After entering Chiyun Mountain.

Whether it was the temporary worker in front or Su Mu who was following behind, the speed of rushing was much slower.

What used to be a half-hour journey now takes at least an hour, or more.

After walking for about five hours, the sun began to set in the west.

Under the illumination of the western sun, the clouds on Chiyun Mountain turned red like flames.

"It's so beautiful!"

Su Mu looked at the clouds in the sky and sighed secretly in his heart.

"If this place is developed into a tourist area, it is estimated that it will be another popular attraction!"

After eating, the temporary workers began to rest again.

"Needless to say, this Chiyun Mountain Chiyun is really beautiful." Ye Wuliu looked at the red clouds in the sky and couldn't help but sigh. "If you develop this place a little, it is estimated that it will be a good Internet celebrity attraction."

Ye Wuliu's thoughts and Gao Mu's thoughts coincided.

"I said Young Master Ye, it's not me who hit you. If your family really develops here, it will definitely die! Mu

Yunqiao, who wore glasses and was like a student, laughed and complained on the side.

"How do you say this?" Ye Wuliu was not angry because of Muyunqiao's ridicule, he looked at Muyunqiao. "It seems that you know something."

"I have seen some information about Chiyun Mountain before, and it is recorded in the data. Every year, many people climb Chiyun Mountain. The survival rate, however, is only about 10%. "

Muyunqiao has a very smart brain and a very strong memory ability.

You know, he's only 18 years old now.

However, he has already obtained several universities and several bachelor's degrees in different majors.

If it's not a master's degree, it takes time. It is estimated that his master's degree is also quite a few.

"Why? Is it because there are strange beasts in this mountain? Ye Wuliu was completely curious about this.

Mu Yunqiao shook his head: "In my opinion, it seems that there is more than just a different beast.

Zhao Mumu looked at Muyunqiao curiously and asked, "Could it be because of the people of the Immortal Sect?"

"Not necessarily." Mu Yunqiao shook his head with some uncertainty. "When you said that the residence of the Demon Immortal Gate was in this Chiyun Mountain, I was actually very surprised."

"Because since last year, I have been studying this Chiyun Mountain."

Hearing this, everyone showed curious expressions.

Including Zhang Wei, who is silent and silent, the same is true.

"Why study here?" Qiu Nanping's curiosity was also hooked at this time. "Is there any research value here?"

"Do you remember that there was an earthquake in Xiangxi before? An earthquake that was small, slight, and could not even be on TV. Muyunqiao looked around at everyone.

Everyone shook their heads.

Muyunqiao himself said it.

It was an earthquake so small that it wasn't even on TV.

Not to mention other temporary workers, even Qiu Nanping, a temporary worker in charge of this region, does not know.

"So, that earthquake has something to do with Chiyun Mountain?" Zhao Mumu is really good at it.

"Yes." Mu Yunqiao also didn't sell Guanzi, he said directly. "In that earthquake, the people did not lose anything. That is, the geological bureau, it was only observed.

"But after that earthquake, something very strange happened in Chiyun Mountain..."

Everyone widened their eyes and showed curious expressions.

However, the expression on Qiu Nanping's face was a little strange.

As a temporary worker in charge of this area, if something really happened in this Chiyun Mountain, she would definitely know it for the first time.

"I think you're bragging!" Qiu Nanping didn't say anything, but Ye Wuliu jumped out at this time. "Sister Qiu, but the temporary worker in charge of this piece. I don't believe that what she doesn't know, you can know.

"This strange thing alarmed the official. However, it is not the channel through which we eat. For Ye Wuliu's questioning, Muyunqiao was still not angry.

He looked at Ye Wuliu and said with a smile: "So, the people we ate don't know about this."

"Could it be that besides us eating it, there are other official channels?" Zhao Mumu looked at Muyunqiao curiously.

Mu Yunqiao put his hand on his mouth and made a zipper pulling motion.

Ye Wuliu's expression was solemn.

It seems that the two of them know something.

"Since you took the channel that is not our hungry, how do you know?" Zhang Wei, who had not interjected, raised his own questions at this time.

Mu Yunqiao smiled slightly: "Channel, I also have a channel!"

"Go on." Qiu Nanping did not have much entanglement in this issue, she urged. "I really want to know what else is on this Chiyun Mountain."

"Do you know the spirit body?" Mu Yun asked everyone mysteriously.

"Isn't it a ghost, of course I know." Qiu Nanping looked grinning.

But this word 'ghost' scared Zhao Mumu not lightly.

"Ghosts? There are ghosts on this Chiyun Mountain? Zhao Mumu looked around with a pareed face.

"Good fellow, classmate Zhao Mumu, your guts are too small!" Seeing Zhao Mumu like this, Ye Wuliu couldn't help but laugh.

"Fuck off." Qiu Nanping looked at Ye Wuliu and scolded with a smile. "Mumu is a little girl, it's not normal for a little girl to be afraid of ghosts!"

Ye Wuliu immediately shut up, not daring to say anything more.

"It's not a ghost, it's a spirit. Spirit bodies are a very strange existence. Mu Yunqiao looked at everyone and explained. If you have to define a spirit body, it is an energy body between humans and ghosts. With

such an explanation, everyone understood.

"So, there are spirit bodies on this Chiyun Mountain. And those who die, are because of these spirit bodies? Ye Wuliu made a final summary of Mu Yunqiao's words.

"Yes." Mu Yunqiao nodded.

"Then you say that we, will we encounter spirit bodies?"

Zhao Mumu hid behind Qiu Nanping, quietly stretched out half of his head, and asked cautiously.

"Most likely not!" Mu Yunqiao said to Zhao Mumu with a smile.

As soon as Zhao Mumu heard that there was a high probability that he would not, he immediately let go of his heart.

But the expressions of others looking at Muyunqiao were different from Zhao Mumu.

They knew that Muyunqiao had lied.


Seeing that everyone was almost resting, Qiu Nanping said, "Let's continue!" "Good


After everyone got up, they continued to climb the mountain.

"What did they talk about? How did you talk for so long!

Su Mu, who was hiding in the distance, yawned and complained in his heart.

He knew they were resting, but he didn't know what they were talking about during the break.

After all, Su Mu has not yet had the magic of Shunfeng Ear.

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