Su Mu, who was hiding in the shadows, saw with his own eyes that the car that had eaten stopped at the door of the abandoned warehouse.

After waiting for the people who had eaten to get off the bus, Su Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

After getting off the car, Qiu Nanping was the vanguard and carefully walked into the abandoned warehouse.

Then the others who ate Mo also rushed in.

In a relatively professional search for equipment, they found the children in captivity.

"Xiao Sun." After the children were rescued from the secret room, Bi Yuntao summoned a staff member who had eaten. "You go and contact the staff of the public security department and ask them to receive it."


The staff, known as Xiaosun, took out his mobile phone and contacted the public security department.

Not long after, several police cars stopped at the door of the abandoned warehouse.

Many policemen got out of the car.

Most of these police officers are women.

With these policemen, Bi Yuntao was obviously relieved.

At this time, a policeman with the appearance of a leader walked up to Bi Yuntao and gave Bi Yuntao a salute.

"Recently, we have received a lot of calls from children in our precinct. And these children are almost all lost children in our jurisdiction. When

Bi Yuntao heard this, he seemed to have thought of something.

He asked the police chief: "In addition to your jurisdiction, are there any children lost in other jurisdictions?" The

police chief was slightly stunned, and then nodded: "Yes, and there are quite a few."

"The heads of each jurisdiction a few days ago made a statistic. About a hundred children were lost this month.

"But there don't seem to be a hundred people in front of you." Bi Yuntao asked the police chief.


The head of the police nodded.

Just as he was about to say something, a policewoman walked up to the person in charge: "Chief, statistics have appeared." There are 32 children here. "

32?" When the chief heard this number, his face immediately sank. "That is, at least sixty more children have not been found."

Bi Yuntao's face was also gloomy.

"The loss of the child, you still have to continue to investigate. What are the results, or clues. Be the first to notify me!

Bi Yuntao said to the director.


The chief nodded.

Seeing that the child had been taken away by the police, Bi Yuntao also ordered everyone to take over.

"Boss." At this time, a person walked to the bureau chief's side, looked at the back of Bi Yuntao's convoy, and asked softly. "Who are these people?"

The chief shook his head: "I don't know, but I know, they are not ordinary people.

After saying this, the bureau chief seemed to have thought of something, and said to his subordinates: "When I return to the bureau later, I must tell everyone that the matter of meeting this group of people today must be kept secret." "


Seeing that the chief looked so serious, his subordinates did not dare to say anything more.

The convoy of food drove on the streets of Xiangxi.

In the front business car, Bi Yuntao skillfully drove the car.

But his brows were furrowed.

Qiu Nanping, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was holding happy water in one hand and looking out the window in a daze.

She bit on the straw on the happy water, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Boss." After being stunned for a while, Qiu Nanping asked Bi Yuntao. "Didn't you wonder who was calling?"

"Doubted." Bi Yuntao looked ahead and sighed slightly. "When I answered the phone, I gave it to the technical department."

"But just now the technical department sent me a message, saying that there was no clue at all. The calling card used to make calls is a disposable anonymous calling card. When

Qiu Nanping heard this, a puzzled expression appeared on his face.

At the same time, not far behind their convoy, Su Mu, wearing a mask, followed the convoy more quietly.

With his strength, those who eat it will not be able to find him.

The reason why he wore the mask was also because Su Mu was cautious.

An hour later, the convoy drove into the compound.

Su Mu was not in a hurry to follow up.

Eat it as the official Inhuman organization.

Su Mu didn't know if they had so-called high-tech means.

So in order not to be discovered by people who ate it, Su Mu could only wait first.

He looked around, looking for a place to rest and monitor what he was eating.

But after some searching, Su Mu did not find it.

I don't know if I ate it on purpose or unintentionally.

Anyway, near their compound, there are no hotels, inns and the like.

Not only that, there are not even too tall buildings near this compound.

"What to do?"

Su Mu thought while looking around.

At this time, Su Mu found that not far from the compound, there was a house for rent.

Su Mu hurriedly came to the vicinity of the house he wanted to rent.

After briefly checking the situation, Su Mu directly pried open the door lock of the house to be rented out with a flame.

After entering, Su Mu controlled Qiao again and locked the door of the house.

After all this was done, Su Mu walked to the window.

It's a coincidence.

The window of this place is just enough to see the gate of the compound.

"Then let's rest here for the time being." Su Mu thought about it, and he was ready to fight a protracted battle.

Eat the compound, Bi Yuntao's office.

At this time, he was on a video call with Han Tianqing.

"The heads of the other four regions are estimated to arrive the day after tomorrow."

"The intelligence department has already sorted out the relevant information. Information will be sent to you as early as tomorrow and the day after tomorrow at the latest.

Han Tianqing said.

"Trouble you, Mr. Han!" Bi Yuntao thanked Han Tianqing.

Han Tianqing waved his hand indifferently: "It's all a family, there is no need to be so polite."

"I already know about your kids over there. It's just that I want to know more about who made that call. At the same time, I also want to know who the person who knocked your temporary worker unconscious is. "

Qiu Nanping was knocked unconscious, Han Tianqing knew.

"I don't know, I suspect, these two are one person." Bi Yuntao has also been thinking about this thing during this time.

"I don't know why I feel the same way. But this person, if we eat, there should be no hostility.

"Since there is no hostility, if he does not show up on his own initiative, there is no need for you to go to him again."

Han Tianqing said to Bi Yuntao.

"Don't worry! As long as he doesn't take the initiative to appear, I will definitely not take the initiative to find him! Bi Yuntao assured Han Tianqing.

"If that's the case, let's talk about it here today."

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