At night, two more cars drove into the compound.

The two cars behind are relatively normal, and they are relatively ordinary cars.

"The people of the five regions gathered, it seems that after eating, this is the plan, and they have made a move on the Immortal Gate."

The reason why Su Mu thought that the people of the five major regions gathered was because of the Lamborghini.

Eat the compound, the conference room.

In addition to the daytime already arrived, the heads of the two regions and temporary workers.

There were two more people in the room.

The two men, a man and a woman.

The man had a white face and simple clothes, looking like a student.

His name is Muyunqiao, and he is a temporary worker in the Central Region.

The woman is short in stature and cute in appearance. A slightly blessed little face with a little baby fat. If Muyunqiao looks like a student. That Zhao Mumu looked more like a primary school student.

Her name is Zhao Mumu, and she is a temporary worker in the Eastern Region.

The heads of the Central Region and the Eastern Region have things to deal with. So, they did not come with temporary workers.

But they have also instructed the temporary workers to listen to Bi Yuntao.

Seeing that the people from all major districts had arrived, Bi Yuntao cleared his throat and slowly stood up.

Then he told everyone about the Immortal Gate.

"This person from the Immortal Sect is too unhuman, right?"

"In order to cultivate, not only ordinary people, but even children."

"If I catch the people of the Immortal Sect, I will definitely crush them to ashes."

"MD, I must let them experience what it means to survive and die!"


After listening to Bi Yuntao's story, everyone was very angry.

After all, what the Immortal Sect did, some people really made their group of people a little unacceptable.

After Ye Wuliu finished scolding the people of the Immortal Gate, he quickly regained his composure.

He looked at Bi Yuntao and asked, "Next, how do we do it?" Do you know where the lair of the Demon Immortal Gate is?

Bi Yuntao shook his head helplessly: "Xiangxi is known as a hundred thousand mountains, although there are not so many, but there are many mountains." During this time, we have been investigating the matter about the Demon Immortal Gate.

"But no matter how we investigate, we just don't have a clue." But yesterday, Boss Han told me that people from the intelligence department are sorting out relevant intelligence and clues.

"If nothing else, we'll know in two days."

"By the way, I hope that the phones here can remain open these days." If something happens, I hope to find everyone here as soon as possible.

After Bi Yuntao finished speaking, everyone assured that there was no problem.

End of meeting.

Except for Bi Yuntao and Qiu Nanping, everyone left the compound and went to the hotel under Ye Wuliu's bag.

"It seems that today is completely out of drama."

Seeing that everyone left one after another, Su Mu sighed helplessly.

He thought that he would take action if he ate it today.

"Do you want to go back to the hotel to rest?" Or continue to learn here?

Su Mu began to hesitate.

He was sitting on the ground without the slightest aura.

Su Mu's qi was almost exhausted.

If you have energy, you will soon run out.

Su Mu was really afraid that if he continued to stay, he would suddenly die here.

But if he didn't continue to stare, he was afraid that he would miss something.

Just when he was tangled, a flash of inspiration flashed in his head.

If he remembers correctly, there is a cell phone store nearby.

Quietly leaving the rental house, Su Mu came directly to the mobile phone store.

"Get me a phone!" Su Mu entered the store and said directly to the shop owner.

This mobile phone store is small.

Apart from the boss, there were no more staff.

The boss is brushing the happiness of a certain sound brush at this time.

Hearing a voice, a dissatisfied expression suddenly appeared on his face.

He frowned and looked up at Su Mu: "Is something wrong?" Just

now, he was very focused, so he didn't hear what Su Mu said clearly.

"Get me a cell phone." Su Mu repeated what he had said before.

As soon as the boss heard Su Mu ask for a mobile phone, the impatient expression on his face suddenly disappeared.

After all, no one in this world will live with money.

"What phone do you want?" The boss asked cautiously.

Su Mu did not choose, and said directly to the boss: "Bring me your most expensive mobile phone." When

the boss heard that Su Mu wanted the most expensive, his face directly blossomed.

"Wait, I'll show you the sample." The boss said, opening the counter where the mobile phone was stored.

"No need." Su Mu waved his hand and said with some impatience. "No need to look at it, just give it to me, I'm in a hurry."

Su Mu, a buyer, is definitely the favorite of every seller.

"Wait, I'll get it for you!"

The boss said, opened a safe, and took out an unopened mobile phone from it.

"How much?" Su Mu asked the boss.

"10,000!" The boss said a number.

Su Mu glanced at the mobile phone in his hand, frowned and said, "I'm not bad at money, but you can't take me for a big wrong."

"Your mobile phone, buy it from the Internet, at most 5,000 yuan!" You premium, 10%, 20%, I don't have an opinion! You can directly pay a 100% premium. You are more or less a little less not treating me as a human being. Hearing

this, the boss's face suddenly showed an embarrassed expression.

"Okay, I'll give you 7,000!" After speaking, Su Mu took out his mobile phone and scanned the code to pay.

After leaving the mobile phone store, Su Mu unpacked the mobile phone.

His luck was not bad.

The phone's battery remained at 80 percent.

Su Mu connected to the hotspot of his mobile phone and downloaded a certain letter.

After downloading, I registered a new WeChat ID.

Just like that, a remote phone camera is done.

Point the rear camera of the phone in the direction of the compound.

After adjusting slightly, Su Mu left directly.

Back at the hotel, Su Mu lay on the bed and looked at the picture of the mobile phone.

Finally, he was really sleepy, and after turning on the recording function, he fell asleep.

Wake up refreshed.

Su Mu took the mobile phone and opened the video from last night while walking towards the bathroom.

Last night, nothing happened.

After a simple wash, Su Mu walked out of the bathroom.

He ordered room service so breakfast was delivered straight to his room.

He ate breakfast while looking at the picture on his phone.


It was at this time that Su Mu discovered something wrong.

The red Lamborghini was driving out of the yard at this time.

That's right, it's driving out, not driving in.

"This time, is it..." Su Mu seemed to have thought of something.

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