Su Mu hurriedly rushed to the compound as quickly as possible.

The next second he arrived, the last car made its way out of the compound.

Then the gate of the compound began to close slowly.

"It's good to be in time!"

Su Mu took out the mask from his backpack and put it on his face.

After that, he quietly followed behind the last car.

The car was still driving in the city at first.

It didn't take long to arrive in the suburbs.

After driving in the suburbs for about an hour, the car drove to a very remote dense forest.

There are so many trees in the dense forest that it is impossible to keep the car moving.

At this time, all the cars stopped.

In the commercial car, Bi Yuntao got out of the car first.

After that, there was Qiu Nanping.

Today's Qiu Nanping still looks like a man.

In addition to Bi Yuntao and Qiu Nanping, temporary workers in several other regions also got off the bus.

"Guys." Bi Yuntao looked at Qiu Nanping and the other temporary workers. "The next thing, it's up to you."

"Don't worry!" Ye Wuliu walked to Bi Yuntao's side and patted him on the shoulder. "For us, it's not a matter of hand!"

After Bi Yuntao glanced at Ye Wuliu, he didn't say anything more.

"Okay, let's start debugging the equipment. After the equipment is commissioned, go straight to the mountain!

After Bi Yuntao finished speaking, he went to find the heads of the other two regions.

While debugging the equipment, Ye Wuliu gagged with Zhang Wei next to him: "I said Lao Zhang, when do you plan to get married?" Zhang

Wei, who was debugging the equipment, heard Ye Wuliu's words, and his cheeks turned slightly red.

Seeing this, Ye Wuliu laughed and ridiculed: "You won't have plans to get married soon, right?"

Zhang Wei didn't speak, just nodded shyly.

Su Mu, who was hiding in the shadows, looked at the temporary workers who had eaten, and his face showed a strange expression.

"A man, a woman, an honest man, a student, a little loli!"

"Why do I think this combination is a little unreliable?"

That's right.

But after eating the strength of temporary workers, it is really not said.

The debugging speed of the crowd is very fast.

In less than five minutes, their equipment was already commissioned.

"Bosses, let me go first!"

Ye Wuliu said, while rushing into this dense forest.

The other temporary use, after greeting Bi Yuntao, also got into the dense forest.

Su Mu hid in the shadows, still waiting quietly.

He was in no hurry to follow.

The reason is very simple.

That is, he must keep a certain distance from these temporary workers.

If you can become a temporary worker, you must have a unique job.

In order not to be discovered, time is wasted. So Su Mu decided to wait a little longer.

After waiting for about five minutes, Su Mu began to act.

The distance between him and the temporary workers is very delicate.

This distance is not too far, but it is definitely not very close.

He could feel the presence of temporary workers.

But the temporary worker did not know that he existed.

At least, that's what he thinks.

After walking in the dense forest for about half an hour, mountains began to appear in front of the eyes of the temporary workers.

"Take a break." Ye Wuliu said.

The temporary workers nodded.

In this mission, what lies ahead is completely unknown.

So they have to be at their best.

There is no hurry to rush or something.

The temporary workers began to sit down and rest.

There are those who replenish water, some supplement nutrition, and some observe the surrounding environment....

At this time, Zhao Mumu whispered to Qiu Nanping beside him: "Sister Qiu, someone is following us!" "

The two have worked together before, so they are not strangers to each other.

"What?" Qiu Nanping's temper is also really hot.

As soon as he heard that someone was following, he immediately stood up.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Wei saw Qiu Nanping's nervous face, and also stood up.

Ye Wuliu and Mu Yunqiao also cast curious eyes.

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhao Mumu pulled Qiu Nanping and said to the other temporary workers. "Sister Qiu is a little nervous!"

To be honest, Zhao Mumu's excuse is really rotten enough.

Inhumans of their level.

No matter how nervous you are, you can't show it.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Seeing that Zhao Mumu didn't want everyone to know, Qiu Nanping scratched his head and said with some embarrassment. "I'm a little nervous."

Not to mention that the other temporary workers did not believe it, even Qiu Nanping himself did not believe this clumsy excuse.

"Why don't you let me tell them?" Qiu Nanping sat down and looked at Zhao Mumu strangely.

"This person has no hostility towards us. He followed us, probably looking for the Immortal Gate! If

Su Mu heard Zhao Mumu's words at this time, he would be very shocked.

"You guessed?" Qiu Nanping did not show an expression of surprise at this.

Because she knew very well that this was Zhao Mumu's special ability.

"Yes." Zhao Mumu nodded and glanced in one direction with a little deep meaning. "And the people who follow us are very strong. If he really makes a move, the five of us can indeed catch him. But..." Although

Zhao Mumu's words were not finished, the meaning was already very obvious.

"So, you want him to help us?" Qiu Nanping saw Zhao Mumu's thoughts.

"That's right." Zhao Mumu nodded again and said with a smile. "If we have a strong helper to use, why don't we do it."

After thinking about it simply, Qiu Nanping nodded and said, "This is also the case. After

a brief twenty-minute rest, the temporary workers continued to set off.

Su Mu, who was not far away, looked at the temporary worker and secretly said in his heart: "Could it be that I was discovered just now?"

In fact, when Zhao Mumu saw it just now, Su Mu felt his heart jump.

"But if she found me, then why didn't she say it?" This is also what makes Su Mu wonder.

"Forget it." Su Mu knew that now was not the time to think about this. "Don't think about it first, the most important thing now is not to lose them."

Su Mu then continued to follow the temporary workers.

The road in the dense forest is not easy to walk.

The road after entering the mountain is even more difficult to say.

As a temporary worker of an alien, it is called a difficult walk.

"Chiyun Mountain!"

In Su Mu's mind, he found the name of this mountain.

This mountain, like the Yagu Mountains before it, is not a well-known mountain range.

Even Chiyun Mountain and Biagu Mountain do not yet have a sense of existence.

Yagushan, at least the Xiangxi people still know.

Chiyun Mountain, even if it is a Xiangxi person, does not know much.

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