Qilu land, a city on the seashore.

In an ordinary village, a group of people are gathered in one place, not knowing what they are discussing.

Several people were dressed in black and masked, carrying long knives, looking like ninjas.

Around them, there were corpses.

These are ordinary people in Huaxia.

The death of the corpse looks very terrifying.

It can be seen from the wounds of the corpse.

Their deaths were all caused by this group of men in black.

"When we come to Huaxia this time, everything needs to be carried out in secret." The leading ninja said in a deep voice.


The other ninjas, bowed in unison.

"Okay, in a week. Whether we find it or not, we must all assemble here.

After speaking, the leading middle-aged man waved his hand.

The other ninjas scattered on all sides.

After seeing this, the ninja leader also quickly left in one direction.

Not long after the group of ninjas left, several cars stopped at the gate of the village.

The people in the car came down.

When I saw the scene in the village, I had my eyes cracked out of the corners and my eyes were bloodshot.

The group of people wore white robes and had an elegant temperament.

The leading one, even more gestures, gives people an indescribable Confucian momentum.

Looking at the scene in front of him, this person's face was gloomy.

"Let's separate and see those who are not alive yet."

The middle-aged white robe's eyes were bloodshot and his face was full of indignation.

He clenched his fists and forcibly endured the anger in his heart.

The same goes for others.


All white-robed people separated.

After searching for about an hour, all the white-robed people returned to the middle-aged man's side.

Their expressions were gloomy, and they were as strong as middle-aged people to endure anger.

"None of the survivors?" The middle-aged man asked with strong anger.

"Yes, not a single survivor."

The voice of the person who spoke sounded very strange.

It felt as if every word he said was squeezed out of his teeth.

"Or them?" The middle-aged white-robed man asked again.

"As you can see from the wounds, it's them again." The white-robed man continued to answer.


The middle-aged white-robed man took a deep breath and waved his hand.

Other white-robed people got into the car one after another.

The atmosphere in the car was very depressing.

"How many people died this time?" The middle-aged white-robed man asked.

A person sitting in the back of the car looked at the tablet in his hand and said, "There are 123 people in total this time." "

It's a small village, so there aren't many people in the village.

"Counting the previous villages, it is already 1,023 people." His subordinates reported.


The middle-aged white-robed man wanted to vent very much.

But he couldn't find a place to vent.

"Notify all the families, forces, and organizations in the land of Qilu, and once the traces of these people are discovered, notify the Kong family immediately."

"If anyone can kill these people, or capture these people alive." Then the Kong family will give a heavy reward. "

A middle-aged white-robed man named Kong Jianli.

This person is Kong Jian is a generation.

However, he was only obsessed with cultivation all his life, and never got involved in the struggle for rights.

The white-robed mad students he led were the most elite group of people in the Kong family.

There are a total of 800 white-robed mad students, of which 700 are in the realm of innate ninefold.

The remaining hundred people are all between one and three qi nourishment.

The white-robed mad life lived in seclusion in the mountains all year round to cultivate.

Except for each head of the Kong family, few people know of their existence.

This time, the land of Qilu faced a catastrophe.

To cope with this catastrophe.

In desperation, the current head of the Kong family invited Kong Jianli and his 800 white-robed mad students.

But even if 800 white-robed madmen came out of the mountain, they still couldn't catch this group of Dongying ninjas.

It's not how strong the strength of the Toei ninja is.

It's that these Toei ninjas are like loaches.

In the face of such a group of people, even if the 800 white-robed mad students are no matter how powerful, they are fists on cotton, and they have a weak heart.

Qilu Dadi, an international airport.

Su Mu walked down from the plane of the Yuelu Group.

The harsh sunlight made his eyes squint slightly.

"Suck it!"

He took a deep breath.

Then he smiled and sighed: "It's still good air in my hometown!" "

Li Ru, it is the person in charge of receiving Su Mu this time.

He is responsible for the main security work of the Yuelu Group, the land of Qilu.

This Li Ru is as his name suggests.

He looks very elegant, really very similar to the Confucian Yashi in the novel.

There was a smile on his face.

This smile makes people feel like a spring breeze when they look at it.

"Mr. Su." Seeing Su Mu, Li Ru bowed and saluted.

Li Ru had seen Su Mu's photos.

Su Mu recognized Su Mu at the first glance.

"Hello." Su Mu nodded politely.

Under the leadership of Li Ru, Su Mu came to the Yuelu Hotel.

Yuelu Hotel is a national chain hotel.

There are hundreds of them in China.

Almost every city in China has the figure of Yuelu Hotel.

The Yuelu Boutique Hotel where Su Mu stayed is a high-end luxury version of the Yuelu Hotel.

This hotel is a very rare seven-star hotel in Qilu.

Under Li Ru's arrangement, Su Mu stayed in the best presidential suite in the hotel.

This presidential suite, the area of the living room alone, is hundreds of square meters.

Su Mu had just entered the hotel, and he hadn't had time to rest.

I heard a knock outside the door.


Su Mu asked.

"Mr. Su." Li Ru's voice came from outside the door. "It's me Li Ru, I'm here to send you information."

"Come in!"

Su Mu shouted.

The door opened, and Li Ru walked in.

He respectfully handed a USB flash drive to Su Mu, and then said, "This USB flash drive is all the information you need."

Su Mu nodded, and then took the USB flash drive.

After taking the USB flash drive, a look of embarrassment flashed on Su Mu's face.

He was in a hurry to go out this time, and he didn't even have a change of clothes, let alone a computer.

As if seeing Su Mu's embarrassment, Li Ru said with a smile: "The clothes, equipment, etc. you need will be delivered to your room in ten minutes." "

Thank you!"

Su Mu thanked Li Ru.

Ten minutes later, a brand new set of computers and some luxury clothes were sent into Su Mu's room.

After putting away the clothes and debugging the equipment, the staff left Su Mu's room.

When everyone left, Su Mu sat down in front of the computer and began to check the information sent by Li Ru.

After watching it for less than a minute, Su Mu cursed angrily: "This group of Dongying people is simply not a person. "

On the table are pictures one by one.

In these pictures, there are some very bloody scenes.

At the bottom of each image, there is also a number.

If nothing else, these numbers should be numbers.

"More than 1,000 people, and they are all ordinary people." Su Mu gritted his teeth.

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