The golden arch is shimmering, as if there is a curtain of water.

Just when the fivesome ate and wanted to move.

Su Mu stretched out his hand to stop them.

Just when they were full of doubts.

Inside the Golden Arch, the water curtain began to ripple.

Everyone saw a head sticking out of the water curtain.

That's a bald head.

Under the moonlight, the bald head reflects a dazzling light.

Because the group hides very well.

So the bald head did not detect them.

After making sure that there was no one around, the bald head walked out of the water curtain.

"Swift Step!"

Su Mu came directly behind the bald head with a thunderous momentum.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand was directly across the neck of the bald head.

"If you don't want to die, you will answer whatever I ask." Of course, if you want to die, I don't mind fulfilling you. Su Mu's indifferent voice sounded from the bald head's ears.

After eating the five, they also came out of the shadows at this time.

"You... You...... What do you want to ask? I

don't know if it was because he was too nervous, and the voice of the bald head sounded a little trembling.

"Who are you? What is this place? I will only give you ten seconds to answer my question, and I will judge within those ten seconds whether what you said is true or false.

"If you dare to tell a lie, I will still wipe your neck."

The bald head was a little hesitant.


When the bald head hesitated, Su Mu began to count down.

"I say, I say!" The bald head quickly sorted out his thoughts and said. "My name is Sun Sanqiang, and I am a core member of the Demon Immortal Gate."

"Inside this gate, it is the residence of the Immortal Gate."

Su Mu did not speak, but pasted the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand to Sun Sanqiang's neck.

The cold touch made Sun Sanqiang's body tremble.

"I'm telling the truth, I'm telling the truth." Sun Sanqiang lowered his voice and said with a slight begging. "Don't kill me, don't kill me."

"How many people are there in the Immortal Gate station now?" Su Mu continued to ask.

"The sect master and the five great elders of the Immortal Sect are all here."

When Su Mu heard this, he felt a little surprised.

"How is it so coincidental? Why would the sect master and the five great elders of your Immortal Sect be there at the same time? Su Mu asked Sun Sanqiang puzzled.

Because Sun Sanqiang was facing away from Su Mu, Su Mu did not find out.

The corners of Sun Sanqiang's mouth outlined a sinister smile at this time.

"The reason is simple." At this time, another voice sounded. "Because we are in the Immortal Gate, we want to completely annihilate the five temporary workers who have eaten."

The sudden sound made everyone slightly stunned.

Look towards the source of the sound.

I saw a middle-aged man, with four middle-aged people, walking out of the water curtain.

This middle-aged man is not very tall.

And whether it is in appearance or figure, it is very ordinary.

This kind of person is the kind of person who looks at it once in the crowd and doesn't look at it a second time.

"Boss." Sun Sanqiang, who was held hostage by Su Mu, looked at the middle-aged man and said with a slight invitation to credit. "How's that, my acting skills are okay, right?"

"Good." The middle-aged man nodded to Sun Sanqiang and said with great appreciation. "Your acting skills are very good, wait until this matter is over. I will definitely award you a little golden man. The

middle-aged man and Sun Sanqiang chatted in a very relaxed tone.

It's like chatting about home.

"Good guys, you really don't treat me like a human being." Su Mu looked at the middle-aged man unpleasantly.

"You're not the one who ate it." The middle-aged man asked Su Mu. "Who are you?" Why do you want to make a move against me? "

It's just a nobody." Su Mu said to the middle-aged man with a smile.

"Nobody?" The middle-aged man shook his head and said with a smile. "If you're a nobody, you're a nobody. Then aren't all our people in the Immortal Sect all rubbish? "

Boss." Sun Sanqiang scratched his head and said a little bored. "Let's hurry up! Start early, finish early! At this point in time, "Let's Go to See the Meteor Shower" has been updated, and I still have to chase it.

"Good." After the boss glanced at Sun Sanqiang, he nodded with a smile. "Since you are so anxious to go back to watch the TV series, then let's hurry!"

After the boss finished speaking, he turned his head to look at the four people behind him.

"Quick fix, don't waste time!"


The four nodded in unison and took a step forward.

The four were two men and two women.

The clothes on their bodies are some world-renowned top luxury brands.

The most interesting thing is that the appearance of these four people is very high.

It belongs to the kind of appearance that can instantly gain countless fans as long as you enter the entertainment industry.

"Good fellow." Su Mu looked at the four and complained. "Your appearance is so high, you don't go to the entertainment industry, but you are a villain here. I don't know, what do you think.

"Dude, let me go!" At this time, Sun Sanqiang, who was in front of Su Mu, said with a smile. "If you don't let me go, I'm going to do it."

"Okay." Su Mu said in a very flat tone. "Since you want to die so much, then I will send you to Xitian first!"

"Hahaha!" Su Mu's words seemed like a big joke to Sun Sanqiang. "Since I dare to come and take you as a hostage, then I don't think you can kill me."

"Can't kill you?"

Su Mu smiled slightly.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!"

Su Mu's right hand trembled slightly.

The purple flames instantly covered the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

The Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword was very close to Sun Sanqiang.

So the moment the flame appeared, Sun Sanqiang's body trembled with fear.

"What is this flame? What is it? Sun Sanqiang shouted.

But Su Mu ignored Sun Sanqiang's shout.

"Didn't you just break a bull? How do you know to be scared now? Su Mu turned on the mode of crazy mockery.

"Let me go, let me go!"

Sun Sanqiang, who was still very bullish just now, began to beg for mercy.

Seeing this, the master of the Immortal Gate felt very wrong.

He shouted angrily to the other four: "Do it, do it!" The

four did not hesitate, and rushed directly in the direction of Su Mu.

After eating, the five people looked at each other very tacitly, and then greeted the four people.

"Don't play with you guys, game over!"

After Su Mu finished speaking, he stabbed the Falling Xia Zhen Soul Sword into Sun Sanqiang's body.


The double pain of body and soul made Sun Sanqiang begin to scream miserably.

Sun Sanqiang's death is only a matter of time.

So Su Mu didn't waste time on him anymore.

"Fight me?"

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