Before Su Mu was reborn, he had read a book called "World Natural".

The creator of this book was the most famous ranger of his time.

This person had an extremely high cultivation talent, but he was not interested in fighting at all.

His greatest interest is traveling around the world.

After his trip around the world, he compiled his experiences along the way.

And this book is "World Natural".

Every man has the dream of traveling around the world, and Su Muhe is no exception.

But the earth is dangerous, if there is no strength, there is no difference between traveling the world and looking for death.

So he liked the book "World Naturalization".

He read this book no less than ten times.

He knew most of the book.

The author of the book, while traveling to the shores of the East China Sea, he stumbled upon a spring.

The spring is very small, and the amount of water that is swallowed every year is very small.

However, after research, the author found that the water swallowed by this spring has a very miraculous ability.

When refining medicine, as long as a drop is dropped, the medicinal properties will be turned upside down.

The time of forging, as long as a drop is dropped, no matter how ordinary the material is, it will turn decay into magic.

Of course, that's not where it's the most awesome.

The most powerful part of it is that a drop can live and die, flesh and bones.


Therefore, many geniuses in the sub-profession have paid high prices and want to ask for a drop.

But no one but the author of the book found this spring again.

The author of the book also gave this spring a very nice name.

Because the water comes from the sea, and it is still blue. So the author, it's called this water: The Mystery of La Mer.

"Isn't this a fortune!"

Su Mu's heart was ecstatic.

Of course, the wealth he talks about is not money.

After all, he has [Unlimited Black Card].

As a reborn, Su Mu knew very well the value of the mystery of La Mer.

A drop, to say a heaven-level inferior art, not to say how easy, but it is not a difficult thing.

If you have five drops, you can even change a heaven-grade exotic art.

5 liters, how many drops, this is simply impossible to count.

"If there is this sea blue mystery, I can even go to Liu Hei to exchange some secret recipes for elixirs."

Liu Hei is blind and is the most powerful elixir master after the revival of Reiki.

However, he became famous, indeed before the reiki was revived.

Su Mu also asked the old Heavenly Master specially because of Liu Hei's blindness before.

Old Heavenly Master told Su Mu.

Liu Hei is blind in Huaxia.

Moreover, it is very easy to find.

And the old heavenly master also told Su Mu the address of Liu Hei blind.

"But all this will have to wait until the Immortal Gate is wiped out."

The most urgent task now is to eliminate the Immortal Sect.

Other things, no rush.

After studying the mystery of La Mer, Su Mu took it back into the system again.

He then continued to monitor the resting places of the temporary workers.

One night without a word, the next morning.

Su Mu, who fell asleep against the big tree, suddenly woke up.

He subconsciously looked at the place where the temporary workers had eaten.

They had already begun to dismantle the tent by this time.

When the tent was dismantled, they put it in their backpacks.

Then they found a relatively hidden place and buried their backpacks.

"It seems that they are ready to act."

The act of burying a backpack is obviously reducing the load.

After waiting for the backpack to be buried, Qiu Nanping asked, "Are you ready?"

Everyone nodded in unison.

In this team, there is actually no so-called captain.

But everyone still defaulted to Qiu Nanping as the captain.

The reason is very simple, it is because Qiu Nanping has very strong leadership skills.

"Since everyone is ready, let's go!"

Qiu Nanping said, and walked in one direction first.

After eating all the temporary workers, they also followed.

It didn't take long for them to reach the top of the mountain.

Over a large rock, a village suddenly appeared in front of you.

"Village? Is there something wrong with our intelligence, or is the address wrong? Seeing

the village, Ye Wuliu couldn't help but ask.

Qiu Nanping obviously had the same questions as Ye Wuliu.

She raised her right hand slightly, and then lightly poked it twice with her finger.

A holographic map appears in front of you.

She glanced at the map, then at the direction of the village, and said in a deep voice: "The map is right, this village in front of you is the residence of the Demon Immortal Gate!" Hearing

this, everyone was shocked.

"Let's observe!"

Qiu Nanping said.

Finding a relatively hidden place, Qiu Nanping took out a telescope and began to observe.

Her telescope is a black technology eaten.

It seems that it is no different from ordinary telescopes.

However, both stability and distance have been greatly improved.

Slowly zoom in on the screen.

Qiu Nanping saw a harmonious scene.

Other people can also see the picture on the telescope through the watch on the wrist of the mobile phone.

"How does this look like an ordinary village!" Mu Yunqiao said softly.

Judging from the picture, it is indeed an ordinary village.

In the village, men plow the fields and women weave cloth.

Children are playing, old people are gossiping.

Not only that, but they even saw a few old ladies chewing their wives' tongues.

It's an ordinary village.

"That's not right." At this time, Qiu Nanping seemed to have discovered something.

She moves the telescope.

In the middle of the village, there is a small vacant lot.

Behind the vacant lot, there is a building similar to an ancestral hall.

The door of the ancestral hall opened.

Through the telescope, the temporary workers could see clearly.

In this ancestral hall, not the tablets of the ancestors are enshrined, but five statues.

The statue is resplendent and very imposing.

"Toads, centipedes, scorpions, geckos, vipers!"

"What they enshrine is the five poisons! Which normal village will enshrine the five poisons in the ancestral hall! Everyone

also saw the five poisons in the ancestral hall at this time.

"That's right." Zhao Mumu closed his eyes slightly, as if he was feeling something. "In this village, I feel an indescribable haze."

"This kind of haze is definitely not what an ordinary village should have."

"So what should we do next?" Even the cynical Ye Wuliu was a little difficult at this time.

Even if this village in front of you is really the residence of the Demon Immortal Gate.

Then they don't know how to start.

Because there are many old people, children, and women in this village.

On the surface, at least, these people are innocent.

"Tu Village!"

Qiu Nanping spat out two words from his mouth with difficulty.

For these two words, none of the temporary workers really showed puzzlement or other expressions.

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