The building looks glorious from afar.

But a closer look reveals that the building is dilapidated.

Time does not spare anything, living or non-living.

On the gate of the building, there should have been a plaque.

Perhaps because of the age, the plaque disappeared.

He walked straight to the door, ready to reach out and open the door of the building.


He didn't even use force, and the door was directly opened by him.

The dust fell directly on Su Mu's body.

Looking inside the building, Su Mu's brows wrinkled slightly.

The inside of this building looks really strange.

Why did he feel strange, Su Mu himself couldn't say.

He walked slowly inside.

"Has there ever been a war here?"

Su Mu watched as he walked.

Whether it is furniture or some other things, you can clearly see knife wounds and sword marks.

Some of the knife wounds are clear, and some of the sword marks are very blurry.

Su Mu put his hand on a sword mark.

As soon as his hand was put on, he felt a surging sword qi.

"You can still feel the sword qi, when did this sword mark remain?"

Su Mu took a step back, his face full of shock.

He felt incredible.

Then he used his hand to touch the knife mark not far away.

As with sword marks.

The presence of knife qi can still be felt on the knife marks.

Whether it was sword qi or sword qi, it made Su Mu feel that this was definitely not cut by ordinary people.

What surprised Su Mu even more.

Such a powerful sword qi and sword qi only left knife marks and sword marks on the furniture in the building.

It can be explained from the side.

The furniture in this building is very unusual.

Su Mu continued to walk inside.

After walking a few steps, Su Mu came to the deepest part here.

In the deepest part of the building, Su Mu saw a staircase going up.

"Strange." Su Mu's brows frowned slightly, trying to recall. "If I'm not mistaken, this building seems to have only one floor!"

"If this building has only one floor, then where does this staircase that you want to go up lead?"


Su Mu directly opened the tongyu and wanted to find out.

But this is not omnipotent.

The situation on this staircase, even if it was opened, Su Mu still couldn't see it clearly.

"Tongyou can't see clearly, it seems that there should be a powerful magic formation or prohibition on this!"

Su Mu thought about it, so he began to walk slowly towards the stairs.

He is very slow and very cautious with every step.

The stairs are long.

How long it was, Su Mu couldn't estimate.

All he knew was that he had been gone for almost ten minutes now.

But he still didn't reach the end of the stairs.

"Then speed it up!"

Su Mu tried to speed himself up.

After walking for about ten minutes, Su Mu began to see a bright light.

With the appearance of the bright light, Su Mu's footsteps accelerated a little.

Another five minutes passed.

Su Mu finally came to the bright light.

In this bright light, it looks like a small room.

The source of light in this small room is a pearl at the top of the small room.

"Night pearl? This night pearl, isn't it a little big! "

The night pearl hanging above this small room is larger than the head of an adult.

If it weren't for the speed he saw with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that there would be such a big night pearl in this world.

After all, in the legend.

A night pearl like a baby's head, that is already a priceless existence.

And this night pearl is like an adult's head. Its value is directly immeasurable.

If it had been before, Su Mu would definitely try his best to take down this night pearl.

But since he had the [Infinite Black Card], Su Mu was no longer interested in these "common things".

After observing the Night Pearl, Su Mu began to observe the small room.

The reason why the small room is called a small room is because its area is really not large.

In terms of area, it is about 100 square meters.

In the small room, in addition to the night pearl, there is only one bed, one chair, and one table.

The materials used in the production of these three types of furniture should be wood.

What made Su Mu curious was what kind of wood this was, and it had not decayed after so many years.

He walked slowly to his desk.

If so, there really is something valuable in this small room. Then this thing must be on the desk.

Dust covers the desk.

So what is on the desk, Su Mu can't see it.

He gently stroked the table with his hand, and the dust on the desktop disappeared instantly.

After the dust disappeared, Gao Mu saw that there was a book on this desk.


Seeing the book, Su Mu became excited.

He thinks what great exercises and techniques this book is.

But when he picked up the book, he was disappointed.

【Daomen Rune Daqo】Level:

Yellow grade lower grade.

Introduction: A book written by Zhang Lu, the ancestor of Daomen, which records all the methods of writing talismans in Daomen.

- "Yellow-grade

lower grade?"

Su Mu looked at the words [Daomen Rune Daqo], and a strange expression appeared on his face.

No matter how chicken this book is, it shouldn't be a yellow-grade subgrade.

In the system of xenoart, the yellow-grade lower grade is the worst xenotechnique.

However, this book was written by Zhang Lu, the ancestor of Daomen.

Zhang Lu is a famous figure in Daomen.

Among the Daomen, he is even known as the 'Rune Authority'.

The reason why Su Mu knew him was also because before he was reborn, Su Mu had read a book called "Daomen Chronicles".

This book clearly compiles the history of the development and growth of Daomen.

In such a book, Zhang Lu occupies a very large space.

Suffice it to say.

How high Zhang Lu's status in the Daomen is.

But the book written by such a person was a yellow-grade inferior art, and Su Mu didn't understand it.

"Ding! Do you want to study, [Daomen Talisman Daqo]?

At this time, the system prompt sounded in Su Mu's mind.

Actually, let's be honest.

Su Mu did not dare to be interested in the Daomen's talisman path.

He didn't want to learn this art.

But at this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind.

And this aura was the [Heavenly Basket] that Su Mu had just obtained before.

"This [Daomen Talisman Daqo] is paired with [Tongtian Basket], isn't this a perfect match?"

After a moment of hesitation, Su Mu chose to study.

Sections of runes began to emerge in Su Mu's mind.

"I feel like it's going to take off!"

You know, except for the babel hoop. Su Mu had previously obtained four alien techniques in the treasure room of the second layer of the Demon Immortal Gate's lair.

These four alien arts can all increase the amplitude talisman.

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