Su Mu glanced in the direction where the voice sounded, and then continued to lower his head to eat.

The reason for this is not that Su Mu does not have a sense of justice.

But for Su Mu, there was no need for him to make a move on this kind of thing.

"Rob the child, he snatched my child!"

If it was an ordinary thief, Su Mu really didn't plan to care.

But robbing children, this nature is different.

People who steal something, who are stolen, may also be depressed for a while.

But if the child robs it, it may be painful for a lifetime.

Stealing things, robbing things, Su Mu will not care.

But if it is to steal children, rob children. That Su Mu must be in charge.

However, there are too many people around, and Su Mu is not good at using alien means.

I saw that he recognized the direction of the thief, so he quickly chased after him.

What Su Mu didn't expect was.

In addition to Su Mu, several young people of similar age to him also chased after him.

The thief escaped quickly.

Even if he is holding a child, his speed is far faster than ordinary people.

"Could it be that this thief is an alien?" Su Mu thought in his heart, and the speed under his feet couldn't help but speed up a lot.

I don't know if it was Su Mu's good luck or the thief's bad luck.

After a few turns, the thief got into a dead end.

At this time, Su Mu saw the true appearance of the thief.

The thief has a sharp mouth and a monkey gill, and his appearance is the villain in the novel.

He was emaciated, pale, and felt as if he were malnourished.

But Su Mu found that there were some blackened dots on this thief's body.

"How could an addict run so fast?"

Addicts are generally what ordinary people call drug addicts.

Drug use can lead to the necrosis of cells in the human body and damage to the body.

The average drug addict is physically stronger than that of adults. Even the physical fitness of some children is much better than that of drug addicts.

"Don't come here." Seeing that he had no way to retreat, the thief took out a dagger directly from his back and pointed it at Su Mu.

"I won't go over, you let the child go." Su Mu said to the thief.

The thief would point a dagger at Su Mu one moment, and then use a dagger to point at the child in his arms.

With a frantic face, he shouted hoarsely: "Let me go, or I will kill you."

"You know, you can't leave!"

Su Mu looked at the thief calmly.

"Can't leave?" The thief looked at Su Mu and smiled disdainfully. "In this world, there is no place where I can't walk!"

As he spoke, the thief rushed directly in the direction of Su Mu.

Seeing this scene, Su Mu had a headache.

After all, this thief still holds an innocent child in his arms.

If there was no such child, Su Mu would have ten thousand ways to tie this thief's hands.

But with children, the situation is different.

He was really afraid that this thief would hurt the child in a fit of anger.

The thief holds the child in one hand and a dagger in the other.

Approaching Su Mu, the dagger stabbed straight towards Su Mu's abdomen.

The distance between the two is already very close.

Su Mu could clearly see the sweat on the thief's face at this time.


When the dagger was less than five centimeters away from Su Mu's abdomen, the thief shouted viciously.

Su Mu shook his head with disdain: "You broken dagger, you can't hurt me." The

thief didn't understand what Su Mu meant.

But what happened next made him understand.

When the dagger pierced Su Mu's abdomen, there was no feeling of the dagger piercing the flesh and skin.

The thief only felt a little numb in his arm.

It felt as if it had stabbed a steel plate with its own dagger.

Look at the dagger again.

The dagger had now bent into a very strange shape.

If the thief continues to try, the dagger is likely to break.

"Are you an alien?" The thief looked at Su Mu with horror on his face.

"Correct answer." Su Mu smiled, and reached out and directly grabbed the thief's dagger. "But there is no reward!"

The thief who was caught by the hand felt that his hand was as if it were clamped by a large iron tong.

He struggled.

But no matter how he struggled, he just couldn't break free from Su Mu's shackles.

"Let go of me!" Like a wild beast, he shouted at Su Mu.

Su Mu ignored it.

He looked at the child in the thief's arms.

The child's eyes are closed at this time.

Seeing this scene, Su Mu's brows immediately furrowed.

However, when he saw the child's mouth, slightly open, and sent out in one breath, Su Mu was obviously relieved.

Apparently the child was still alive, but had just passed out.

"Let go of you? Why should I let you go? Su Mu looked at the thief coldly.

Before the thief could speak, Su Mu asked again, "Why are you stealing children?"

"You are a der, why did Laozi..." The thief still wanted to fool around in front of Su Mu.

But Su Mu didn't give him a chance to fool around.

I saw Su Mu's left hand and directly slapped the thief.

This slap hit very hard, and directly swollen the face of the thief side.

"You dare to fight..." The

thief also wanted to curse.

Su Mu raised his hand and slapped the thief again.

This time, it was the other side of the thief's face.

The face on the other side also swelled after this slap.

After two slaps, the thief's face was directly swollen into a pig's head.

"I gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it." Su Mu looked at the thief and shook his head with a sympathetic expression.

"Give me the baby." Su Mu said to the thief.


The thief is still stubbornly resisting.


Su Mu raised his hand and slapped the thief again.

This slap is much heavier than the previous two slaps.

This slap directly slapped the thief several teeth.

Blood also flowed down the corners of the thief's mouth.

"Aren't you going to give it to me yet?" Su Mu asked the thief with a smile.

The thief may not be able to speak, so at this time, he shook his head frantically.

"Well, I don't want to give it to me, and I don't force it!"

After Su Mu finished speaking, he let go of the thief's hand.

Just when the thief thought that he was going to escape.

Su Mu's hand choked the thief's throat.

He stared at the thief with fierce eyes, and said coldly: "You only have two choices now, the first choice is to give me the child." The second option is that I strangle you and take the child away. Looking

at the ferocity in Su Mu's eyes, the thief was immediately stunned.

He grabbed the child's hand and sent it in Su Mu's direction.

After Su Mu took the child, he confirmed the child's situation as soon as possible.

After making sure that the child was okay, he set his eyes on the thief again.

"Why are you stealing, or robbing children!" Su Mu asked the thief.

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