The appearance of the water spirit made the emotions of the stone spirits begin to become excited.

They stepped forward one after another and confronted the Water Spirit.

And at this moment, a high-level water spirit holding a scepter walked over from the water spirit's team.

In the team of the stone spirit, the high-level stone spirit who was holding the scepter just now also walked out.

In addition to the confrontation, they also made strange noises.

The syllables they make are very strange.

Su Mu didn't understand a word.

But Su Mu could see that the more they spoke, the more excited they became.

When Shi Zhiling was excited, the stone chips on his body flew wildly.

When the water spirit was excited, the water droplets on his body splashed randomly.

The confrontation lasted for more than five minutes.

The two bosses returned to their own teams.

Almost at the same time, the two bosses raised their scepter and pointed at each other.

Under them, they all rushed towards each other.

The attack method of the stone spirit is very strange.

With their 'hands', they lifted the water spirit just now, and then threw it fiercely into the sky.

The feeling should be that I want to 'fall' the water spirit.

The attack method of the water spirit is even more strange.

It is as if there are skateboards under their feet, shuttling between the spirits of stones.

Every time they pass through the body of the stone spirit, they will take away some dirt or stones from the stone spirit.

"What a boring battle!"

If it weren't for these two things, it would be too strange.

Su Mu would never have been here to watch their battle for such a long time.

Don't look at their weird attack methods.

But the effect is very good.

In just ten minutes, both sides had a lot of losses.

On the side of the stone spirit, the number of low-level stone spirits has decreased sharply.

On the water spirit side, the number of middle-tier water spirits has also decreased a lot.

A little equal exchange will find out.

The losses of the two sides are actually not much different.

But even so, the battle continued.

"Are they fighting over something?"

At this time, Su Mu seemed to have thought of something.

After all, these two are spirit beings.

If it weren't for profit, there shouldn't be much conflict between them.

"The Water Spirits invaded the Stone Spirits' territory if they were really fighting for something. Then what they are fighting for must be in the territory of the stone spirit. Thinking

of this, Su Mu's gaze began to search in the territory of the stone spirit.

But after searching for it, Su Mu did not find anything valuable in the territory of the stone spirit.

"Is it just a simple, turf dispute?"

As soon as this idea appeared, it was abandoned by Su Mu.

The Water Spirit and the Stone Spirit are two completely different spirit bodies.

So the territory they need should also be completely different.

The vicinity of the Stone Spirit's territory is all stone and dirt.

On the contrary, the territory of the water spirit should be all water.

Follow the five elements of gossip.

The soil is gram water.

Even if not according to the Eastern five-element gossip, according to Western theories.

Soil also has a certain restraint against water.

Other words.

Even if he occupied the territory of the Stone Spirit, it would not be of much benefit to the Water Spirit.


The battle between them is not necessarily about fighting for territory.

Now that this is established.

Na Su Mu continued to search in the territory of the stone spirit.

After some searching, he really let Su Mu find it.

He found that within the territory of the Stone Spirit, there was a very small stone cave.

How small is the cave?

Children as young as one or two years old may have to bend down to enter.

The cave is shallow, only a dozen centimeters.

Other words.

As long as adult humans reach out, they can directly touch the end of this stone cave.

But strangely.

In the middle of this cave, there is a small spring.

The spring is small, tiny, like the little finger of an adult.

In the spring eye, there is a constant spring of water.

The spring water is blue and has an indescribable magic.

It may be due to the long-term production of water, so depressions have formed near the spring. These depressions look like a bowl.

"Could it be that the spirit of water is for this spring?"

Su Mu looked around.

If the spirit of water really came from something, it must be the spring water.

Thinking of this, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Su Mu's mind.

He summoned the system and then found the mall interface.

Enter Container.

【Water storage bottle】(small)

introduction: can store 1000 ml of water.

Price: 1 credit.

【Water storage bottle】(middle)

introduction: can store 10 liters of water.

Price: 10 points.

【Water storage bottle】(large)

introduction: can store 100 liters of water.

Price: 100 points.

【Water storage bottle】(oversized)

introduction: can store 1000 liters of water.

Price: 1000 points.


The appearance of the water storage bottle is very similar to the bottle of Nongfu Spring.

The difference between small, medium, large, and super large is only the amount of water stored.

The bottles are all the same size.

"Black technology!"

Su Mu muttered.

He glanced at the direction of the spring and secretly calculated in his heart: "Do you want to buy a big one, or buy an oversized one?" "

In the depression of the spring, there is not a lot of water stored.

"Let's buy one!"

Su Mu directly spent 10 points and bought a [Water Storage Bottle] (middle).

After buying it, Su Mu hid his careful aura and quietly walked towards the direction of the stone cave.

The Spirit of Water and the Spirit of Stone are in full swing.

So none of them noticed that at this time there was a wretched human being, approaching their contention.

Coming to the stone cave, Su Mu directly put the water storage bottle in his hand and stretched it in.

What Su Mu didn't expect was.

This water storage bottle actually has a very good skill, that is, it can absorb water.

After the water storage bottle is placed inside, the water storage bottle begins to absorb the water in the depression.

In just a few seconds, the water in the depression was sucked clean by Su Mu's water storage bottle.

He quickly put the water bottle into the system.

Then he left quietly.

Returning to the place where he had rested just now, Su Mu took the water storage bottle out of the system.

【Water storage bottle】(middle)

Storage water: 1 Storage

capacity: 5 liters


Su Mu put the water storage bottle in front of his eyes and shook it slightly.

In the azure water, a little starlight appeared.

"Could it be that this water is..." Su

Mu's eyes widened, and a possibility suddenly appeared in his heart.

"If that's the case, then I'm not rich."

He eagerly opened the lid of the water storage bottle and pressed his nose to the water storage bottle.

As soon as the nose was pasted, a refreshing aroma entered Su Mu's nasal cavity.

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