Su Mu nodded and said to Song Yu: "I know, you also go out first!"

Song Yu stood in place and hesitated for a moment.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Song Yu didn't understand, Su Mu asked with a puzzled face.

"I want to stay here and see if I need help!" When Song Yu said this, there was a trace of hesitation in his tone.

"No need." Su Mu waved his hand and said to Song Yu very seriously. "What I'm going to do next, I can't be disturbed in any way."

"I see."

Song Yu left the room with some disappointment.

Her original intention was to stay and help Su Mu.

But what he didn't expect was that Su Mu rejected her directly.

After Song Yu left, Su Mu began to manipulate all kinds of powders with Qi.

Take a little of this powder and a little of that powder.

Finally, these powders are all gathered together.

Subsequently, Su Mu began to compress the flame.

Under the compression of the flame, all the powder begins to come together.

The pressure is very high.

It didn't take long for all the powder to be compressed into a small ball.

The globules are small, only adult fingernails.

Although the balls are small.

But this very small ball is full of essence.

Su Mu stood up and walked slowly towards the small ball.

Su Mu dispersed the flame near the small ball, and the small ball fell directly into Su Mu's hand.

Under the continuous compression of Reiki, the surface of the ball looks very smooth.

Looking at the small ball in his hand, Su Mu came directly to Lu Tianfeng's bedside.

He pried open Lu Tianfeng's mouth with his fingers and directly sent the ball into Lu Tianfeng's mouth.

After doing all this, Su Mu did not end.

He put his hand on Lu Tianfeng's forehead.

A streak of flame overflowed from Su Mu's fingertips and submerged into Lu Tianfeng's body.

After Qiong entered Lu Tianfeng's body, Su Mu began to control Qi, refining the ball.

Under the refining of Qi, the medicinal effect of the small ball will be maximized.

Under Su Muji's refining, the medicinal effect began to appear.

Lu Tianfeng's skin became smoother at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The skin that was originally like goosebump skin turned into the skin of a normal adult male in less than a minute.

In addition, Lu Tianfeng's gray hair also began to be occupied by black again.

"It's finally over."

Su Mu sat on the edge of Lu Tianfeng's bed, obviously relieved.

Lu Tianfeng's eyes were still closed. However, his state has visibly improved with the naked eye.

His complexion also began to turn rosy.

Su Mu's hand, Lu Tianfeng's pulse.

He clearly felt that Lu Tianfeng's pulse had regained its previous vitality.

In this case, it is only a matter of time before Lu Tianfeng wakes up.

Outside the room, Lu Zhenghao was shaking like satisfaction on a hot pot.

Change the previous calm and calm image.

At this time, Lu Zhenghao looked like a fledgling young man.

Song Yu stood beside Lu Zhenghao and said in a low voice; "President Lu, don't worry. Since Mr. Su is inside, the young master will definitely be fine.

"That's right, but I'm just worried."

Lu Zhenghao knew that Song Yu was right.

He also knew that it was useless to rush outside.

But the problem is that if he is not in a hurry now, he does not know what he should do.

After all, the person lying in the room was his most beloved son of Lu Zhenghao.

Time walked minute by minute, and Lu Zhenghao's mood became more and more anxious.

Su Mu in the room had already observed Lu Tianfeng's situation.


At this time, Su Mu found Lu Tianfeng's eyelids and jumped slightly.

Although the beating was very slight, it was still noticed by Su Mu.

Not long after his eyelids jumped slightly, Lu Tianfeng's eyelids moved again.

This time it was still very slight.

However, compared to before, there has been a very obvious improvement.

Another ten minutes or so passed.

When Su Mu saw Lu Tianfeng's eyelids, they had slowly opened.

"Brother Su." When Lu Tianfeng saw Su Mu, his face was full of surprise. "Why are you here?"

"This matter, it's really a child without a mother, it's a long story."

For the matter of Lu Tianfeng's coma, Su Mu only knew it, but did not know why.

In order not to mislead Lu Tianfeng, Su Mu decided to let Lu Zhenghao tell him personally.

"Move your body and see how your body is doing." Su Mu said to Lu Tianfeng.

He was not in a hurry and let the rest of the Lu family in.

He had to determine Lu Tianfeng's body, and after he fully recovered, Su Mu could let the Lu family in.

Lu Tianfeng moved his body and said to Su Mu a little dazedly: "Except for some weakness, I feel that my body should be fine."

Su Mu nodded.

"You lie down first, I'll check your body first." Su Mu said to Lu Tianfeng.

Lu Tianfeng nodded.

Then, Su Mu put his hand on Lu Tianfeng's forehead again.

After some inspection, Su Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Tianfeng's body, except for some weakness, there was no problem.

"Come in!"

Su Mu opened the door in the direction of the room.

As soon as the voice fell, the door to the room was opened.

Lu Zhenghao was the first to run in from outside the door.

As fast as he could, he ran to Lu Tianfeng's bedside.

Seeing that Lu Tianfeng still had his eyes closed, he said to Su Mu anxiously: "Mr. Su, what's going on?" My son..." Concern

is chaos.

Lu Zhenghao did not find that his son had changed back to his previous appearance.

"Dad." Before Su Mu could answer, Lu Tianfeng's weak voice sounded. "I'm fine, I'm fine."

Hearing this, Lu Zhenghao almost cried.

He turned his head to look at Su Mu, clasped Su Mu's hands with both hands, and his face was full of gratitude: "Mr. Su, thanks to you this time." If it weren't for you, my son might be.... "

Lu Zhenghao is right.

If it weren't for Su Mu, Lu Tianfeng might not have woken up.

Therefore, Su Mu is simply Lu Tianfeng's benefactor.

Su Mu waved his hand at Lu Zhenghao: "Let's not talk about these first, can you find someone to help me to rest first?"

Lu Zhenghao slapped his head and said with some self-blame: "It's all to blame that I'm too excited, Mr. Su, I'm sorry."

"Come on, quickly help Mr. Su to rest." Lu Zhenghao said loudly angrily.

Song Yu stepped forward directly and helped Su Mu.

She said to Su Mu with a smile: "I'll help you to rest, Mr. Su!"

In this regard, Su Mu did not refuse.

"Trouble you." Su Mu smiled at Song Yu and nodded.

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