Dream three links, more than Liu Tong has no bones.

Ye Wuliu had barely been tortured, and Mengsitong had revealed everything he knew about the Immortal Sect.

The information that Ye Wuliu asked was actually very similar to the information that Su Mu asked.

Just when everyone was helpless, Su Mu suddenly sensed something.

He turned his head sharply.

I saw that not far away, a black shadow flashed.

"You guys leave two people, watch them!" After Su Mu finished speaking, he chased in the direction of the black shadow.

"Mu Yunqiao, Zhang Wei, you stay here. Ye Wuliu, Zhao Mumu, follow me to chase! "

Qiu Nanping's reaction speed is really fast.


There was no objection from the crowd.

The speed of the black shadow is extremely fast.

"Swift Step!"

Su Mu could only open this strange technique in order to barely keep up with the other party.

The dark shadow seemed to be very familiar with the terrain of the village.

After three circles and two circles, he disappeared in front of Su Mu's eyes.

Su Mu stopped.

At this time, the three people who had eaten also followed.

"Lost it?" Qiu Nanping asked Su Mu.

"Nope!" Su Mu shook his head.

"I didn't follow it, so why didn't you follow?" Ye Wuliu asked anxiously on the side.

"If you TM talk nonsense, believe it or not, Lao Tzu will give you a crooked face?" After Su Mu glanced at Ye Wuliu, he said coldly.

Now Ye Wuliu has perfectly shown what it means to be angry and dare not speak.

"Why didn't you follow?" Zhao Mumu asked again.

Su Mu glanced at Zhao Mumu and said in a very soft tone: "Because I want to see what this buddy wants to do when he leads us here."

The softness of that tone made Ye Wuliu feel the urge to beat Su Mu violently.

"Where did he go? How about we go after it first? Qiu Nanping said to Su Mu.

Su Mu shook his head: "Can't move anymore." "

What's wrong?" Qiu Nanping asked Su Mu, looking puzzled.

Su Mu pointed ahead, an inconspicuous stone and said, "That stone is the formation eye of the formation. With the stone as the center, with a radius of about ten meters, it is all formations. "

After eating the three of them, look in the direction of the stone.

From the expressions of the three, it could be seen that they obviously did not believe Su Mu's words.

"How did you figure it out?" Zhao Mumu asked Su Mu with an innocent and cute look.

"I have the Eye of Heaven!" Su Mu said half-jokingly.

Su Mu's so-called Heavenly Eye is Tongyu.

Tongyu's strange technique is simply against the sky. He let Su Mu see many things that others could not see.

From the expressions of the few people who ate it, it could be seen that they obviously didn't believe Su Mu's words.

"Don't believe it?" Su Mu asked with a smile.

Su Mu looked left and right.

Just when everyone was puzzled and Su Mu was looking for something, he directly picked up a stone from the ground.

Before everyone could react, Su Mu directly threw the stone forward.

As soon as the stone landed.

Flames, falling rocks, fire, and lightning strikes fell from the sky.

In an instant, small stones become powder.

When everyone saw this scene, their eyes widened.

"See." Su Mu spread his hands.

"Brother." Ye Wuliu gave Su Mu a thumbs up. "You're a real bull!"

"The lowest formation, the Little Four Formation! Don't look at this is the lowest end formation!

"If any of you break in, you will surely die!"

Su Mu was telling the truth.

The Little Four Law Formation is certainly the lowest end formation.

But the strength of this low-end formation cannot be underestimated.

The most powerful thing about this formation is that it can attack the same target four times in a short period of time.

"So what's next, what do we do next?"

Qiu Nanping looked at Su Mu.

Unconsciously, Qiu Nanping had recognized Su Mu's strength.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have asked Su Mu what to do.

Ye Wuliu and Zhao Mumu looked at Qiu Nanping with strange eyes.

The time they had known Qiu Nanping was not short at all.

But like the situation in front of them, they really saw it for the first time.

"I want to think!"

Su Mumo clenched his chin.

Now, they either bypass it or break the formation.

If you go around, it won't take long.

But Su Mu was worried that the enemy hiding in the shadows would take advantage of their detour and slip away.

Then now the fastest and best option, that is, to break the formation.

There are three main elements of the formation.

The door of life, the door of death, the eye of formation.

After entering the formation, as long as you find the raw door at the first time, you can break the formation.

Su Mu looked around the formation.

After searching in a circle, a smile appeared at the corner of Su Mu's mouth.

Got it.

Su Mu found the birth gate of the formation.

"I'll go first, I'll let you in and come in again!"

Su Mu said to everyone who had eaten.

But before everyone could react, Su Mu took the lead and entered the formation.

"This brother is really a high-ranking artist!" Seeing this, Ye Wuliu's eyes widened.

Su Mu just entered the formation.

I saw a small crack appear above his head.

The crack slowly opened, and small stones fell from the crack.

"Swift Step!"

Su Mu directly increased his speed to the extreme.

A second before the stone fell, Su Mu left.

And the next second the stone fell, a flame appeared on the ground.

Entering the formation, turning on the speed of the rapid step, he rushed to the formation door at the first time.

"This big brother's speed and reaction are also too fast. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to dodge falling rocks! Ye Wuliu said in shock.

"Me too." Qiu Nanping stared at Su Mu and nodded very seriously. "The most I can do is avoid the fire."

"Me too." Zhao Mumu swallowed his saliva and said with an unconfident look. "I may not even be able to avoid the fire!"

"Who the hell is this brother? Why do I think his strength should not be much worse than that of the Heavenly Master! Ye Wuliu was speechless.

He felt that Su Mu's age should be about the same as himself.

It is obviously about the same age as himself, but his strength is much stronger than himself.

Ye Wuliu, as the proud son of heaven, felt that he was very hurt.

While Ye Wuxi sighed, Su Mu had already rushed to the door of the formation.


Su Mu stomped on the ground with his right foot.

Strands of flame spread from the soles of Su Mu's feet and spread straight towards the birth gate of the formation.


Su Mu heard a crisp sound.

Looking at the formation.

In the formation, cracks have already appeared.

Su Mu stomped his right foot again.


The crisp sound is loud again.

The rift in the formation is constantly expanding.

"Heaven-shaking God Fist!"

Su Mu did not stomp his foot again this time.

I saw that his right hand was clenched and hit straight towards the formation door.

The golden fist, with infinite momentum, hit straight towards the birth gate of the formation.



Two voices sounded one after the other.

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