the information on the map.

But what made Su Mu feel strange was that.

In addition to these four areas on the map, there is also a completely dark area.

This area, in the deepest part of the business district.

This area is not marked without any labels. Therefore, Su Mu did not know the purpose of the existence of this area.

After familiarizing himself with the map, Su Mu began to move towards the commercial area.

In his opinion, if it is really a good thing in this Donglin City. That must be in the business district, or in the black area deep in the business district.

I don't know why.

There are many exotic beasts in this Donglin City.

Some exotic beasts, Su Mu knew.

And some exotic beasts, Su Mu couldn't name them.

At this time, Su Mu finally understood the reason why the golden-armored war bear was afraid here.

The realm of most of the exotic beasts here is similar to that of the golden-armored war bear.

Only a very small part of the realm of alien beasts is not as good as the golden-armored war bear.

If it really came to this Donglin City, I am afraid that it would be really difficult to get out alive.

The distance between residential and commercial areas is not very far.

If you walk in a straight line, it will take about half an hour.

But Su Mu did not choose to walk in a straight line.

Because if you choose to walk in a straight line, you will inevitably encounter a lot of exotic beasts.

When you encounter a beast, you have to fight.

As soon as you fight, you waste time.

Instead of this, Su Mu might as well spend more time detouring.

Su Muben believes that commercial areas will be the same as residential areas, and most of the buildings have collapsed.

But after arriving in the commercial area, Su Mu found that this was not the case.

Stand at the entrance of the business district.

Su Mu found that only a very small part of the buildings inside had collapsed.

Most of the buildings, although dilapidated, have not collapsed.

Su Mu walked slowly.

He had to look at almost the same thing in every building.

There are many buildings that have not collapsed here.

But none of them are valuable.

As he walked, Su Mu walked through the entire commercial area.

As stated on the map.

In front of him should be the black area on the map.

Su Mu looked ahead.

I saw that not far away, a huge wooden archway appeared.

The torii looks very dilapidated, as if the wind blows, the wooden torii will collapse.

At the top of the torii, there is a plaque.

The handwriting on the plaque has been blurred.

But if you look closely, you can still recognize it.

The three characters on the archway "Donglin District!"

are the three characters of Donglin District written in traditional Chinese.

"Donglin District, is it where the Donglin people live?"

Su Mu looked around the archway.

He found that to the right of the torii, there was a stone tablet.

The stele, like the torii, is still dilapidated.

Su Mu walked to the stone tablet and looked at the words on it.

The words on the stone tablet are written with blood-red fuel

: "This is the place where the Donglin clan lives, and human beings are not allowed to enter." Enterers, kill!"

When Su Mu saw these words, he felt hairy.

Looked carefully for a while.

In addition to these few words on this stone tablet, there are other words for me.

Su Mu walked to the bottom of the archway again.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Mu still walked in.

Passing through the archway, Su Mu saw a neat row of shops.

These shops look very new.

It is a very stark contrast to the dilapidated outside.

Even in some shops, Su Mu saw some pots that were smoking hot.

A strange feeling surged into Su Mu's heart.

It felt as if the time had never passed.

Walk slowly towards the front.

After walking for about ten minutes, Su Mu saw a huge statue.

The appearance of the statue was exactly the same as the Donglin that Su Mu had seen before.

On the base of the statue, Su Mu saw some words.

He stepped forward and looked at the words carefully.

According to written records, this huge Donglin statue is carved from the ancestor of the Donglin family and the first Donglin in the world.

The text also records that this Donglin is the heir of Nuwa Niangniang.

Seeing this, Su Mu showed a strange expression.

In the mythology we know, Nuwa Niangniang has no heirs.

She kneaded the soil and made human beings.

However, in some of the less well-known myths, humans are descendants of Nuwa and Fuxi.

"Could it be that this Donglin is really the heir of Nuwa Niangniang?" Su

Mu still felt a little unconfident.

"Forget it, don't think about it!" Su

Mu walked through the statue and continued to move forward.

After walking for about an hour, a high wall appeared in front of Su Mu's eyes.

He hesitated, jumped straight up, and jumped under the high wall.

He originally thought that behind this high wall would be the royal palace of the Donglin clan.

But standing on the high wall and looking down, Su Mu suddenly felt creepy.

Behind the high wall, there is a whole pool.

The water in the pool is very clear.

At a glance, you can see the bottom of the pool.

At the bottom of the pool, Su Mu saw countless Donglin.

Their appearance was exactly the same as the Donglin that Su Mu had seen before.

"So many?" Su

Muben thought that the Donglin he saw before was already the last Donglin in the world.

But I didn't expect that there were so many Donglin in this pool.

In addition to Donglin, Su Mu also saw some bones in the pool.

Probably because of the long immersion in water, the bones looked very white.

"Are they dead, or are they dormant?" said

Su Mu as he looked at Donglin under the water.

If these Donglin are dead, then it's okay to say.

But if these things are dormant, then the problem is big.

"But I remember, it seems that before the rebirth, there were no creatures similar to Donglin in this world!"

It is impossible to be nameless.

But Su Muzhen didn't remember that before he was reborn, there were creatures similar to Donglin in this world.

Just as Su Mu was thinking, not far from where he was standing, there were small blisters emerging from the droplets.

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