Su Mu hid his breath as much as possible.

Then he began to quietly approach the white horse elephant rabbit.

At the same time, the siege of the white horse snake by the alien beasts has begun.

"What a blazing bomb!"

In order to confirm the thoughts in his heart, Su Mu decided to test it first.

A true flame bullet took shape in Su Mu's hand.

Su Mu's right hand shook slightly, and Zhen Qi's bullet flew straight towards the place not far from the white horse elephant rabbit.


The real bomb smashed on the tree, instantly blowing the tree to pieces.

The white horse elephant rabbit frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

Its eyeballs are constantly spinning.

But the head didn't move at all.

It can be seen from here that Su Mu's guess may be true.

"In Tiger Creek Lake, its body cannot move."

This was Su Mu's guess before.

But with the release of the Zhen Qiang bomb, he found that his guess was correct.

At the same time, Su Mu also understood why the white horse elephant rabbit did not personally take action just now.

After determining this, Su Mu did not immediately attack the white horse elephant rabbit.

He first looked in the direction of the white horse snake.

The strength of the white horse snake is strong.

However, under the siege of all the strange beasts, his body had been injured in many places.

Su Mu estimated that it was only a matter of time before this white horse snake was defeated.

"No more than a minute!" Su Mu said secretly in his heart.

Now that the defeat time of the white horse snake has been estimated.

Su Mu once again set his gaze on the white horse elephant rabbit.

The body of the white horse elephant rabbit cannot move.

But its eyes and mouth are moving.

However, in order not to let people find out, his body cannot move.

At this time, it did not dare to ask other alien beasts for help.

As a foreign beast, it knows very well how cold-blooded and ruthless these alien beasts are.

"Maybe I can use this to make a set!"

The corners of Su Mu's mouth rose slightly.

Suppose, this Tiger Creek Lake really can't make the people inside move.

Then as long as it is outside, it can wantonly slaughter the people or beasts inside.

If Su Mu killed the white horse elephant rabbit and then tempted all the strange beasts to enter it.

So aren't these exotic beasts all become Su Mu's "plate meal"?

"Swift Step!"

"Shadow Step!"

After increasing his speed to the extreme, Su Mu came directly behind the white horse elephant rabbit.

The white horse elephant rabbit clearly felt that there was a creature behind him.

But because the body can't move, it can't turn its head at all now.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!"

Su Mu's right hand trembled slightly.

The purple flames instantly covered the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.


Su Mu's right hand suddenly stretched forward.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword directly pierced into the body of the white horse elephant rabbit.


The double pain of soul and body made the white horse elephant rabbit scream.

Even if the white horse elephant rabbit was in this tiger stream pool, the flames still covered its whole body in an instant.

Under the siege of all the strange beasts, the white horse snake was dying.

However, with the screams of the white horse elephant rabbit, it sounded.

All the alien beasts looked towards the white horse elephant rabbit.

"What's going on? Why did the boss ignite?

"Could it be that the boss is practicing some kind of strange art?"

"I don't feel like it, don't you guys notice that the expression on the boss's face is very painful?"

"So what do we do?"


The beasts were in a bit of a dilemma.

They don't know whether to continue attacking the white horse snake or rescue the white horse elephant rabbit.

Just as they hesitated, a system prompt sounded in Su Mu's mind.

"Ding! Kill the B-level growth stage alien beast [White Horse Elephant Rabbit] and get rewards: 600 points, [White Horse Gap]. "

[White Horse Gap]

Grade: Heaven-grade top grade.

Introduction: Using this technique, the speed can be increased by 100% in a short time. Note: This anomaly can be stacked with other anomalous techniques.


Looking at the introduction of [Baiju Crossing the Gap], Su Mu smiled.

"Another heaven-grade superior technique, isn't this heaven-grade superior art too worthless?" Su Mu complained in his heart.

If other aliens heard Su Mu's complaints, they would definitely give him a set of national essence three companies.

You know, even if it is an alien like the old Heavenly Master, there are very few Heaven-level alien arts learned.

Dragon Tiger Mountain, as a top Inhuman sect that has been passed down for thousands of years.

The alien art of Zhenshan in the gate is just the alien art of the two heaven-grade grades.

"If this white horse crosses the gap, it's a bit strong!"

After complaining, Su Mu carefully read the introduction of Bai Ju again.

In a short time, the speed is increased by 100%.

Just looking at the introduction, I feel very bullish.

The most important thing is that there is also a phrase "can be stacked with other different techniques".

After Su Mu used the Swift Wind Step, the speed was already incredibly fast.

If you add this white horse to the gap, his speed may reach a very terrifying level.

"The white horse elephant rabbit is dead, and this Tiger Creek Lake is no longer its final say."

At this time, Su Mu suddenly roared.

After roaring, Su Mu hid himself.

All the beasts were slightly stunned when they heard Su Mu's shout.

They don't even have time to tell who the owner of this voice is.

The reason is very simple.

The white horse elephant rabbit died.

The king who had occupied this Tiger Creek Lake for many years died.

This also means that anyone can soak in this Tiger Creek Lake.

"What are you doing stunned, don't hurry up and go to soak!"

"A sip can improve a lot of strength, if you enter the bubble, then the improvement is not more terrifying!"

"Don't hesitate, everyone, hurry up!"

"Rush! Those who run fast have meat to eat, and those who run slowly can't even drink soup. "


The alien beasts did not care about the seriously injured and dying white horse snake.

They all ran in the direction of Huxi Lake.





Like dumplings, all the exotic beasts jumped into the Tiger Creek Lake.

But when they jumped in, they were dumbfounded.

But even if they can speak, they very tacitly chose to shut up at this time.

The fact that the body cannot move, they cannot let any alien beast know.

Otherwise, their lives are in danger.

At this time, Su Mu did not rush to act.

He set his gaze on the body of the severely injured and dying white horse snake.

Now these exotic beasts are all turtles in an urn.

Dealing with them one minute earlier, or dealing with them one minute later, didn't matter much to Su Mu.

And the white horse snake is the only uncertain factor now.

He had to settle this uncertainty first.

Su Mu carried the Falling Sunset Soul Sword and slowly walked towards the direction of the White Horse Snake.

When the white horse snake saw Su Mu, the distance between one person and one snake was only less than five meters.

"Human, what do you want to do?"

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