"Golden Light Spell!" Su

Mu used the Golden Light Spell again.

However, it is different from the defensive golden light spell just now.

This time, the golden light spell directly turned into golden threads and sped towards Donglin.

Donglin wanted to dodge.

But the golden thread turned into a golden light spell is too much. As a result, no matter how it dodged, it could not dodge the golden thread turned into by the golden light spell.

Not long after, this Donglin was tied up by Su Mu's golden thread.

Donglin, who was bound by the golden light spell and golden thread, struggled his body frantically.

But no matter how hard it struggles, it can't break free from the shackles of the golden thread.

"Human, do you know that in this Donglin City, the following crime is a great crime!" shouted Donglin frantically.

"Wake up, my lord. Su Mu said as he slowly walked towards Donglin. "It's dead early in the morning. As

he spoke, Su Mu had already walked to Donglin's approach.

"Human, you better hurry up and let me go. Otherwise, I'll let you know what the cruelest punishment is. Donglin was still shouting madly.

But in the face of its clamour, Su Mu turned a deaf ear.

"Stop barking. "Su Mu has no good temper at all for this Donglin.

"Let go of me, hurry up and crazy me!"

Donglin also turned a deaf ear to Su Mu's warning.

"Snap!" Su

Mu was not used to it, and raised his hand and slapped it.

This slap directly stunned Donglin.

"You are a human being, dare to hit me!"

Donglin looked at Su Mu with a grievance on his face.

To be honest, its current expression and demeanor are really like those rich second generation who were slapped by their parents in those brain-dead romance dramas.

"If you go to act in a TV series, it must be the male protagonist!" Su Mu laughed and teased Donglin.

"Put..." Donglin opened his mouth and wanted to shout.


As soon as its cry sounded, it was interrupted by Su Mu's slap.

"Now, you can only speak when I ask you questions. If I talk when I don't ask you questions, then I really don't mind and smash your face. "

This Donglin, when did he suffer such a grievance?

For a while, it really didn't dare to speak.

"That's right!" Su Mu looked at Donglin, who was silent, and the corners of his mouth rose.

"Next, I'm going to ask you questions. Su Mu said to Donglin.

Donglin's mouth was closed, and he looked like he was dead.

"Where are the treasures of your Donglin City?" asked Su Mu.

Donglin still kept his mouth shut.

"Don't want to say?" Su Mu saw that Donglin didn't want to say.

He said with a smile: "Since you don't want to say something, then I won't force you." Hearing

this, Donglin silently breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

But before it could spit out of its mouth, it suddenly felt wrong.

"Snap!" Su

Mu raised his hand and slapped it again.

Donglin was directly blindsided by Su Mu.

"Say or not?" asked Su Mu Donglin.

Donglin still closed his mouth.

"Snap!" Su

Mu raised his hand and slapped it again.

This slap, he hit very hard, almost exerting all his strength.

After this slap, blood could be faintly seen at the corner of Donglin's mouth.

"Tough guy, I like it!"

said Su Mu, shaking the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!" The

flames instantly covered the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

He held the Falling Sunset Soul Sword and roamed around Donglin's body.

The scorching flame made Donglin very uncomfortable.

They already have some fear of flames.

Coupled with Su Mu's flame being extraordinary, this further intensified the fear in Donglin's heart.

"I said, I said!" Donglin's emotions collapsed at this time.

In the corners of its eyes, tears can be faintly seen.

It pointed in one direction and shouted: "Over there is the royal palace of my Donglin City, and in the royal palace, there is a treasure house." The treasure you are looking for is all in that treasure house!" Su

Mu looked in the direction that Donglin was pointing.

When he saw the place that Donglin was pointing to, there was indeed a very large building.

The architectural style is also the style of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties.

But it's different from other royal palaces.

The royal palace here is in Donglin District, not the royal city.

"Okay. Su Mu looked at Donglin and said with a smile. "Since you have said everything that needs to be said, then you can die now.

As Su Mu said, he waved the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand and slashed towards Donglin.

Seeing this, Donglin shouted, "Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

But before its voice fell, Su Mu's Falling Xia Zhen Soul Sword had already cut off its head.

Donglin's body fell to the ground, and after a few convulsions, he completely lost his vitality.

Kill the alien beast [Donglin], get a reward: 490 points. "

This Donglin comparison 'stingy' only gave Su Mu some points reward.

After solving this Donglin, Su Mu walked in the direction pointed by Donglin.

Soon he came to the front of the magnificent building.

At the entrance to the magnificent building, there is a large gate.

Above the gate, there is a plaque.

On the plaque, there are actually three large characters written in oracle bone.

Su Mu still has some research on oracle bones.

So at a glance, I recognized these three words.

【Donglin Palace】

Su Mu walked to the gate and put his hand on the gate.

His hand pushed hard.

"Crunch!" came

a shrill sound from the gate.

Then, under Su Mu's force, the door slowly opened.

It was dark inside the gate.

"Tongyu!" The

third eye began to appear on Su Mu's forehead.

Look inside.

The pitch black inside disappeared.

It is a very large and magnificent palace.

Inside the palace, there are many supporting columns.

The pillars are carved with dragons and phoenixes, which look very exquisite.

Even a person like Su Mu who did not know how to do it could see that this pillar was from the hand of a master.

In addition to the pillars, there are many murals on the walls around it.

It's a very strange pattern.

Su Mu didn't understand architecture.

But he also knew.

Only in the chamber in the tomb will there be frescoes.

Su Mu walked to a mural and began to look at it seriously.

The mural in front of him is about a war.

On both sides of the war, one side is Donglin. On the other side, it was a very large creature.

The creature looks human, but it has horns on its forehead.

Compared to this huge creature, Donglin is like an elephant and an ant.

In front of this huge creature, Donglin looked very small.

"Is this a prehistoric creature?"

said Su Mu as he looked at the huge minotaur and said to himself.

While thinking about it, Su Mu looked at another mural again.

When he saw this mural, Su Mu's face showed a shocked expression.

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