"That's a good question." Su Mu looked at the white horse snake with a smile, and said in a very relaxed tone. "Since I came to you, I definitely didn't come to treat you."

"White horse elephant rabbit, you killed it?" The voice of the white horse snake sounded very cold.

Snakes themselves are cold-blooded animals.

And its cold eyes are even more chilling.

People like Su Mu, who have struggled on the edge of death, still feel uncomfortable when they see such eyes.

"Yes, I killed it." Su Mu said to the white horse snake.

"Let me go." The white horse snake looked at Su Mu, and a fine light flashed in his eyes. "As long as you can let me go, I can make you make a request."

I don't know if it's Su Mu's illusion.

When the white horse snake said this, his tone actually had a feeling of being condescending.

"Huh." Su Mu was not used to the white horse snake at all. "It's all this time, are you still here to put on a calf with me?"

"Human." Even in this case, the white horse snake still has no intention of asking for mercy. It stared at Su Mu with burning eyes and said coldly. "As long as you let me go, I'll tell you a secret."

"Secret?" As soon as he heard that there was a secret, Su Mu suddenly became interested.

But at this moment, a trace of uneasiness suddenly flashed in Su Mu's heart.

It feels fleeting.

But it was still captured by Su Mu.

This felt as if to remind Su Mu that the white horse snake in front of him was very dangerous.

"It's already like this, and it can..."

Su Mu thought, his eyes suddenly rounded.

Because he found that a wound on the white horse snake's body had healed.

If Su Mu remembered correctly.

That healing wound, when I saw it just now, was still very terrifying.

In just a few seconds, the seemingly terrifying wound healed.

That shows that this white horse snake has a very strong self-healing ability.

"It's stalling for time!"

Su Mu finally understood at this time why the white horse snake had to say so much to himself.

It was waiting for its wounds to heal, and then looking for an opportunity to kill Su Mu.

"You're smart, but I'm not stupid!"

Su Mu shook the Falling Sunset Soul Sword and stabbed straight in the direction of the White Horse Snake.

"You don't talk about martial virtue!"

The white horse snake dodged Su Mu's sword and shouted at Su Mu.

"Don't talk about martial virtue? Is it okay for you not to talk about martial virtue first? You don't really think, I can't see that you have a very strong self-healing ability, do you? Su Mu looked at the white horse snake with a smile.

The white horse snake was pretending to be stupid: "What do you say, why can't I understand?"

"Extreme Fall Sword Rain!"

Su Mu was also too lazy to talk nonsense with the white horse snake.

The blazing sword appeared, and Su Muyao pointed to the white horse snake.





The blazing sword flew straight towards the white horse snake like an arrow.

The white horse snake dodged the five blazing swords, but the ones behind did not.





The blazing sword hits the white horse snake.

Its physical condition is not good.

Under the attack of the blazing sword, more scars appeared on its body.

"Human, I'm serious. As long as you can let me go, I will tell you a secret of Tiger Creek Stream! The white horse snake began begging for mercy again.

"Secret?" Su Mu looked at the white horse snake with a smile, and said in a very puzzled tone. "Secrets, keep this kind of thing, or keep it yourself!"

The white horse snake did not expect that Su Mu was not interested in the secret.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!"

The purple flames once again covered the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

Su Mu walked to the vicinity of the White Horse Snake, and the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand stabbed at the White Horse Snake without hesitation.



The Falling Sunset Soul Sword pierced into the body of the White Horse Snake, and the flames instantly soared.


The double pain of body and soul made the white horse snake scream.

"Ding! Kill the B-level juvenile alien beast [White Horse Serpent] and get a reward: 500 points. "

It's different from the white horse elephant rabbit.

This white horse snake has no other rewards other than point rewards.

The white horse snake died.

Su Mu's gaze looked at the other exotic beasts in Huxi Lake.

"Human, I warn you, don't come here. Otherwise, I will definitely kill your whole family!"

"Human, I beg you, don't kill me, it's not easy for me to have old and young!"

"Human, as long as you let me go, I will tell you the secret of Tiger Creek Stream!"

"Human! As long as you dare to come over, Lao Tzu will definitely kill you. "


Some of the strange beasts in Huxi Lake were begging Su Mu for mercy, while others were threatening Su Mu.

Su Mu looked at them quietly, did not speak, and followed the same steps.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand stabbed, and a strange beast died under Su Mu's sword.

"Extreme Fall Sword Rain!"

These exotic beasts can't move, it's just a natural target.

Su Mu decided to use the most effortless method to solve this group of exotic beasts.

The blazing sword appeared, like an arrow, and flew towards the strange beasts.

"Ding! Kill the C-level adult beast [White Wood Deer] and get a reward: 450 points!

"Ding! Kill the C-level adult beast [Canghai Serpent] and get a reward: 460 points!

"Ding! Kill the C-level adult beast [Azure Armored Wolf] and get a reward: 450 points! "


Counting the white horse snake and the white horse elephant rabbit, Su Mu killed a total of about ten exotic beasts.

Except for the white horse elephant rabbit, the other exotic beasts did not bring Su Mu the reward of items.

However, it brought Su Mu a lot of point income.

His current total points have also reached more than eight thousand points.

As the points reached more than eight thousand points, Su Mu directly opened the interface of the system mall, ready to exchange some four-dimensional fruits to improve his four-dimensional fruits.

But at this moment, he suddenly remembered.

The purpose of coming to this Tiger Creek Stream himself is to power the fruit tree.

Now the threat is all lifted.

Na Su Mu began to look for the fruit of strength.

But after some searching, Su Mu did not find the existence of the power fruit tree.

"It seems that that thing is calculating me!"

Su Mu's face showed a helpless expression.

In the state of opening the shadow, Su Mu still did not find the existence of the fruit tree.

That means that this place is free of fruit trees.

Apparently, he was deceived.

"Forget it, anyway, now that the points are out, let's exchange them directly for a wave!"

During the exchange, Su Mu consumed 8,000 points. And the fruits of various attributes were exchanged for one.

As Su Mu swallowed the fruits one by one, he suddenly felt that his body was quietly changing.

He opened the system interface and wanted to see the specific situation.

But when he opened and saw the four-dimensional attribute, he was stunned.

"What's the situation? Could it be that something went wrong with the system? This shouldn't be! "

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