【Fire Quirrel】

Level: C (Juvenile)

Introduction: This is an alien beast evolved from squirrels, named because of the abundance of fire gill fruits in the place where it lives.


"Fire squirrel? Fire gilt fruit? When Su Mu saw the fire dill fruit, his eyes bloomed with essence.

This fire fruit is a very rare fruit.

The reason why it is rare is because this fire fruit contains the element of fire.

If you take this fire dill fruit, you may get the fire element.

In Huaxia's Inhuman system, few people specialize in one element.

Therefore, this has led many people to mistakenly think that Huaxia's aliens disdain to use elements.

Quite the opposite.

Huaxia people are still very interested in elements.

After all, the first five lines are about the elements.

The fire gill rat is red overall, but on its back and tail, there are golden fire gill stripes, which is why it is called the fire gild rat.

The size of this fire squirrel is probably equivalent to a golden retriever.

Coupled with a fluffy hair, it makes people feel very cute.

But it is such a cute exotic beast, but its combat power is very strong.

Don't look at the realm of this fire squirrel, only C-level and still in juvenile stage.

But the real strength should be in the C-level growth period. Even, it is possible to reach the C-level maturity stage.


This fire squirrel, seeing that Su Mu did not move, grinned at Su Mu.

For a while, Su Mu didn't know what it was expressing.

"Are you trying for me to help you?" Su Mu did not see hostility in the eyes of the fire gild rat.

So Su Mu deduced that this fire squirrel wanted to let himself help it.

The fire squirrel nodded, his eyes full of eagerness pointing in one direction.

Then it jumped up and ran in that direction.

After Su Mu glanced left and right, he actually made the god follow.

The fire squirrel seemed to be very familiar with this woods.

It ran wildly without the slightest pause.

Su Mu followed.

This rush lasted for a full twenty minutes.

Approaching a cave, the fire gild gradually slowed down.

Before coming to the cave, the fire gild first pointed to the cave, and then rushed in.


Out of caution, Su Mu was still ready to check the situation in the cave first.

As the eyes begin to change color.

The situation in the cave was also seen by him.

In addition to the fire squirrel that was galloping wildly, Su Mu saw that in the cave, there was also a fire squirrel.

The fire squirrel fell to the ground, not knowing whether it was resting or what.

Except for the other fire squirrel, Su Mu never saw anything else.

He frowned and walked into the cave.

The cave is very small and very narrow.

As an adult, Su Mu needed to bow his head slightly to pass through the cave.

After walking down a small, narrow road, the road ahead is suddenly clear.

This is the end of the cave.

Here, Su Mu saw a pile of thatch, and also saw a fire squirrel lying in a pool of blood.

This fire squirrel lying in a pool of blood, with more breath and less air intake, will not work in front of him.

And the fire squirrel that Su Mu found knelt in front of Su Mu, pointing at the fire squirrel in a pool of blood while kowtowing to Su Mu.

Su Mu knew that this fire squirrel wanted to save another fire squirrel for himself.

Su Mu was a little hesitant.

He is not the kind of good man.

Seeing that the alien beast was injured, he was already very merciful if he did not step forward to mend the knife.

Let him help with the treatment, it is impossible.

Of course, things are not absolute.

He looked at the fire squirrel, revealing the appearance of a philistine merchant: "I help you save it, what benefits can I get?" "

Although the fire squirrel can't speak human language, it seems to understand Gao Mu's words.

It turned around and ran in one direction inside the cave.

Struggling to peel open a rock.

Three fruits were taken out of it.

The fruit is like a mango.

However, the lines on its outer skin are the same as those of fire gilt rats.

It held the fruit, ran to Su Mu, and handed the fruit to Su Mu with a reluctant face.

【Fire Fruit】

Introduction: When taking it, when using the fire element magic, the effect will be greatly improved.


Su Mu didn't expect this fire squirrel to be so generous.

He hesitated slightly, and reached for the fire dill fruit.

The fire squirrel retracted his hand at this time.

Two kinds of two-piece fire gill fruit were recovered by the fire gill rat.

Only one remained.

It pointed to one fire dill fruit, then to the seriously injured and dying fire gill rat, and to the other two fire gill fruits.

You were really said, Su Mu really understood what he meant.

"You mean, this fire fruit is a deposit. When I heal that fire squirrel, give me the other two fire gill fruits? Su Mu asked tentatively.

The fire squirrel nodded, indicating that he meant just that.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you and then directly snatch your fire fruit?" Su Mu asked the fire gill with a slight threat.

The fire squirrel shook his head.

It's not whether you don't believe it or not, or what it means.


Su Mu nodded and picked up the fire fruit and put it into his backpack.

Then he walked up to the fire squirrel.

I didn't see it clearly from a distance just now.

This time closer, the situation of this fire squirrel, Su Mu can see it all.

This is the situation of the fire gilt rat in front of you, which is very bad.

Its abdomen seemed to be seriously injured, and blood kept flowing out.

Su Mu put his hand on the body of this fire squirrel.

He first urged his own flame to stop the blood of this fire squirrel.

Then he used a flame to check the physical condition of the fire gild rat.

After some examination, Su Mu knew the reason.

The reason why this fire squirrel is like this is because all the internal organs in its body are damaged.

The damage above each is not very large.

But it adds up, it's not a small damage.

Su Mu thought briefly for a moment, and then began to heal the fire squirrel.

He first used a large amount of flame to help the fire gilt rat's five internal organs heal quickly.

This behavior seems simple.

But in fact, it consumes a lot of fire.

Normally speaking.

Even if it is an alien in Su Mu's realm, the qi in his body is completely insufficient to heal his internal organs.

Nai He Su Mu has [Flame Body Origin].

So what was impossible for others was possible for Su Mu.

Under the operation of the flame, the internal organs of the fire gill rat began to heal gradually.

After healing completely, Su Mu sat down on the ground.

Something completely impossible for other inhumans.

Su Mu finished.

Although this process made his physical strength almost exhausted.

"It's already fine." Su Mu, who was sitting on the ground, smiled and said to the fire rat. "As long as it cultivates for a few days, it can fully recover."

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