Since both of them are dead, then they are of little value.

Su Mu found a place to rest and recover.

The five-person group that had eaten was getting together and whispering.

"Who the hell is this big brother? I really want to know who he really is.

"Since he is wearing a mask, he definitely doesn't want us to know his identity."

"I feel that the strength of this big brother should be a fight with the old heavenly master."

"Such a bullish character, if you can join us to eat, we will not be invincible if we eat."


Everyone was really curious about Su Mu's identity.

But they're also smart people.

Curiosity was curiosity, but none of them planned to explore Su Mu's true identity.

"How's the rest?"

Su Mu, who had fully recovered his state, got up and looked at the group of five.

"Already rested."

Qiu Nanping said to Su Mu.

"Let's go then!"

Su Mu nodded, and then walked towards the direction of the Golden Arch first.

The crowd followed.

Su Mu was as imposing as a rainbow, and the five people followed behind Su Mu.

It felt like a big brother with five little brothers.

It didn't take long for the group to come to the vicinity of the Golden Arch.

Approaching the Golden Arch, Su Mu carefully observed the stones on the Golden Arch.

The reason why the stones here are golden is not because the stones are made of gold.

Rather, the surface of the stone was coated with a layer of golden yellow paint.

What exactly is this layer of golden pigment, Su Mu did not study the appearance.

In addition to this golden pigment, Su Mu also found that there were many strange patterns carved on this golden stone.

These strange patterns look like runes.

Su Mu did not have much involvement in this aspect.

In desperation, he could only look at the group of five who had eaten Mo: "Who of you knows, the runes on this." Zhang

Wei, the most honest of the five, walked up.

He stroked the golden stone with his hand, as if to confirm something.

After stroking for a while, Zhang Wei nodded: "Sure enough." Obviously

, Zhang Wei saw something.

But no one bothered Zhang Wei.

After stroking the golden stone, Zhang Wei began to seriously study the runes on the golden stone.

"Senjiawen." After looking at it for a while, Zhang Wei said to everyone with great certainty. "The rune on this golden stone arch is the Immortal Jia script."

"Immortal Jiawen?" Su Mu's face was clouded.

Even though Su Mu was a reborn, it was the first time he had heard of such a thing as Immortal Jiawen.

Seeing Su Mu's hooded expression, Ye Wuliu next to him couldn't help but explain: "Fifty years ago, the predecessor organization Huaxia Post found an armor in an ancient tomb.

"The armor is indestructible, even with the most advanced weapons at that time, it cannot cause the slightest damage to the armor. Therefore, the people of Huaxia Post at that time believed that this armor was the armor of immortals.

"Later, when the people of Huaxia Post studied the armor, they found that there were many runes on the armor. They copied down the runes one by one and named them Xianjiawen.

Su Mu nodded as if he understood something.

"What does the Xianjiawen above mean?" Qiu Nanping asked Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei shook his head: "I can only be sure that this is Xianjiawen." But what exactly it means, I don't know.

Su Mu scratched his head.

If you can decipher this immortal script, you may be able to know the function of this golden arch.

But in the case of undecipherable decipherment, Su Mu could not guess for a while.

"You say, will the function of this door be a common portal in novels?" Mu Yunqiao voiced his guess.

"What about trouble?" Ye Wuliu looked at Mu Yunqiao and said in a slightly low-tone tone. "You said it all, it's a product of fiction. In the real world, how can there be a portal? You say yes, big brother! "

The eldest brother in Ye Wuliu's mouth is Su Mu.

So after speaking, he set his gaze on Su Mu's body.

Su Mu did not speak, but frowned.

Because when Mu Yunqiao said the portal, Su Mu thought of something.

After the revival of Reiki, mankind experienced many great wars.

One of the big battles, Su Mu remembered it vividly.

As for the reason, it's very simple.

That was because of that big war, and Su Mu was also a participant.

That great battle was the longest battle after the revival of Reiki.

The endless stream of exotic beasts poured into the battlefield, as if there was no end.

On the third day of the war, humans sent strong people to find out the reason for the endless flow of exotic beasts.

Under the investigation of the strong, the reason really let them find it.

At the back of the alien beast, there were three huge stone gates.

There are spatial fluctuations on the stone door.

The beasts of foreign animals poured out from the stone gate.

If it weren't for the human powerhouse, burning life would shatter the stone gate. That battle may be the last battle of mankind.

Later, a human powerhouse said that the three stone gates may be the legendary space gates.

It's a space gate, not a portal.

A portal is a teleportation from one place to another.

Space doors, in the case of teleportation, are teleported from one space to another.

"That door, it may be a space door!" Su Mu said to the group of five.

"Space door?"

Compared to portals, space doors are more mysterious.

Seeing that everyone looked disbelieving, Su Mu didn't bother to explain.

"This door should be connected to another space. And this space door is here, then the other side of this door. Most likely, it is the real station of the Demon Immortal Gate. Su Mu said to the five.

"So?" Zhao Mumu asked puzzled. "Assuming what you say is true, this space door really connects to another space. But how do we activate this space gate?

"That's a good question, don't ask it next time." Su Mu looked at Zhao Mumu.

Zhao Mumu stuck out his tongue cutely.

"Since we don't know, how to open the door of this space. So can we wait and open the door of this space themselves? Su Mu looked at the five people.

"Wait for the rabbit?" Zhang Weidao.


Now, there is only one way.

For everyone, waiting for the rabbit is a very stupid choice.

But there is no way.

This stupid choice is the best solution so far.

"Then wait!"

Anyway, everyone has time.

Su Muben thought that he would wait a long time.

But what I didn't expect was.

As night approached, the crowd heard a strange voice.

Then subconsciously looked in the direction of the golden arch.

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