"Ding! Learned the art [Tongtianji], congratulations to the host! "

That's right, what is recorded on this stone tablet is the Heavenly Basket, one of the Eight Wonders.

To learn the Heavenly Basket, as long as you understand the runes, you can use the Qiao in the body and draw the Void Talismans.

Its effect is several times that of ordinary talismans.

Except for the babel hoop.

The other tablets record the drawing methods of some runes.

Compared to the Tongtian Basket, the runes recorded on several other stone tablets are negligible.

"Thank you."

Su Mu smiled and thanked the fire squirrel.

One of the fire gill rats waved his hand to indicate that you were welcome.

"Let's go, see you later!"

Su Mu then said goodbye to the fire squirrel.

Leaving the fire squirrel's cave, Su Mu felt refreshed.

Don't say anything else.

This heavenly basket alone was enough to make Su Mu's trip worthwhile.

After leaving the fire gilt squirrel's cave, Su Mu continued to climb the mountain.

It didn't take long for him to come to the mountainside of Tuxian Mountain.

The road ahead is uncertain.

Su Mu decided to rest first, and then climb the mountain.

Just as he was resting, he suddenly heard a strange sound not far away.

He looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw that not far from him, there was a dilapidated building.


Seeing this dilapidated building, Su Mu gasped.

The building he saw was a building similar to a Taoist temple.

The style of the building looks like it was from the Qin and Han periods.

The building looks very dilapidated, as if it has not been inhabited for a long time.

Walking to the front of the building, Su Mu looked up at the plaque on the building.

The plaque is wooden and weathered at first glance.

The text on the plaque has peeled off.

But if you look closely, you can see some traces.

"Trick up?"

When he saw these three words, Su Mu's brows wrinkled slightly.

This was the first time he had heard of it.

But in his memory, in the mythology of Huaxia, there is a place very similar to this view of the Duo Rate, that is, the Du Rate Palace.

The Du Gang Palace is the dojo of Taishang Laojun.

"Could it be that this view in front of you has something to do with the Hood Palace?" Su Mu thought about it, and then looked into the depths of the Hood Temple.

Su Mu walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, Su Mu saw the four heavenly kings.

"Introduction Hall?"

Whether in Taoist temples or temples, there are four heavenly kings.

Passing through the reception hall, there is a clearing behind it.

In the middle of the clearing, there is a huge incense burner.

This incense burner was taller than Su Mu, and it was at least three meters above by sight.

Directly opposite the incense burner is the Sanqing Hall.

There are houses on the left and right, but there are no plaques.

After Su Mu hesitated, he walked towards the Sanqing Hall.

The Sanqing Hall was dilapidated.

Directly opposite the entrance, there is a statue.

Perhaps because of its age, the statue is full of cracks.

No matter how Su Mu looked, he couldn't see who was carving the statue.

After looking inside the Sanqing Hall for a while, Su Mu withdrew from the Sanqing Hall.

The wing on the right should be the resting place for the Taoist people in the inner world.

The one on the left should be the place where the Taoists eat.

At least for now, this is an ordinary Taoist temple.

It is not surprising that there are Taoist temples or temples in the mountains.

Strangely, there is a Taoist temple on this Tuxian Mountain.

"What is the purpose of opening a Taoist temple in this place?"

Su Mu came this way, there was no artificial repair road at all.

In other words, Su Mu took the wild road.

This road cannot be said to be difficult, but for ordinary people, it is definitely not easy to walk.

Therefore, if you open a Taoist temple in such a place, incense will definitely not flourish.

"Perhaps, this temple is not counting on incense!" Su Mumo clenched his chin and muttered.

After talking to himself, Su Mu seemed to have thought of something.


Su Mu's eyes began to gradually change color.

When the color of his eyes changed completely, he saw something that others could not see.

Inside this temple, spiritual energy floats.

The concentration of spiritual energy in the Taoist Temple is even more than 50% higher than outside the Taoist Temple.

This is the case.

There are only two possibilities.

The first is that this Taoist temple has a formation to absorb spiritual energy, which can absorb the surrounding spiritual energy into the Taoist temple.

The second is the place where the Taoist temple was built, which was originally a place full of spiritual energy.

Su Mu found out after some observation.

Within this temple, there was no formation to absorb spiritual qi.

In other words, the Taoist Temple is rich in spiritual energy because the place where it was built is originally a place full of spiritual energy.

"Maybe I can try to cultivate in this place!"

Su Mu is also a practical person, and he will do what he says.

Finding a relatively quiet place, Su Mu sat directly cross-kneeled.

This time, he did not experience the rocket-like speed again.

The realm did not go further.

His original realm was the sixfold concentration. And now, his realm is also the sixfold concentration.

But the difference is that now he wants to break through the six layers of concentration, and it has become much easier.

Since he could no longer be promoted, Su Mu did not continue to cultivate.

He got up and continued to observe the view.

"And the backyard?"

After some observation.

Su Mu found that the place where he was standing now was just the front yard of the house.

And this view of the hood has a backyard.

"Will there be good things in the backyard?"

Su Mu had already begun to YY up.

After all, according to the general novel routine.

This kind of deserted Taoist temple hidden in the deep mountains, as long as you enter, the protagonist can get great benefits.

"I hope my protagonist's aura can bloom at this time!"

Su Mu prayed while walking towards the backyard.

To get to the backyard, you have to go through a door.

And this door is behind the stone statue of the Sanqing Hall.

Su Mu walked into the Sanqing Hall again and slowly came to the back of the statue.

Behind the statue, there is indeed a small door.

Su Mu passed through the small door and came directly to the backyard.

The backyard is very large.

The area of a courtyard alone directly exceeds the front yard.

The design of the backyard courtyard is very elegant.

Vaguely, Su Mu even felt Jiangnan's style.

In addition to the courtyard, Su Mu also saw a building that was very brilliant even if he looked at it now.

Su Mu knew that if there was something good in this Hood View, it must be in that splendid building.

"Go check it out!"

Since they are all here, they must go to the building to see it.

Su Mu walked slowly in the direction of the brilliant building.

Along the way, Su Mu felt that this kind of sluggish view, in the glory time, should be regarded as a city.

It didn't take long for Gao Mu to stand in front of the splendid building.

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