Su Mu simply sorted out his memory.

All the rune painting methods have been memorized by him.

He pinched the sword in his right hand and ran it to his fingers.

The tips of Su Mu's fingers began to glow blue.

Slide your finger.

Blue lines begin to appear.

"Let's start with a simple one!"


"Exorcism charm!"

Su Mu Void Drawing Talisman.

But just when the rune was halfway through the painting, Su Mu suddenly stopped.


Half of the runes disappeared.

"Still unskilled!"

The reason why Su Mu paused was because he could not yet master the technique of drawing talismans.

"This Spiritual Qi consumption is really not small!"

Su Mu sighed.

If there is no [Flame Body Stream].

This simplest exorcism talisman consumes almost one-tenth of the body's qi.

In fact, Su Mu didn't know.

The reason why Qiong consumed so much was related to the talisman he painted, but it was not very related.

The real reason is the babel.

Su Mu painted again.

This time, it failed at three-quarters of the time.

"Come again!"

Failure is the mother of success.

After briefly summarizing the reasons for the failure, Su Mu continued to draw the symbols.

With previous experience.

This time, Su Mu succeeded.

The exorcism talisman took shape, directly turned into a large "drive" word, and flew forward.

"It finally worked."

This success is definitely good news for Su Mu.

"Perhaps, I can try other runes."

Su Mu began to think.

"I got the four books of the Wind Volcano Forest before, I can try it and use the fire system technique."


"Fireball Charm!"

The rune formed, and a fireball the size of an adult's fist flew straight forward.


The fireball hit a wall not far away and instantly annihilated.

"This effect is a bit unsatisfactory, huh?"

Su Mu said to himself in his heart.

The Fireball Talisman is the lowest level of the Fire Talisman in the Talisman Collection.

Because it is low-level, it is relatively simple to draw.

"This fire talisman can be used as a means of attack!"

"What about the wind talisman?"

Su Mu's right hand pinched the sword technique again.


"Wind Shadow!"

The runes took shape, and Su Mu didn't see anything appear.

However, he felt that his steps became very light.

"Could it be that this wind rune is a buff-type?"

After testing the wind system rune, Su Mu planned to continue testing the earth system rune.

But before he could test, Su Mu felt that something was not quite right.

He felt like he had two pairs of eyes staring at him in the dark.

But after some inspection, he didn't find that his eyes were in Su Mu's place.

"Is it because I'm too nervous?"

The feeling just now was very real, and it didn't look like an illusion at all.


Su Mu's eyes began to gradually change color.

With the change of color, the world in Su Mu's eyes began to change differently.

"What's that?"

He found a small door in one corner of the room.

The location of the small door is very hidden.

It belongs to that kind of thing, even if you look closely, you will not necessarily find it.

If it weren't for Su Mu opening the Tongyu, he wouldn't necessarily have discovered the existence of this small door.

"What's behind this little door?"

Gao Mu thought curiously.

Then he walked to the small door and tried to push it open with his hand.

As soon as his hand was placed on the small door, the small door suddenly opened.

Su Mu was slightly startled.


He did not rush into the small door.

He first summoned the system.

He put the Carefree Finger Tiger on his hand, and then held the Sunset Soul Sword in his hand.

After all this was ready, Su Mu walked towards the small door.

"What's the situation?"

After seeing the situation outside the small gate, Su Muren was directly stupid.

Because this small door is actually an exit.

At this time, he was already outside the troll.

No matter what is strange, he is now tens of meters away from the Hood View.

"It's kind of interesting!"

Su Mu looked at the direction of the view and whispered to himself.

However, at this time, he had no intention of returning to the Hood View.

He had already walked around.

The most valuable thing in the entire Guan is just a yellow-grade [Daomen Rune Collection].

After watching for a while, Su Mu prepared to continue climbing the mountain.


But as soon as he turned around, the sound of breaking the air sounded not far away.


"Tuhe car!"

One after another stone walls rose up, instantly shrouding Su Mu in it.


It didn't take long for a crisp voice to sound.

"If you have an earth talisman, it is suitable for defense!"

Su Mu said to himself in his heart.


Su Mu waved his right hand.

The earthen walls around him disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, he saw something fall to the ground.


Su Mu squatted down and looked towards the thing.


That's right.

What attacked Su Mu just now was a spear.

But this spear is very strange.

The body of the spear is a piece of wood. The tip of the spear is a sharpened stone.

"Is it a primitive man who attacked me?"

In Su Mu's memory, it seemed that only primitive people would make weapons like this.





Just as Su Mu was thinking, there was another sound of breaking the void.

However, unlike before, this time there are several sounds of breaking the air.


"Tuhe car!"

Su Mu's old skills were repeated.

One after another earthen walls appeared, guarding Su Mu inside.





A similar impact sound to before sounded again.

After the impact disappeared, Su Mu's right hand waved again.

The earthen wall disappeared in an instant.

This time it was still a spear that fell to the ground.

And the spear that fell to the ground this time is exactly the same as the previous spear.

Su Mu roughly counted.

There are nine spears on the ground.

Counting the previous one, that is to say, there are ten.

"Could it be that this place really has primitive people? Moreover, there are no less primitive people.

Su Mu scratched his head, feeling a little troublesome.

He looked around.

But not a single primitive figure was seen.


At this time, a strange sound came from not far away.

Su Mu immediately looked towards the source of the sound.

He clearly saw that not far away, several green apes with green hair appeared.

The ape's body size is not much different from Su Mu, and its body size looks similar to Su Mu.

Their eyes were blood-red, and they made strange roars in Su Mu's direction.


Su Mu roughly counted, and suddenly felt a headache.

There are about twenty green apes here.

How the realm is unknown.

Perception told Su Mu that these apes were by no means good.

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