As the night gradually covered the night sky, everyone found a relatively sheltered place and began to rest.

Whether in the wilderness or in the mountains, rushing at night is a taboo.

And they are now halfway up the mountain.

At this time, they were also very close to the old lair of the Demon Immortal Gate.

So they are ready to nourish their spirits and then act.

In their backpacks, they took out tents that had been prepared long ago.

Because they came on the sly, they didn't start a fire.

I simply ate some canned food and went into the tent to rest.

Of course, there must be a vigil.

The night watchmen in the first group were Qiu Nanping and Zhao Mumu.

Su Mu, who was not far away, saw that everyone began to rest after eating, and cursed wildly in his heart: "Still resting, still TM rest!" The situation is so critical, you can sleep so well? Su

Mu scolded them, not because Su Mu was righteous. It was because Su Mu himself did not bring a tent.

If he had spent the night, he would definitely not be able to eat and eat so comfortably as everyone else.

In desperation, he could only find a tree and snuggle with it.

In the middle of the night, Su Mu suddenly woke up.

He felt that not far from him, there was a very strange energy fluctuation.

"What's the situation?"

Whatever that strange energy fluctuation is.

Out of caution, Su Mu had to check it out.

He quietly came to a place not far from the strange energy fluctuation.

I saw that not far away, there was a stone moving.

The stone is green overall, but it is not very large in size.

In terms of height, it is about 1 meter.

"Stones moving?" For a moment, Su Mu even thought that he was blinded.

The stone is movable, not strange.

Strangely, the stone in front of him is walking on 'legs' just like a human being.

Although the 'legs' of the stone are just two smaller stones.

"What the hell is this?"

Su Mu felt that his world view had a little bit of a problem.


【Stone Spirit】

Level: C Grade (Growth Stage)

Introduction: Stones that evolve due to certain special energies.


Looking at Shi Zhiling's introduction, Su Mu's whole person was not good.

"What's polite? Can stones evolve too? "

As a born-again.

Su Mu prides himself on seeing the world.

But for the first time, a non-living body like a stone can also evolve.

Before being reborn, Su Mu only knew that life forms could evolve.

That was one of the reasons why he was so shocked.

The Stone Spirit is now moving very briskly.

It has neither eyes nor a mouth.

But I don't know if it was an illusion, Su Mu actually felt that it was laughing.

After moving for a while, Shi Zhiling seemed to have adapted and began to walk in one direction.

"Do you want to follow or not?"

Gao Mu was a little hesitant.

The situation of the stone spirit was too strange, so that Su Mu did not know how to choose for a while.

"If you don't follow up and take a look, maybe you can find something good!"

Su Mu thought in his heart, so he quietly followed.

The stone spirit walked happily in front, not noticing at all that he was followed by a human being.

The spirit of the stone is in front, and Su Mu is behind.

This stone alone walked for almost an hour before stopping.

Ahead, there is a very large open space.

In the middle of the clearing, a huge stone rises.

Around the stone, there are many stone spirits.

That's right, it's cross-legged.

In Su Mu's eyes, they were sitting on the ground.

But Su Mu just felt that they were sitting cross-legged.

Among these many stone spirits, not only the green stone spirit, but also many blue stone spirits, and a small number of red stone spirits.

The blue color is different, and the body type of the stone spirit is also different.

Red is the largest and at least about 2 meters tall. It is followed by blue, about 1.5 meters. Finally, it is green, about 1 meter.

The arrival of this green stone spirit made all the stone spirits here open their eyes.

They have no eyes.

But Su Mu just felt that they opened their eyes.

When they saw the green stone spirit, they all jumped up happily.

Then they came to the vicinity of the Green Stone Spirit and surrounded the Green Stone Spirit.

It looks like it's a celebration.

This celebration lasted at least ten minutes.

After the celebration, the spirits of the stones lined up in two rows.

The closest to the Green Stone Spirit is the Green Stone Spirit, followed by blue, and finally red.

At this time, a red stone spirit appeared at the end of the team.

It walked slowly in the direction of the Green Stone Spirit.

Su Mu could see that this red stone spirit should be the king of the stone spirit.


The reason is simple.

For on the head of this red stone spirit wears a crown on his head and holds a scepter in his hand.

Its pace is slow, but very solemn.

Walking up to the Green Stone Spirit, it used the scepter in its hand to lightly tap on the head of the Green Stone Spirit three times.

As the last one fell, the Green Stone Spirit was actually wrapped in a strange halo.

When the halo dissipates.

Su Mu found that the appearance of this green stone spirit had become very brilliant.

After the ceremony, the spirit of the stone began to jump and jump around the spirit of green stone again.

"A group of stones with no less than human intelligence and a sense of race?"

Su Mu was still a little unacceptable.

The reason why people can stand out from the crowd of creatures and become the hegemon of this planet.

The most important reason is because human beings have a sense of race.

"This group of stone spirits will not replace humans in the future and become intelligent creatures on this planet, right?"

Su Mu felt that this was very nonsense.

But, doesn't mean there is no such possibility.





Just as Su Mu was thinking, he suddenly heard a strange voice.

"What a sound!"

He looked in the direction where the voice sounded.

I saw a group of people standing on their feet like human figures. But the body is a strange thing made of water condensation, and it is walking towards the territory of the stone spirit.


【Water Spirit】

Level: C (Growth Stage)

Introduction: When water has human intelligence, what will they do? They will become human.


"Water Spirit? Spirit of Stone? So next, will there be a fire spirit!?

Su Mu felt that his heart was a little unable to hold on.

The Water Spirit, like the Stone Spirit, is also divided into three levels.

The lowest level water spirit, on the wrist of his right hand, wears a metal copper ring.

The higher level is to wear metal copper rings on the wrists of both hands.

The highest level wears copper rings on both hands and a metal necklace around his neck.

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