"Lao Tzu wants to sell for money?" The thief shouted loudly.

Su Mu looked at the thief coldly with both eyes.

To be honest, he didn't believe that reason.

Inhumans, also people.

They must also have been short of money.

But for money, to rob the child, Su Mu did not believe.

After all, for strangers, there are many ways to earn money.

"I don't believe it." Su Mu looked at the thief and said coldly.

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. The important thing is that Lao Tzu is telling the truth. The

thief's eyes dodged, apparently he was lying.

"It seems that you don't want to tell the truth."

Su Mu is not a systematic person, so many times he does not have to follow the flow of the system.

"Now, tell me the real reason." Su Mu said to the thief in a cold voice.

The thief continued to sneer: "Don't say, Lao Tzu is telling the truth." Even if Lao Tzu is telling a lie, what can you do with Lao Tzu? The

thief was determined, and Su Mu did not dare to be cruel to himself.

But apparently, he was wrong.

I saw Su Mu step forward and directly grab one of the thief's arms.

"What about the Inhumans! Hands are just as important as your feet! I know that in the Inhuman world, there are means to cure broken arms. But I don't know if there is a way to regenerate bones in the Inhuman world. The

words fell, and before the thief could react, Su Mu's hand suddenly exerted force.


The crisp sound of bones shattering sounded.

The pain also made the thief's face hideous.

But this thief is also a tough guy.

Even if it was already in pain, he still didn't shout loudly.

"It's pretty tough!"

Su Mu looked at the thief with a mocking expression on his face.

The thief gritted his teeth and glared angrily at Su Mu.

"I just don't know, if you can withstand the next means!"

Su Mu smiled.

But for some reason, the thief saw the smile on Su Mu's face, but he had a creepy feeling.

"Come on!" The thief shouted through gritted teeth.

His voice seemed to be squeezed out of between his teeth.


Su Mu smiled slightly, and his hand held the other arm of the thief.


The crisp sound of bones shattering sounded.

The thief is still gritting his teeth.


But the cry of pain was squeezed out from between the thief's teeth.

"You don't have arms now, for your organization. Your use value has also approached none. Aren't you going to tell me the truth? Su Mu asked the thief.

The thief did not speak, but just glared at Su Mu angrily with vicious eyes.

Not far away, Qiu Nanping was watching this scene with flat eyes and expressions.

This is not unusual for the temporary workers they eat.

Even they are, after all.

When encountering some hard-mouthed opponents, it will also use means.

Their methods were sometimes even more cruel than Su Mu's.

"Why did he ask the thief this?" This is where Qiu Nanping pays attention.

Suddenly, a person suddenly flashed in Qiu Nanping's mind.

"Could it be that this thief, and Xiao Guozhang yesterday, are a powerful person?" After thinking of this possibility, Qiu Nanping was a little uncontrollable.

However, she is also relatively rational and does not act in a hurry.

"Kill me, kill me." The thief shouted at Su Mu with a hideous face.

"Kill you?" Su Mu looked at the thief and shook his head with disdain. "Killing you is simply too cheap for you."

"As long as you don't say the organization or force behind you, then today I will make you really worse than dead."

The thief was desperate.

Su Mu's torture continued.

After scrapping the thief's hands, he looked at the thief's legs.

"The next thing is my legs." Su Mu asked the thief with a smile.

Su Mu's smile, in the eyes of the thief, was even more terrifying than Shura.

He didn't wait for the thief to react, and raised his foot to one of the thief's legs, which was a kick.


Another crisp sound of bones shattering.

Because he suddenly lost a leg, the thief directly knelt on one knee.

"You kill me, you kill me!" The thief shouted at Su Mu.

If his hands were still there, he would now choose to commit suicide without hesitation.

But now, he doesn't even have a chance to commit suicide.

After breaking one of the thief's legs, Su Mu was ready to break the thief's other leg.

"I say, I say!"

The thief shouted.

Su Mu stopped and looked at the thief with an indifferent expression.

"You only have one minute to tell me all the information I want to know."

The thief nodded painfully.

"I'm from a force called the Immortal Gate."

The thief said a name that surprised both Su Mu and Qiu Nanping.

The thief is only the lowest member of the Immortal Gate.

His main task is to help the Immortal Sect collect children.

The Immortal Gate does not have any requirements for children, as long as the age of children is less than ten years old, they are their targets.

Every month, the thief also has performance.

Every day, he needs to pay tribute to 5 children to the Demon Immortal Gate.

When the thief said this, the corners of his eyes cracked.

He glared angrily at the thief: "This child, is the first child you stolen?" Seeing

that Su Mu's expression was so angry, the thief did not dare to speak for a while.


Su Mu glared angrily at the thief and roared in a low voice.

"Section ... Clause...... The second! "

Probably because of fear, the thief stuttered a little.

"Is it the second of the month? Still is? Su Mu asked again.

"Join the second of the Immortal Gate..." The thief wanted to lie.

But when he saw Su Mu's eyes, he actually said the truth directly: "The second of this month."

"Since I joined the Immortal Sect, I have stolen a total of 20 children."

After the thief said this, he felt a sense of relief.

But Su Mu felt a chill in his spine.

A wave of anger rushed directly from the soles of his feet to the Heavenly Spirit Cover.

"20 kids!?"

Su Mu gritted his teeth.

20 children, that's the equivalent of 20 families.

In other words, this thief has destroyed 20 families.


Su Mu roared angrily, and his right hand directly grabbed the thief's throat.

He wanted to kill the thief.

But just when the thief's face began to turn red, Su Mu's hand loosened.

Just when the thief thought that Su Mu was going to let him go.

Only to hear Su Mu ask in an indifferent voice: "Where are you all connected!" "

The thief does not speak.

Because he dares to say it.

The thief has some jealousy in his heart.

"Say." Su Mu continued to press.

The thief remained silent.

At this moment, Su Mu suddenly felt an indescribable sense of crisis.

I saw that he used the fastest speed and took several steps back.


At this time, the thief actually cried out in pain.

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