Lying on the bed in the hotel, Su Mu could not sleep for a long time.

The matter of the Immortal Gate made him toss and turn.

"First ordinary people, then children. What's next? "

In the eyes of many people.

As a reborn, Su Mu's emotions should not be so rich.


Su Mu's emotions are indeed not rich.

But what the Immortal Gate did touched the softest place in Su Mu's heart.

This matter, Su Mu must not only manage, but also manage it to the end.

That's right.

But Su Mu still felt a little headache.

The reason is also very simple.

From the time Su Mu knew about the Immortal Sect until now, he had met a total of two people from the Immortal Sect.

The identity of the first person, unknown.

The identity of the second person seems to be a peripheral member.

He was alone, without the help of organizations and forces. Trying to find the lair of the Immortal Gate is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"If I can't find it, someone who eats it may be able to find it!"

At this time, Su Mu suddenly thought of Qiu Nanping.

"How do I find someone who has eaten?"

Su Mu lay on the bed and fell into deep thought.

I don't know if it's too tired or some other reason.

Thinking about it, Su Mu actually fell asleep.

When he woke up again, it was noon the next day.

After a simple wash, he left the hotel.


As soon as he left the hotel, Su Mu opened Tongyu.

Look for food, although not a needle in a haystack.

But for Su Mu, there was not much difference.

The reason why he opened the tongyu was to find out if he could find someone who had eaten.

In addition to being able to see through the void, Tongyou can also see who is an ordinary person and who is a different person.

Inhumans, not necessarily people who have eaten them.

But the person who eats it must be a stranger.

This search lasted for hours.

The city where he is located is also a big city in Xiangxi.

The population of this city is very large.

Su Mu wanted to find it, but it was completely a matter of luck.

"If one day doesn't work, just look for two days!" If two days doesn't work, look for three days. I still don't believe it, I can't find anyone who eats it.

Su Mu made up his mind.

After eating a little in the afternoon, Su Mu continued to search.

At seven or eight o'clock in the evening, Su Mu found a strange person among many ordinary people.

He was going to try his luck, so he quietly followed behind the strange man.

When he followed the alien's foothold, Su Mu was a little disappointed.

The foothold of this strange person has nothing to do with what he eats.

Just when Su Mu was disappointed and ready to leave.

He found that the foothold of this strange person was somewhat strange.

His base is an old warehouse.

The warehouse is large, and most of the places inside have collapsed.

In the deepest part of the warehouse, there is a place that resembles an office.

After the alien walked into the office, he did not come out for a long time.

Su Mu followed out of curiosity.

The stranger who originally walked into the office disappeared out of thin air.

The office is not large, and you can see the situation inside at a glance.

Su Mu did not believe that this strange person had disappeared out of thin air.

So, he plans to look for it.

After some searching, he really let him find the clue.

Underneath this office, there is a secret passage.

The secret passage is not deep, only a few meters.

And at the end of the secret passage, there is a space that is not very large.

In that space, crowded with blindfolded and gagged children.

"Could it be that the stranger just now is someone from the Immortal Sect?"

Su Mu said secretly in his heart.

He did not act rashly, but hid on the side and waited quietly.

This waited until late at night.

The stranger didn't know what to do underneath, but stayed for a long time.

It wasn't until late at night that the stranger came out of it.

After the stranger left, Su Mu found the switch to enter the secret passage.

Although Su Mu knew that there were quite a few children in this underground space.

But when he actually came in, he saw the children. Su Mu's heart still sank slightly.

But then, Su Mu was glad in his heart.

I'm glad I found the location of what I ate today, and I'm glad I found this strange person today.

If he hadn't discovered this strange person today, what would happen to these children, Su Mu didn't dare to imagine.

But next, Su Mu had another headache.

That's how to get your own children out.

He roughly counted that there were twenty or thirty children here.

And their eyes are covered with black cloth.

"Perhaps, you can find food to help!"

Su Mu's mind turned.

Then he found Lao Tianshi's WeChat and asked him for the phone number of the person in charge of Xiangxi.

Old Heavenly Master didn't ask the reason, and directly gave the phone to Su Mu.

After Su Mu got the phone, he dialed it as soon as possible.

As soon as the phone was connected, a thick man's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Who?" Find me something! The

one who answered the phone was Bi Yuntao, who was also the person in charge of the Southern Region, and also the boss of Qiu Nanping's mouth before.

He had a total of three calls.

One is the daily call.

One is an internal phone.

One is an external phone.

If you call an external phone, even if it is an unfamiliar number, he will answer it.

The reason is very simple.

It was because of this call that he had made it public.

"In District XX, somewhere, there is an abandoned warehouse. There is an underground secret room inside the warehouse, and in the underground secret room, there are many children!

After Su Mu made this call, he directly pulled out the calling card of the mobile phone and threw it away.

This calling card is a temporary card he bought.

Bi Yuntao saw that the phone had been hung up, and wanted to call back after coming to his senses.

However, he found that the phone had been turned off.

"This address..."

He thought for a while, quickly took out the internal phone, and dialed Qiu Nanping's number.

"Hurry up and gather at the gate of the factory, there is a temporary mission!" Bi Yuntao ordered.

"I see."

After Qiu Nanping hung up the phone, he began to clean up.

Twenty minutes later, everyone in the Southern Region gathered at the door of the factory.


Bi Yuntao started the commercial car.

"Boss." Qiu Nanping, who was sitting in the co-pilot, asked with a yawn. "What urgent tasks can there be in the middle of the night?"

"It may be a task related to the Immortal Gate." Bi Yuntao said to Qiu Nanping.

Qiu Nanping heard this.

The originally godless eyes instantly came to the spirit.

"Tasks related to that herd of beasts?"

Here in Qiu Nanping, the Immortal Gate has been equated with the beast.

"Probably, I'm not sure!"

In fact, Bi Yuntao's heart was also a little apprehensive.

After all, he couldn't tell the authenticity of the information on the phone just now.

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