White Dew Plains.

A plain surrounded by mountains.

This is a very peculiar terrain.

It may also be because of the peculiar terrain comparison, which led to the birth of the Extreme Yang Land here.

If you want to enter the White Dew Plain, you have to climb over a mountain.

Tuxian Mountain is a necessary place to enter the Bailu Plain.

At the foot of Tu Xian Mountain, Su Mu's expression was very indifferent.

Beside him, stood Song Yu.

Lu Zhenghao originally wanted to come.

But it was stopped by Su Mu.

"Mr. Su." Song Yu stood beside Su Mu with a difficult face. "Don't you really need me to accompany you in?"

"No need." Su Mu shook his head and glanced at Song Yu. "Your strength is too poor, if you go in with me, I'm afraid it will hold me back."

Sometimes, the truth is very harsh.

When the people around them heard this, they all showed incredible expressions.

These people are all people under the Yuelu Group.

They have also heard a little about Song Yu's character.

The manager of the security department has a bad temper at all.

There were rumors within the group before.

There was a newly arrived employee of the security department, who came to the security department on the pretext that he was a relative of a high-ranking person.

Not only that, he also provoked Song Yu very arrogantly.

Can Song Yu get used to him?

Definitely not.

Song Yu directly beat the relatives of the high-level to death.

When the top management learned the news, they were very angry.

He had personally gone to Song Yu to ask for an explanation.

But it turned out to be the same as his relatives.

That high-level was not only beaten by Song Yu, but even removed from the group.

From that time on, Song Yu was an existence that no one in the entire group dared to provoke.

Su Mugang said this in front of Song Yu.

Everyone seemed to have foreseen Su Mu's fate.

But the next scene surprised them.

"Since Mr. Su said so, then I am here to wait for Mr. Su's return!" Song Yu said very well-behaved.

"My God, is this still our manager Song who beats others up when he doesn't agree with each other?"

"Am I mistaken, or is there a bug in this world?" It's not scientific at all.

"It's not scientific, I don't know, but I think I must be dreaming."

"I understand the reason, but I still can't accept this scene in front of me."


None of the people who said these words were from the Ministry of Security.

The people of the security department did not show any surprised expressions at the scene in front of them.

Most of the people in the Security Department had witnessed Su Mu's strength with their own eyes.

"Okay." Su Mu nodded and said to Song Yu. "If nothing else, I'll be back in three days!"

After speaking, Su Mu picked up his backpack and walked towards Tu Xianshan.

When Su Mu's back disappeared completely from Song Yu's eyes.

Song Yu turned his head and ordered with a serious face: "Set up camp immediately!" "


Under Song Yu's training, the people of the Security Department can be described as well-trained.

In just ten minutes, a camp was set up.

Su Mu came to the foot of Tu Xian Mountain and looked at Tu Xian Mountain.

"It should be easy to cross this Tuxian Mountain!"

Whether before or after the crossing.

Su Mu didn't have any memories of this Tu Xianshan.

After the revival of Reiki, global technology has entered a stage of stagnation.

But this period of stagnation lasted only three years.

Three years later, Earth technology began to grow at a very strange rate.

Before Su Mu crossed over.

The technology before the earth has surpassed the current technology for at least 100 years.

At that time, any message once it appears.

The news will spread around the world in just ten seconds.

Su Mu had no news about Tu Xianshan.

That means that before the rebirth, there were no major events in Tu Xianshan.

At least that's what Su Mu thinks.

After a simple repair, Su Mu stepped into the range of Tu Xianshan.

"This..." Quickly

Tu Xianshan, Su Mu was calmed by the aura in Tu Xianshan.

The aura of this place is very abundant.

"With such an abundance of aura, this Tu Xianshan, shouldn't be unknown!"

You know, it's still before Reiki is revived.

All over the world, except for those well-known mountains. Although the other mountains had aura, they would definitely not shock Su Mu.

If said.

Previously, Gu Taishan's aura was level 7.

Then Tu Xianshan's current aura is level 10.

In other words, Tu Xianshan's aura concentration is 3 levels higher than that of Ancient Tai Mountain.

This degree of aura concentration, even after the revival of aura, is definitely a very terrifying existence.

"In such a place with abundant spiritual energy, why is it not famous at all after that?" Su Mu's brows frowned slightly.

This matter seems to be a little abnormal in itself.

"Do you want to practice first?"

As an alien, improving the realm is always the first thing.

He found a relatively hidden corner and began to sit cross-kneeled.

From all around, spiritual energy continued to flow towards Su Mu.

Su Mu closed his eyes and cultivated.

The realm is also rising like a rocket.

In less than ten minutes, Su Mu's realm came to the Concentration Fivefold.

As soon as the realm reached the fifth level of concentration, Su Mu opened his eyes.

"It's really cool to practice in this place!"

After Su Mu sighed, he continued to close his eyes and cultivate.

It took ten minutes to go from the fourth to the fifth to the contemplative.

However, it took a full hour to go from the fifth to the sixth level of concentration.

And after Su Mu's realm came to the sixth level of concentration, no matter how hard he tried, the realm could no longer be improved.

After another two hours, Su Mu slowly stood up.

Although the aura here could not make Su Mu's realm go further.

But the aura here could allow Su Mu to consolidate his realm.

After some consolidation, Su Mu felt that his strength had improved a lot.


Su Mu got up and moved his body.

The improvement of the realm has also allowed his body to evolve a lot.

After a brief rest, Su Mu looked towards the top of Tu Xian Mountain.

Tu Xianshan is not high.

Visually from the bottom of the mountain to the top, it is less than 5 kilometers.

This five-kilometer distance is out of reach for ordinary people.

But for a stranger like Su Mu, it was very relaxed.

If nothing else, Su Mu would be able to reach the top in ten minutes.

But the more you say "no accidents", the more likely it is to have accidents.

As soon as he took two steps, the strange beast appeared in front of his eyes.

Looking at this strange beast, Su Mu's face showed a surprised expression.

"It's really good luck to meet this strange beast!"

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