After being sent back to the resting place by Song Yu, Su Mu fell asleep with his head down.

When I woke up again, it was noon two days later.

Treating Lu Tianfeng consumed too much of Su Mu's qi and physical strength.

This Lu family manor is not a place full of spiritual energy.

It takes a long, long time to regain these physical strength and qi.

In the past two days, Su Mu had only recovered less than one-third of his strength and less than one-fifth of his qi.

Su Mu, who slowly opened his eyes, subconsciously said: "I don't know what happened to Lu Tianfeng."

As soon as Su Mu's voice fell, he heard a voice next to him sound: "It has almost recovered, and now I can get out of bed and walk." "


This sudden sound startled Su Mu.

Su Mu looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw Song Yu sitting quietly on the side of Su Mu's bed.

"Why are you here?" Su Mu struggled to get up.

But Song Yu held Su Mu's arm and said to Su Mu: "You better take a good rest!"

Su Mu wanted to refuse.

But the bed under me is too comfortable.

For a while, Su Mu didn't resist the temptation of the bed.

Lying on the bed, Su Mu asked Song Yudao, "Lu Tianfeng can already get out of bed?"

"Yes." Song Yu, who was sitting on the edge of Su Mu's bed, nodded and stood up. "The situation of the young master has recovered very well."

"He can now not only get out of bed, but also perform some simple movements. The physiotherapist at home is rehabilitating the young master. If nothing else, the young master will be able to recover completely in just one week. Hearing

this, Su Mu nodded.

At least in the current situation, his treatment of Lu Tianfeng is correct.

Song Yu walked to a table, poured a glass of water for Su Mu, and then returned to Su Mu's bedside.

She handed the water cup in her hand to Su Mu.

"Thank you." Su Mu was also not polite, and after taking the water cup, he drank it.

A glass of water into his throat, Su Mu suddenly felt refreshed.

After Song Yu took the water cup, he asked Su Mu: "Do you want another cup?" "

Thank you." Su Mu shook his head and waved his hand. "No need, this cup is enough."

"That's right." Song Yu put the water cup back on the table and asked Su Mu again. "Would you like something to eat?"


As soon as he heard that there was something to eat, Su Mu suddenly came to his senses.

"What is there to eat?" Su Mu asked Song Yu.

Su Mu is also a guest no matter what he said.

So his principle is that the guest is free from the master.

That's why he asked Song Yu what he could eat.

"What would you like to eat?" Song Yu asked Su Mu rhetorically.

"If you have something to eat, I can eat whatever you want."

Su Mu said this in order not to let Song Yu get in trouble.

Song Yu smiled and said to Su Mu: "We have everything here." All you have to do is say what you eat, and I'll find someone to make it for you.

"And I assure you, these foods are made by three-Michelin chefs."

Upon hearing this, Su Mu was immediately happy.

"Give me a portion of everything you eat."

Since Song Yu said so, then Su Mu definitely didn't need to be polite.

"Wait a minute." Song Yu didn't even have the slightest hesitation and got up directly. "I'll find someone to arrange it for you directly."

After speaking, he walked out of Su Mu's room.

After walking out of Su Mu's room, she took out the mobile phone she used before.

"Kitchen." Song Yu's tone at this time once again returned to the appearance of a strong woman before. "All the food on the menu, make it for me."


The kitchen didn't even ask why.

Hanging up the kitchen phone, Song Yu wanted to go back to Su Mu's room.

But at this moment, her mobile phone rang again.

When he saw the caller ID, Song Yu was slightly stunned.

"Young Master." This call was from Lu Tianfeng. "You're looking for me, what's the matter?"

After the phone was connected, Lu Tianfeng on the other end of the phone asked; "Mr. Su, what is the situation now?"

After learning the cause and effect of this matter, Lu Tianfeng addressed Su Mu. Also from the previous Su brothers, to the current Mr. Su.

"Mr. Su, I've woken up now." Song Yubi replied respectfully.

"What about his physical condition?" Lu Tianfeng asked again.

"I'm in very good physical condition, but I just feel a little tired."

Hearing Song Yu say this, Lu Tianfeng was obviously relieved.

"I'll go see Mr. Su right away!"

After Lu Tianfeng finished speaking, he didn't wait for Song Yu to speak, so he hung up the phone directly.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Song Yu looked helpless.

After putting the phone away, Song Yu returned to the room.

Su Mu lay on the bed in the room, bored brushing a certain sound.

While brushing, he complained helplessly: "As the capital of Huaxia, is the imperial capital so dangerous?" Just

now, Su Mu brushed several short videos about exotic beasts.

Although these short videos, after swiping and then returning, are in a deleted state.

But these videos were still brushed by Su Mu.

"What's wrong, Mr. Su!"

Hearing Su Mu's complaining, Song Yu asked curiously.

"The imperial capital has a strange beast, don't you know?" Su Mu asked Song Yu curiously.

Song Yu said to Su Mu with a smile: "If you have eaten, even if there are foreign beasts, they can handle it." "

The alien beasts that appear now are not very high-level.

Most of the alien beasts are E-class alien beasts. There are very few of them, which are D-class alien beasts.

These exotic beasts can almost be easily handled after eating.

"Tell the truth." Su Mu looked at Song Yu and warned very seriously. "People who eat it, except for the five major temporary workers, the rest are waste."

"Your Lu family, it's best to be prepared."

When Song Yu heard this, he nodded very seriously.


Just as Su Mu was chatting with Song Yu, Su Mu's room door was knocked.

"Who?" Su Mu asked angrily.

Outside the door, Lu Tianfeng's voice came: "Mr. Su, are you convenient now?" If it's convenient, then I'll go in. "

Come in!" Su Mu shouted.

The door was pushed open, and Lu Tianfeng slowly walked into the room with the help of a maid.

Su Mu slowly sat up, glanced at Lu Tianfeng, and teased with a smile: "Your physical condition is recovering very well!"

Lu Tianfeng found a chair and sat down, and arched his hand to Su Mu with gratitude on his face: "This is thanks to Mr. Su!" If it weren't for Mr. Su, I might ..." Before

Lu Tianfeng's words were finished, he was interrupted by Su Mu frowning.

"You still call me Brother Su, your Mr. Su's name makes me very uncomfortable."

Hearing Su Mu's words, a look of relief flashed in Lu Tianfeng's eyes.

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