On the mural, Su Mu saw that Donglin had actually defeated the huge minotaur.

After they defeated the Minotaur, they began to eat the Minotaur.

Su Mu also found.

On this mural, there is a very special Donglin presence.

The two Donglin that Su Mu met before were very masculine.

Moreover, most of the Donglin on the murals also have male characteristics.

However, among the many Donglin, Su Mu saw a Donglin with female characteristics.

And on this Donglin's head, he actually wore a crown.

It seems that this Donglin is the queen of all Donglin.

"It's kind of interesting!"

Su Mumo rubbed his chin and admired the mural.

Looking at the murals one by one, Su Mu always felt very strange.

"This Donglin family, except for that Donglin queen, there is no other female Donglin family. So how did this family reproduce?"

This is what Su Mu finds strange.

It can be seen from the mural that the number of Donglin people in the Donglin family is not very large.

If they had relied on the Queen alone, it would have been impossible for them to breed such a large group.

"Forget it, this doesn't have much to do with me, I don't want to!"

After Su Mu finished reading the mural, he continued to search in this hall.

After all, the purpose of his trip was to hunt for treasure. Not to explore, the history of Donglin.

In the deepest part of this hall, there is a high platform.

Su Mu opened the door and looked at the high platform.

He found that under the high platform, it was empty.

And inside, there are a lot of things.

"Why don't you go in and take a look!"

thought Su Mu, and began to look for the entrance.

But after some searching, Su Mu did not find the entrance to enter under the high platform.

He walked to the high platform and knocked on it with his hand.

After some knocking, Su Mu found that the material on the edge of the high platform was not a very strong material.

He clenched his fists, ready to use his own fists to break the edge of this high platform.

He was angry and punched fiercely.


Unexpectedly, Gao Mu's punch really punched a big hole in the edge of the high platform.

Su Mu walked to the entrance of the cave and poked his head in.

With the blessing of seclusion, the inside is as bright as day.

Inside, there are many boxes densely arranged.

When he saw these boxes, Su Mu's face showed joy.

He quickly rummaged inside and opened the nearest chest near him.

After the box was opened, looking at the contents inside, Su Mu was very disappointed.

Because the box he opened was full of books that recorded alien arts.

Looking through them one by one, the disappointment on Su Mu's face was even worse.

Because most of these anomalies are yellow-level anomalies.

You know, the art is divided into four levels: Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang.

The heaven-grade superior technique is the most powerful.

And the yellow-grade inferior art, which is the most rubbish.

The yellow-level alien arts in this, although not all of them are inferior. But for Su Mu, who had many heaven-level superior techniques.

Yellow-level alien arts are really worthless.

Su Mu continued to open the box.

In the other box, it is still a strange art.

However, they are all yellow-level alien techniques.

"It's all a box, it's all still a yellow-level alien technique, I feel that someone is playing with me!" Su

Mu sat down on the ground, his face full of unhappy expressions.

After resting for a while, Su Mu continued to open the box.

After unpacking, there are no good things in the box, which is indeed very unpleasant.

But to be honest, the process of opening the box is still relatively cool.

How many boxes there are here, Su Mu really hasn't counted.

But in just a few hours, Su Mu had already opened almost 30 boxes.

But these 30 boxes did not give Su Mu any surprises without exception.

In some of the boxes at the beginning, although a yellow-level alien technique was opened, Su Mu was very unhappy.

But these yellow-level alien techniques, no matter what, are also relatively valuable things.

The box in the back is the real.

Don't say it's a yellow-level anomalous technique.

I didn't even see anything related to the other.

Let's be honest.

When he drove here, Su Mu was more or less frustrated.

He looked at the many boxes behind him, and suddenly felt a little headache.

At this time, if you choose to give up, you are more or less unwilling.

"Go on!" After

Su Mu rested for a while, he continued to open the box.

One by one, the boxes were opened by Su Mu.

Su Mu's mood kept changing between hope and disappointment.

Fortunately, there are fewer and fewer boxes.

Another hour or so passed.

There were fewer than ten boxes left.

"It's garbage again!" After

the ten boxes were opened, Su Mu was completely disappointed.

Because of these ten boxes, Su Mu still didn't open good things.

"Don't you have good things in Donglin City?" As

soon as this idea appeared, it was forgotten by Su Mu.

After all, this place is the most central place of Donglin City.

If there is really something good in Donglin City, it must be in this place.

It can be seen from the mural that this Donglin family is very prosperous.

It is impossible for such a race to have nothing good at all.

Su Mu planned to leave this high platform and continue to search.

But just as he was about to leave under the high platform, his afterlight suddenly glimpsed a little light.

The source of that light comes from the deepest part of the high platform.

Su Mu walked towards the point of light with a puzzled heart.

It turned out to be a wall deep under the high platform, which was broken due to disrepair. If the light comes from the breakage.

Su Mu looked at the damage.

He found that behind this, there was a very large space.

Su Mu was angry and dantian and punched the broken place.


This punch passed, and the damage was unharmed.

Not only was he unharmed, but even Su Mu's arm was numb.

"It's so hard!"

you know, with Su Mu's current strength.

Even if there was a steel plate in front of him, Su Mu would definitely be able to punch through.

He summoned the system and took out the Carefree Finger Tiger from inside.

The carefree finger tiger was worn on his hand, and Su Mu punched the broken place again.

Although this punch is not useless, it is only a little bigger than the damage.

With Su Mu's size, if you want to go in, it is still much worse.


Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Su Mu's fist kept bombarding the damaged place.

The breakage is also getting bigger.

After dozens of punches, the broken place has been beaten by Su Mu and can be passed by one person.

Su Mu did not rush in.

He first mobilized the flame and covered his whole body with a golden light spell.

After ensuring his safety, Su Mu stuck his head in.

When he saw the scene inside, Su Mu was directly stunned.

"Oh my God!"

Su Mu couldn't help but sigh out loud.

Then his body also got into it.

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