Su Mu could also understand why Lu Tianfeng showed relief.

He is Lu Tianfeng's lifesaver.

With this relationship here, if Lu Tianfeng calls Su Mu and Su Brother again, it will seem a little unruly.

But Lu Tianfeng himself felt it.

If you call Mr. Su Musu yourself, it is more or less alienating.

So on the way here, he was also very entangled.

"By the way, what are you doing here?" At this time, Su Mu changed the topic.

Lu Tianfeng said with a smile: "I know that Brother Su slept for a long time, and he must have been tired. So I'm going to take a look at the Su brothers.

"You know what?" Su Mu, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, smiled at Lu Tianfeng. "There is such a saying on the Internet: shhh

"No problem." Lu Tianfeng didn't even think about it, so he asked directly. "How much do you think is a huge amount?"

"100 million? 1 billion? 10 billion? "Lu Tianfeng is really generous, and when he opens his mouth, he gives money in units of 100 million.

Seeing that Su Mu did not speak, Lu Tianfeng thought that he was giving less.

He thought for a while and said to Su Mu: "If you feel that these are not enough, or I will give you my shares."

"Yuelu Group, my father owns 51% of the shares. I have a 40% stake. If you don't mind, I'll give you this 40% share!

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned, including Su Mu.

What he just said was more or less joking.

But what I didn't expect was that his own joke, Lu Tianfeng turned out to be of course.

And listening to his tone, not only as it was. Moreover, he really planned to give Su Mu this huge amount of money.

The maids next to them were all stupid.

What is the market capitalization of Yuelu Group, no one knows.

But the maid knew.

Even a 1% stake in Yuelu Group can make a person directly become a billionaire.

40%, it is estimated that it can directly enter the Forbes list.

"Young Master Lu, it's generous!" Su Mu smiled and gave a thumbs up to Lu Tianfeng.

Lu Tianfeng thought that Su Mu was ridiculing himself.

He thought carefully again and said to Su Mu: "If you think these are not enough, or I will give you my company." "

Stop, stop!" Su Mu stretched out his hand and stopped it with a helpless face. "Stop it, you! If I let you say it again, will the Yuelu Group also give it to me directly?" When

Lu Tianfeng heard this, he nodded directly; It's not impossible.

"Got it, got it." Su Mu looked at Lu Tianfeng and said with a smile. "These things you said, buddies can't look at them!"

The maids are all stupid.

She originally thought that Su Mu would accept everything Lu Tianfeng said just now.

But she really didn't expect that Su Mu would refuse, and the refusal was still so decisive.

It can be seen from Su Mu's expression that his refusal is very serious, and there is no intention of giving in at all.

"Then what does Brother Su want?" Lu Tianfeng always felt that he owed Su Mu.

If Su Mu ordered something, he would feel very uncomfortable in his heart.

"Actually, what I want, your father has already given me." Su Mu said to Lu Tianfeng with a smile.

Lu Tianfeng looked at Su Mu with a puzzled expression on his face.

"My father is hospitalized!" Su Mu reminded.

"But..." Lu Tianfeng wanted to say something.

But his words were interrupted by Su Mu.

Su Mu waved his hand at him and said, "Since they are friends, there is no need to say this anymore."

"Small, I'm small." Su Mu's open-mindedness made Lu Tianfeng laugh at himself. "It's still Brother Su, your pattern is big."

"Then you need to say."

Su Mu can not ask for money.

But for the compliment, he must accept it all.

After the two chatted for a while, Lu Tianfeng left Su Mu's room with the help of the maid.

"Mr. Su." After sending Lu Tianfeng away, Song Yu asked Su Mu with a curious face. "Why are you, don't want anything."

Su Mu frowned and looked at Song Yu strangely: "Are you curious, why don't I want money?"

Song Yu nodded.

In Song Yu's opinion.

With so much money, no one should be able to refuse.

"Is money important to you?" Su Mu asked Song Yu.

He wanted to use this as a starting point to make a good tirade.

Unexpectedly, Song Yu said with a serious face: "It's important!" Very important. Even if I'm a stranger, money is very important to me.

Song Yu's answer made Su Mu a little unresponsive for a while.

But fortunately, Su Mu's reaction was relatively fast, and he said directly to Song Yu: "Money is important to you, but it is not important to me at all."

Song Yu asked Su Mu curiously, "Why?" Aren't you short of money?

"Yes." Su Mu said to Song Yu very seriously. "Buddy is not short of money, he is very rich."

"Just tell you so! As long as the buddies are willing, they can even buy the Yuelu Group in one day. "

If someone else said this, Song Yu thought that the other party was bragging.

I don't know why.

These words came out of Su Mu's mouth, but they made Song Yu feel that they were true.

After filling the cup, Su Mu asked Song Yu curiously: "How do I think, you are very short of money?"

"yes." Song Yu said to Su Mu with a helpless face. "Inhuman cultivation, everything you need money. It costs money to buy alien arts, it costs money to buy this, and it costs money to buy that.

"The stranger looks beautiful, but it is actually made of money."

When Su Mu said this, there was helplessness in his tone that was difficult to hide.

After listening to Song Yu's words, Su Mu subconsciously wanted to ask, "Why don't you exchange points for it?"

But before the words could be spoken, he realized that something was wrong.

After all, in this world, he may be the only one who has the system.

At the same time, he also remembered that before he was reborn, he seemed to be even more embarrassed than Song Yu.

After all, behind Song Yu, it is still supported by Yuelu Group.

But at that time, Su Mu was alone.

"If you run out of money, come directly to your brother." How much money you want, brother will give you how much money.

Su Mu began to pretend.

"That's not going to happen." Song Yu waved his hand with a smile, rejecting Su Mu's kindness. "Although I, Song Yu, am not a good mixer, it seems that I have not reached the point of asking others for money."

Looking at Song Yu, who looked stubborn, Su Mu smiled.


At this time, the door of the room was knocked again.

Song Yu asked, "Who?" "

Manager Song, the meal you asked for has been delivered." A man's voice came from outside the door.

Song Yu did not speak, but looked at Su Mu.

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