[Concentric Ape]

Level: Grade B (Juvenile)

Introduction: A certain group of apes has the method of cultivation. After cultivation, be of one heart and one mind.


Looking at the introduction of the concentric ape, Su Mu's brows frowned slightly.

"B-grade juvenile beasts are inherently difficult to deal with. This concentric ape is still the kind of beast with one heart and one mind. I'm afraid that the next battle will be troublesome! "

Human." While Su Mu was observing the concentric ape, a voice suddenly sounded.

Numerous concentric apes separated.

A concentric ape, which was both taller and larger, walked out of the concentric ape.

"Why are you here, and what is the purpose of your visit?"

The voice of this concentric ape sounds very rich.

[Concentric Ape Leader]

Level: B (Growth Stage)

Introduction: The king of concentric ape, it doesn't need to speak, other concentric apes know what it wants to do.


"I want to go to the top of Tuxian Mountain, but I'm just passing by here." Su Mu explained.

With Su Mu's current strength, even if he is the leader of the Tongxin Ape, he still has the power to fight.

But the problem is that this concentric ape is obviously not the kind of alien beast that fights alone.

Look at the introduction.

Their way of fighting should be group combat.

After all, this is their advantage.

"Passing by?" The leader looked at Su Mu in disbelief and shook his head. "For some reason, I don't quite believe what you say!"

"Why?" Su Mu asked rhetorically.

The leader shook his head: "I don't know, I just don't think humans can be trusted." "

Not really." Su Mu looked at the leader and helplessly introduced. "After all, among human beings, there are good people and bad people."

"You're right." The leader nodded and thought for a moment. "But in my eyes, all of you humans are untrustworthy."

Listening to the leader's tone, it was as if it had been hurt by humans.

"If I say something, you don't believe it. So what are you going to do next? Su Mu asked the leader curiously.

The leader smiled slightly, and a very human-like expression appeared on his face: "Kill you!" When

the leader's words fell, a long knife appeared in its hand.

The handle of the long knife is made of wood, while the blade is made of iron.

That's right, iron.

"Can they wrought iron?" Su Mu felt very surprised.

For today's human beings, wrought iron is a very simple thing.

How easy is it?

It's easier than raising your hand.

But for alien beasts, it is not easy.

Subsequently, before Su Mu was reborn, there were already many alien beasts that were very similar to humans.

They talk like humans.

They will also live like humans.

But they have never been able to replace humans.

The most important point is that they do not understand manufacturing.

The most critical reason why human beings can become the hegemon of this planet is that human beings will produce and manufacture.

If these concentric apes in front of you can produce them, it is definitely a big trouble for humans.


The leader roared and directly slashed the long knife in his hand towards Su Mu.

Seeing this, the other concentric apes also rushed towards Su Mu one after another.

In an instant, Su Mu was surrounded by concentric apes.

They don't have any communication with each other.

But it was very tacit.

Some people attacked Su Mu's upper three roads, and some attacked Su Mu's lower three roads.

There are even two concentric apes observing the battle from a distance.

"This group of creatures are alien beasts? You say they are human, I believe it! Su Mu complained frantically in his heart.

They are well founded.

For a while, it slightly prevailed.

"This group of ghosts is really troublesome!"

Su Mu cursed in his heart.


And just as Su Mu cursed in his heart, a voice sounded.

He felt something cut behind his back.

He quickly turned around and gradually led behind Su Mu.

It had a shocked look on its face.

As if he didn't understand why his own knife did not cause harm to Su Mu.

“MD。" Su Mu cursed in his heart. "Since you are so similar, then Lao Tzu will complete you!"

Su Mu was also really annoyed.


"Resist the Ring of Fire!"

Su Mu Void Drawing Talisman.

Rune forming.

Su Mu lightly clicked, and the attached column cracked.

A ring of fire emanated from its body, directly shocking the concentric apes back more than ten steps.

Su Mu instantly had space.

"Golden Light Spell!"

A golden glow that appears from the inside out.

Su Mu secretly manipulated.

The gold wire appears.

Su Muyao pointed at all the concentric apes and roared lowly: "Go, entangle me!" "

The golden light burst out.

In an instant, most of the concentric apes were entangled in gold threads.


Su Mu drew the Void Talisman again.

"Wind breath chop!"

Su Mu broke the talisman.

An invisible wind blade began to fly towards the concentric ape.





All the concentric apes were recruited one after another.

The damage of the wind breath slash even made some concentric apes lose their combat effectiveness.

"It's a bit strong!"

The corners of Su Mu's mouth rose slightly, revealing an imperceptible sneer.


Su Mu pinched the sword technique again.

The talisman he was going to use this time was a rune that was even more terrifying than the Wind Breath Slash.


Su Mu broke the talisman.

In an instant, the sky changed.

The originally clear sky was instantly covered with dark clouds.





In the dark clouds, there seems to be thunder and lightning.

Not long after, the wind picked up.

Rain also fell from the dark clouds.





The originally harmless rain fell on the concentric apes, causing them all to scream.

"Ding! Kill the alien beast [Concentric Ape] and get a reward: 625 points!

"Ding! Kill the alien beast [Concentric Ape] and get a reward: 620 points!

"Ding! Kill the alien beast [Concentric Ape], get a reward: 615 points! "


The system prompt sounded constantly from Su Mu's mind.

Su Mu roughly counted, and the system prompt sounded a total of ten times.

In other words, Su Mu killed a total of about 10 concentric apes this time.

"This reward is also really happy!"

This time to kill the concentric ape, although only the point reward.

But even so, Su Mu was still quite satisfied.

After all, he knew that the big head was still behind.

Concentric apes are not numerous.

Therefore, the death of ten concentric apes is completely unacceptable to them.

"Human." The leader looked at Su Mu, his eyes were already cold. Its face was full of anger, and its eyes were bloodshot and shouted at Su Mu. "Hurry up and grab it, maybe I can still let you go."

"If not, I will definitely die without a corpse!"

At this time, the leader was still threatening Su Mu.

"Extreme Fall Sword Rain!"

Su Mu raised the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand above his head.

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