"Don't worry!"

He first found a relatively remote place and prepared to recover his state first.

When the state is restored, we can better respond to unexpected situations.


During the break, Su Mu was ready to check the situation of his system first.

[Su Mu

] Realm: Concentration Six

Attributes: Physique (42), Intelligence (42), Strength (42), Agility (42)

Talent: [Innate Body Dao Fetus], [Flame Body Origin], [Infinite Black Card

] Skills: [Tongyu], [Heaven-shaking God Fist], [Golden Light Mantra] (Advanced Version), [Exorcism], [Basic Fist Method], [Dan Shan], [Forbidden Water], [Swift Wind Step], [Alchemy Foundation], [Borrowing Wind] , [Zhen Qiu Bomb]......

Points: 10680

Mall: Open!


With the previous continuous killing of concentric apes.

Su Mu's points have reached 10,000 points.


After summoning the mall, Su Mu directly began to exchange low-quality four-dimensional fruits.

If you exchange one for two, you need 8,000 points.

After the exchange was successful, Su Mu directly swallowed the fruit.

The four-dimensional attribute also came to 48 points at this time.

With the improvement of the four-dimensional attribute, Su Mu felt that he was comfortable.

"There are 2,000 points left, keep them for now!"

What happened before made Su Mu understand the benefits of keeping points.

After all this was done, Su Mu felt that his state had almost recovered.

"Keep going!"

Su Mu decided to cross the top of the mountain.

However, out of caution, Su Mu was particularly careful with every step, and his pace was also very slow.

After walking for about five minutes, Su Mu saw the skeleton of a strange beast.

This strange beast didn't know what it had experienced, and its bones were full of scars.

Moreover, the bones of this alien beast were scorched black, as if they had been burned by flames.

He kept going.

There are more and more scorched black beast bones.

Su Mu's brows also became tighter and tighter.

"What the hell is going on here?" Su Mu said to himself in his heart.

As he walked, he cautiously looked around.

"What's that?"

Not only the bones of the alien beast became scorched black, but even the stones on the mountain became extremely black.

Su Mu saw that not far away, a stone with a very strange shape appeared.

He walked over slowly.

"This is not a stone, but a human bone!"

After walking in, Su Mu found that this was not a stone, but a human bone.

The human corpse was extremely black, even blacker than the alien beast corpse that Su Mu had seen before.

The human corpse was half-kneeling, with a long sword stuck in the ground in one hand and a support on the ground with the other.

But even so, the head of the human corpse is still high, as if it is the unyielding god of war.

He walked slowly to the human bones.

He wanted to see if there were any clues about this battle on the bones of this human being.

But the moment his hand roughly touched the bones, the bones directly turned into powder.

Without a clue, Su Mu continued to move forward.

Before, the whole body was the corpse of a foreign beast.

The road after that was full of human bones.

These human bones, like the human bones that Su Mu had seen before, would turn into powder at the slightest touch.

"What caused this?"

Su Mu continued to move forward.

As he moved forward, there were fewer and fewer bones and less and less scorched black.

Green, starting to appear gradually.

A few steps forward, Su Mu heard a strange sound.

He looked towards the sound.

"What's that?"

Su Mu saw a pair of armor.

The armor is fully enclosed.

Therefore, Su Mu couldn't be sure if there was anyone in the armor.

Su Mu summoned the system and took out the Falling Sunset Soul Sword and the Carefree Finger Tiger from the inside.

After everything was ready, Su Mu continued to look at the armor.

Su Mu's appearance did not make any changes in the armor.


Su Mu was ready to check the situation of this armor through Tongyu.

【MK125 Warframe】

Introduction: A certain 'mortal body, shoulder to shoulder to gods! 'Great God, the armor that once worn.


"Is there no one in this armor?"

Su Mu carefully moved two steps in the direction of the battle armor.

As before, the warframe still didn't react in the slightest.

Seeing this, Su Mu quickened his pace.

But when he was less than five meters away from the battle armor.

Su Mu suddenly found that the eyes of the battle armor were constantly changing.

In the center of his chest, it was as if energy was gathering.

"Discover humans, activate Directive Three, and exterminate!"

A strange sound synthesized by mechanics suddenly sounded.

I saw that the right hand of the warframe was slightly raised, and a laser shot out directly from the arm.

"Swift Step!"

This laser is extraordinary, and Su Mu chose to dodge.

Su Mu dodged the laser.

"Armor-piercing bullets!"

The left hand of the armor is raised.

A miniature rocket, launched directly from its arm.

"Swift Step!"

Su Mu continued to dodge.

It stands to reason.

An alien in the realm like Su Mu is immune to the attacks of thermal weapons.

But he couldn't be sure how powerful lasers and miniature rockets were.

So in this case, dodging is the best option.

Seeing that neither of his attacks worked.

The light on the chest of the armor began to change continuously.


An ultra-thick golden light shot out from its chest.

"Swift Step!"

Su Mu still chose to dodge this time.

However, it is different from the previous ones.

After dodging this laser, Su Mu rushed straight towards the direction of the record.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!"

The flames instantly covered the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

Approaching the battle armor, Su Mu's hand holding the sword trembled slightly, and directly stabbed at the battle armor.

"Fire Thorn Wall!"

The sound of mechanical synthesis sounded again.

I saw that around the battle armor, a wall of fire like thorns rose.

The wall of fire was fierce and shocking.

"Could it be that the scorched black corpse bones just now were all caused by this battle armor?" Thinking of this, Su Mu's heart couldn't help but panic.

If he remembers correctly, this armor is number 125.

That said, there may have been numbers 1-124 before it.

After that, there may be other warframes

, at least for now, and there are 125 warframes like this one.

After several contacts, Su Mu found that the strength of this battle armor was very extraordinary.

If you have to measure it by realm, it must be concentration.

The strong fire of the Fire Thorn Wall made Su Mu have to retreat.

"Extreme Fall Sword Rain!"

Since melee combat is not possible, then Su Mu chose to attack from a long range.

The blazing sword instantly formed in the back of Su Mu's head.

He pointed at the armor.





The blazing sword flew towards the direction of the battle armor like an arrow.

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