"You know a lot!"

Liu Tong looked at Su Mu with a gloomy expression.

"Now, talk about it! What is the situation of your Immortal Sect? Su Mu asked Liu Tong.

Don't look at him now, he has already hit the station of the Immortal Gate.

But what is the specific situation of the Immortal Gate, he really doesn't know.

"Do you think I'll tell you about the situation of the Immortal Gate?" Liu Tong's face was full of mocking smiles.

"First of all, I'm not the one who eats it." Su Mu smiled and spoke to Liu Tong.

Hearing this, Liu Tong was a little puzzled.

He didn't quite understand why Su Mu said this.

"I'm not an official person, so my means. Probably more cruel than the official people. Su Mu smiled and spoke to Liu Tong.

"Just kidding." As soon as Su Mu's words fell, he heard Ye Wuliu not far away say. "Our official people are professionally trained. Therefore, your means cannot be crueler than ours.

"Yes?" After Su Mu glanced at Ye Wuliu with disdain, he said with a slightly mocking tone. "How about we compete?"

"Good." Ye Wuliu's competitive spirit instantly gained the upper hand. "Compare with one, I'm afraid of you!"

Hearing this, Liu Tong and Meng Santong were instantly stunned.

"Don't." Liu Tong quickly waved his hand frantically. "You guys want to compete, I don't object at all. But when you compete, can you not use me as a target?

"Yes, yes!" Meng Santong, who fell to the ground, also shouted. "You are competing and competing, but isn't it a little bad for you to gamble with our lives."

"Snap!" As soon as Su Mu raised his hand, he slapped Liu Tong. "Shut up Lao Tzu. Otherwise, Lao Tzu will cut your tongue first.

Liu Tong obediently closed his mouth.


At this time, Ye Wuliu also gave Meng Santong a slap.

Meng Santong's eyes widened, and he looked at Ye Wuliu with a shocked face: "Why did you hit me?" Haven't I stopped talking anymore? "

Did I keep you from talking?" Ye Wuliu was not generally unreasonable, he glared angrily at the dream three links. "If he doesn't let him speak, you don't speak, are you his grandson?"

"I said, I said it's not okay?" Dream Three Tee is very aggrieved.


Ye Wuliu gave Meng Santong another big mouth.

"Did I let you talk?"

Meng Santong had tears in his eyes and a face full of grievances.

Qiu Nanping and Zhao Mumu, who were the audience, covered their mouths and snickered on the side.

"These two buddies, really bring out the three words of unreasonableness, and play them to the fullest."

"I want to say, who is stronger in the means of these two buddies."

Compared with the two girls, Zhang Wei and Mu Yunqiao are not completely watching the excitement.

"Okay, I'm going to do it." Su Mu said, and he was about to start making a move on Liu Tong.

Before Liu Tong could react, one of his fingers had been broken off by Su Mu.

"That's it?" Liu Tong, whose finger was broken, did not have a painful expression on his face. The corners of his mouth rose, and he even showed an expression of enjoyment. "That's it? That's it? I think, how good are you? Unexpectedly, it's just this little trick? Laughed me to death. "

Teasing me?" Su Mu looked at Liu Tong.

"Yes." Liu Tong nodded.

Su Mu smiled slightly: "This is just a warm-up, the good show has not yet begun!" "

Blow it." Liu Tong looked at Su Mu with disdain and continued to mock. "These methods of yours are just pediatrics for me. Don't say that it's for me to say about the Immortal Gate, I'll just say so. As long as I yell, I lose! "

Liu Tong is very confident.

In the face of Liu Tong's mockery, Su Mu's face did not change at all.

"Well, since you said so, then the warm-up is not necessary. I, ah, serve you a big dish directly! Su

Mu pinched the sword technique with his right hand.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!"

Low roar.

A purple flame danced at the tips of Su Mu's fingers.

Seeing the flames on the tips of Su Mu's fingers, Liu Tong continued to mock: "Good fellow, you don't think that this little thing can scare me, right?"

"Buddy, the Dao Mountain and the Sea of Fire have broken through, this little flame is for me..." Before

Liu Tong's words were finished, his face suddenly changed.

The flames on the tips of Su Mu's fingers were less than ten centimeters away from him.

But it's such a short distance.

Let Liu Tong feel that his soul is trembling.

"You... You...... What are you doing? His

face was full of panic.

And he who said cruel things just now, it is like two people.

"Keep taunting." Su Mu looked at Liu Tong with a smile and said. "I still want to hear your cruel words, why don't you say it? Isn't what you just said very good?

"Big brother, I know it's wrong." At this time, Liu Tong began to beg for mercy.

After eating, the remaining four people all showed surprised expressions when they saw this scene.

"What is the flame on the tip of his finger? Why did that man feel so frightened?

"I don't know! But it seems that the flame should be very powerful.

"Very powerful? I think it shouldn't be that simple!

"Although we are far away from the flame, I always feel that this flame is extraordinary."


After eating, everyone became curious about Su Mu's flame.

"Can I say it now?" Su Mu asked Liu Tong.

The trembling of his soul made Liu Tong tremble.

"You... You...... What do you want to know?

Liu Tong was very afraid of the flame on the tip of Su Mu's finger.

"Who is the current boss of your Immortal Sect?" This is the most critical question.

"I don't know." Liu Tong shook his head directly.

"Don't know?" Su Mu glared angrily at Liu Tong.

At the same time, his fingers also leaned towards Liu Tong.

"I don't know, I really don't know." Liu Tong was about to cry.

From his expression, you can see that he probably really doesn't know. Who is the current boss of the Immortal Gate.

"Why don't you know?"

As the owner of Wang Zhao.

Even if Liu Tong's status in the Demon Immortal Gate is low, it is impossible not to know who the boss of the Demon Immortal Gate is.

"We are all in one-line contact. I don't even know who my boss is. Liu Tong said tremblingly.

As he said, the afterglow of his eyes did not forget to look at the flames.

Hearing this, Su Mu felt a little puzzled.

"Then how did you and your boss get in touch?" Su Mu asked again.

"He knows my phone number and will reach out to me if something happens." Liu Tong said again.

Su Mu asked, "Then the phone number he contacted you is all disposable?" "

A disposable phone number is too easy to buy in any place.

"Yes." Liu Tong nodded affirmatively.

Seeing Liu Tong's affirmation, Su Mu suddenly felt a little headache.

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