Since this group of Dongying people appeared in the land of Qilu, at least 1,000 ordinary people have been killed in the land of Qilu.

Moreover, every time it is a massacre.

If it was a stranger who died, Su Mu would not be so angry.

After all, the battle between strangers is either death or disability.

But these are ordinary people.

Among these ordinary people, there are even very few young adults.

Almost all of those who died were old, weak, sick and disabled.

After reading the information, Su Mu's eyes had turned blood-red because of anger.

"Don't let me catch you. If I catch you, Lao Tzu must let you experience what life is better than death.

Su Mu clenched his fists.

Qilu land, a village by the sea.

A ninja, armed with a ninja knife, is engaged in a brutal slaughter.

He laughed wildly, as if he were a sick maniac.

"Hahaha! Killing is true happiness! "

This ninja only cares about killing, as if forgetting his mission.

Wails, screams, and pleas for mercy rose and fell in the village.

But these ninjas don't seem to hear it.

"Are you done killing? After killing, let's hurry up! At this time, a ninja shouted.

"Wait, what do you see I found?"

At this time, a ninja walked in front of all the ninjas.

I saw that this ninja was holding a swaddle in one hand.

In the swaddling, there was a crying baby.

The other ninjas saw the baby with sickly smiles on their faces.

"How about we play a game?" At this point a ninja proposed.

All the ninjas looked at him in unison.

The ninja smiled disgustedly and said, "I'll throw him up later, and then we'll take the knife together."

"See whoever has the accuracy to cut off his fingers."

When everyone heard this, they were overjoyed.

"Good, good, good! That's a good idea, I love playing like that!

"Yamada-kun deserves to be the smartest of us, and I like your proposal."

"Guys, hurry up! The long knife in my hand is already impatient.

"Hurry, hurry! I'm ready. "


The ninjas roared and laughed loudly like beasts.


The ninja holding the child began to count down.



After the countdown, the ninja literally threw the child into the air.

All the ninjas struck in unison.

For a while, the sword flashed.

While they were waiting for the baby to land, they found that the baby had disappeared.

"What about the children? What about children? Why is the child gone?

"Did it disappear out of thin air?" It can't be!

"Is there something wrong with my eyes?" Why can't I see my children anymore?

"Everyone look for it, it should be not far away."


The game did not take place, which made the ninjas very unhappy.

At this time, a voice came slowly from not far away: "No need to look for it, the child is in my hands." All

the ninjas, look in the direction of the source of the sound.

I saw a man standing not far away.

The man was dressed in a white robe and looked very elegant.

Uncomfortable, holding a long sword in one hand and a baby in the other.

The breeze blew through, and the corners of the man's clothes rose slightly.

"Who are you?"

A ninja holds a long knife and points at a middle-aged man.

"Okay, don't change your name, sit down, don't change your surname, Kong family Kong Jianli!" The middle-aged man said his name coldly.

Hearing this name, all the ninjas were stunned.

Because it was the first time they had heard of the name Kong Jianli.

Before they came to Huaxia, they had specially studied the masters of the land of Qilu.

There is no Kong Jianli's name in it.

Therefore, they naturally believe that this Kong Jianli is not a master of the Kong family.

"A small person in the Kong family also dares to stop me and wait. I look at you, I just don't want to live.

"You protected this child for a while, but you can't protect this child for a lifetime."

"And for a while, I suspect he can't even protect this child."

"Let's make a move together, let the Chinese people know and know, we are powerful in the East."


Kong Jianli ignored these ninjas, but raised the long sword in his hand and pointed at them.


Kong Jianli's voice just fell.

Shouts that shook the mountains and rivers resounded all around: "Kill! That

word alone made all the ninjas present shudder.

They looked around.

The attention just now was on Kong Jianli's body.

When they came back to their senses, they found that they were surrounded by white-robed madmen.

"Don't stay alive..." Kong Jianli's words did not finish, and suddenly stopped.

"Hey." He sighed helplessly. "Leave a living mouth! Do it! "


All the white-robed madmen shot out in unison.

The long sword in his hand was shining in the sunlight, and the cold light was overflowing.

The realm of these ninjas is not high, and they are all about to nourish their qi.

Under the encirclement of the white-robed madmaniac, it didn't take long for a ninja to lose.

This ninja is also decisive.

The moment I lost the battle, I wanted to commit suicide.

But at this time, a white-robed madman pinched his mouth, and then looked into his mouth.

After watching for a while, I saw his hand protrude into the ninja's mouth, and then slammed into it.

A tooth was pulled out by this white-robed madman.

"Want to kill yourself? Not so easy! The

white-robed madman threw his teeth on the ground.

He turned his head to look at a white-robed madman and said, "Tie me!" "


The white-robed madman stepped forward and directly tied up this ninja with five flowers.

Less than ten minutes passed.

All the ninjas were tied up.

"What are you coming to Huaxia for?" Kong Jianli asked.

All the ninjas were the same, and their attitude was very resolute.

"Take it away! Since they don't want to say it here, let them go somewhere else and say it. Kong Jianli ordered.


The white-robed madmen began to escort the ninjas to the car.

At this time, a person walked to Kong Jianli's side, looked at the child in his arms and asked, "What about this child?"

"Bring it back first, and then send it to the orphanage!" Kong Jianli looked at the child in his arms, his face full of pity. "I hope you can live well!"

After that, he took the child and got into the car and left.

Yuelu Boutique Hotel, Presidential Suite.

Su Mu sat in the room with an angry expression on his face.

He wanted to vent, but he didn't know how.

At this time, Su Mu's mobile phone suddenly rang.

He pulled out his phone.

I found a letter and was invited into a group.

He saw that many photos appeared in the group.

These photos are all photos of Toei ninjas.

"These people have been caught by my Kong family. After a simple interrogation, they said that there were hundreds of ninjas in the land of Qilu.

"They have divided into several groups and are looking for something in the land of Qilu."

Su Mudian was the one who developed the information and found that it was sent by a person named Kong Jianli.

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