The blazing sword began to take shape behind Su Mu.


Su Muyao pointed to all the concentric apes.





The blazing sword flew towards the concentric ape like an arrow.





After a rain of swords, five or six more concentric apes fell to the ground.

It's a long way to say.

But in time, it all happens in an instant.

In this instant, most of the concentric apes were killed and injured.

When the leader saw this scene, his heart was dripping blood.

Concentric ape populations are very rare.

It takes a long time to cultivate a qualified and combat-capable concentric ape.

"Human, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

The leader's eyes were bloodshot, and his face became fierce with anger.

He waved the big knife in his hand and rushed straight towards Su Mu.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!"

Su Mu didn't want to waste too much time here.

The purple flames instantly covered the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

Su Mu's right hand shook and went straight in the direction of the leader.

The long knife is brandished, and the edge is revealed.

"Killing Knife!"

The commander raised the long knife above his head.

The top of the long knife was instantly covered with red blood qi.

Bloody qi entered Su Mu's expression.

This bloody atmosphere is very bad.

Long knife brandishing.

The bloody qi also flowed.

Su Mu greeted him.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand went straight to the long knife of the leader.


The Falling Sunset Soul Sword and the Long Knife collided together.

The harsh sound made some concentric apes cover their ears.

At the same time, the top of the long knife also began to be occupied by flames.

At first, it was only one-tenth of it.

But as time passed, the flames became more and more fierce.

In less than a minute, the long knife was burned by the flames.

The commander stayed directly in place.

It does not understand why its own weapons are like this.

It stayed in place, but Su Mu was not idle.

"Swift Step!"

Su Mu approached the commander as fast as he could.

The Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword in his hand directly took the first level of the leader.


The sword rises and falls.

The head of the commander fell directly to the ground.

The first stage rolled on the ground a few times before stopping.

When the concentric apes saw this scene, they had no intention of fighting.

They just scattered in one fell swoop.

"Ding! Kill the alien beast [Leader of the Concentric Ape] and get rewards: 700 points, [Spitting Flame], [Crescent Robe], [Weapon Enhancement Stone]! "

[Spitting Flame]

One of the seventy-two techniques of hell evil, Xi Zhi can breathe flames and melt gold cracking stones.

【Crescent Robe】

Grade: Platinum.

Introduction: The Dao robe worn by a certain Heavenly Master of the Daomen can change its appearance at will. Warm in winter and cool in summer, water and fire are not invaded.

[Equipment Enhancement Stone]

Level: Platinum.

Introduction: Equipment of the same level can be strengthened, and the level of the strengthened equipment can be increased by one level.


Su Mu knew that killing the leader would have a good reward after all.

But what he didn't expect was that the reward this time was so rich.

The strange technique of spitting flames was also a new attack method for Su Mu.

After he stood there and thought for a while, his mouth opened slightly.

"Spit flame!"

A huge flame erupted directly from Su Mu's mouth.

The scorching flames burned all the surrounding trees.


Su Mu only wanted to test the magic, he didn't want to set these trees on fire.

There is a way: set fire to the mountain, and sit in the bottom of the prison.

In order to prevent imprisonment, Su Mu had no choice but to continue to run his own qi.

The flames were instantly extinguished by its flames.

After making sure that there was no flame, Su Mu continued to look at the other two rewards.

As introduced, he draped the crescent robe over his body.

The appearance of this crescent robe is the appearance of the Taoist robe.

But unlike the Taoist robe, behind this crescent robe, there is a large crescent moon.

"Turn into a T-shirt!"

After all, it is written in the introduction that this crescent robe can change its shape at will.

If it weren't for the fact that this crescent robe could change shape, Su Mu would definitely put it in his system warehouse to eat ashes.

After all, in this era, wearing a robe to swagger through the market will definitely be regarded as a liar or a madman.

The mind moved.

The robe really changed.

The original tailed robe has now really become an ordinary and simple T-shirt.

If Su Mu didn't say anything, people would definitely think that this was a piece of stall.

After studying this crescent moon robe, Su Mu set his eyes on the [Equipment Upgrade Stone] again.

This is a new prop.

Look at the introduction, the effect of this prop should be to upgrade the equipment.

Su Mu thought about it and directly slapped the [Equipment Upgrade Stone] on his [Crescent Moon Dao Robe].

"Ding! Will you upgrade [Crescent Robe]?



With Su Mu's choice, the [Equipment Upgrade Stone] directly turned into a stream of light and did not enter the Crescent Moon Dao robe.

Look at the Crescent Moon Robe again.

【Crescent Robe】

Grade: Diamond.

Introduction: The Dao robe worn by a certain Heavenly Master of the Daomen can change its appearance at will. Warm in winter and cool in summer, water and fire are not invaded. Offsets 50% of damage!


With the upgrade of the Crescent Moon Robe, a new introduction has been added to the introduction.

"Offset 50% of the damage?"

Su Mu rolled his eyebrows, as if he had thought of something.

Hypothesis says.

The weight of a person's punch is 100 words. Then if it hits Su Mu wearing the [Crescent Moon Dao Robe], the weight will directly become 50.

This doesn't seem to work very well.

But in fact, it's very powerful.


Su Mu smiled and called a happy.

"I really should thank you." Su Mu looked at the corpse of the concentric ape leader not far away, with a mocking expression on his face.

His behavior is simply murderous.

"Let's continue climbing!"

Su Mu continued to climb the mountain.

As he walked, he secretly said in his heart: "This has not yet reached the destination, and he has obtained so many good things." If this arrives at its destination, won't it take off directly? Thinking

of this, Su Mu's footsteps suddenly became lighter.

His climbing speed has also become much faster.

It didn't take long for him to reach the top of Tuxian Mountain.

"What's the situation?"

Looking at the situation at the top of Tu Xian Mountain, Su Mu's brows frowned slightly.

He originally thought that the top of this Tuxian Mountain, if not the singing of birds and flowers, was at least green.

But what I didn't expect was that the top of this Tuxian Mountain was as if it had been burned by fire.

Dead trees, rotten grass, blackened earth...

All of this seems uncomfortable.

"Why is that?" Su Mu said to himself in his heart.

The scene in front of him made him feel that the top of this Tuxian Mountain was very unsafe.

"Go around?"

There was a voice in his heart telling Su Mu that if he didn't bypass it, he was afraid that there would be big trouble.

But another voice told Su Mu that there might be a big opportunity here.

Su Mu didn't know for a while who he should listen to.

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