Meng Fanzhong: Did they say what they came to my Qilu land to look for?

Kong Jianli: It seems to be looking for something called Qionggou Yu.

Dragon Tiger Mountain Old Heavenly Master: Qiong Gouyu? Isn't this one of Dongying's three artifacts? How could he be in our Huaxia?

Wang Tinghai: Our Wang family has done its best, but we haven't found those hateful Dongying ninjas.

Gao Jia Gao Yuxi: They look for things when they look for things, why kill ordinary people?

Kong Jianli: From the mouths of those ninjas just now, the purpose of killing ordinary people is very simple, just for fun.

Seeing this, everyone in the group was angry.

Su Mu only watched them chat, and he did not express any opinion.

What he wants to know more now is where these seriousness lies.

He hesitated for a moment and then sent a message.

Su Mu: @孔家孔建礼, do you know where the remaining ninjas are?

Kong Jianli: After they dispersed, they went their separate ways. Therefore, these ninjas I caught did not know their traces.

Su Mu: I know, thank you!

Qilu land, Langya City.

On the outskirts of Langya City, there is a very large estate.

The manor is very luxuriously decorated.

At the entrance of the manor, there is a huge plaque with the word 'high' written on it.

This manor is the manor of the Langya Gao clan.

In a room of the manor, Gao Yuxi looked at the word 'Su Mu' in the WeChat group, his brows locked.

He quit the group chat and found Tianshi's WeChat.

Gao Yuxi: Old Heavenly Master, who is this Su Mu? Why did you invite him to our group?

As a member of the group, Gao Yuxi was seen by Su Mu, who invited him.

Heavenly Master: This Su Mu is a very powerful young man. His strength is not even below me.

"What?" Seeing this WeChat from the old Heavenly Master, Gao Yuxi's eyes widened directly.

He had a shocked look on his face.

As one of the four major families of Qilu, the head of the Gao family.

Gao Yuxi still had some understanding of the strength of the Old Heavenly Master.

Heavenly Master acted very low-key.

But as long as it is a person in the Inhuman Realm, the title of the Heavenly Master is under one person.

Under this so-called one-man, it is not that there are aliens in this world who are more powerful than the Heavenly Master.

Under this person means:

There are only two kinds of Inhumans in this world.

One is the Heavenly Master, and the other is the other Inhumans.

From here, it is enough to show how strong the strength of the Heavenly Master is.

But the old heavenly master said that Su Mu's strength was not under him.

In other words, Su Mu is also a very strong alien.

It's just that Gao Yuxi can't be sure.

Is the Heavenly Master telling the truth or politely.

Gao Yuxi: Thank you!

Heavenly Master: You're welcome!

After ending the chat with the old Heavenly Master, Gao Yuxi shouted to the door: "Come." "


Gao Yuxi's voice fell, and the door slowly opened.

A secretary-like man walked in from outside the door.

"Master, are you looking for me for something?" The secretary asked softly.

Gao Yuxi said to the secretary, "I need to know all the information about Su Mu."


The secretary nodded and exited Gao Yuxi's room.

In addition to Gao Yuxi, Meng Fanzhong of the Meng family and Wang Tinghai of the Wang family also ordered their secretaries to investigate Su Mu's information.

Sitting in the hotel room, Su Mu was restless.

He walked to the window and prepared to get some fresh air.

But as soon as he arrived at the window, he saw a cold light flashing not far away.

The cold light flashed.

Not to mention ordinary people, even some aliens with lower realms may not be able to detect this cold light.

"Could it be the Dongying people?"

Su Mu hesitated slightly, then directly opened the window and jumped out.

The floor where the Presidential Suite is located is the 20th floor.

However, under the effect of Qi, Su Mu was able to land firmly on the ground.

After landing, Su Mu didn't say a word, and chased straight towards the place where the cold light flashed just now.

"Swift Step!"

He's up to the limit.

In an instant, I came to the place where the cold light flashed just now.

"What's the situation?"

In the place where the cold light flashed just now, there was a person lying on the ground.

The man lay in a pool of blood, his eyes closed.

Su Mu walked to his side and probed his nose with his fingers.

His snort was very weak, as if he had reached the edge of life and death.

Su Mu took out his mobile phone and subconsciously wanted to call the emergency number.

But at this moment, the eyes of the person who fell in a pool of blood suddenly opened.

A cold light flashed.

In this man's hand, there was an extra Dongying ninja knife.

"Didn't expect that, did you?" The man opened his eyes with a playful smile on his lips. He said mockingly in a Chinese dialect with the smell of nuclear radiation. "You Huaxia people, it's just so careless!"

"Break the air!"

I saw that he raised the ninja knife in his hand and was about to attack Su Mu.

"Hey, you Dongying people, you just like this kind of play!" Su Mu shook his head helplessly.

Seeing Su Mu's face, the Dongying ninja did not show an expression of being frightened, and he frowned and said, "Aren't you scared by me?"

"Scared!" Su Mu nodded and said to this Dongying ninja very seriously and seriously. "You jumped up all of a sudden just now, which really startled me. But what? Even if it scares me a lot, what can you do?

As Su Mu spoke, the ninja knife in the hand of the Dongying ninja had already begun to press down.

A sword radiance flew straight towards Su Mu.

The speed of the knife was extremely fast, and it flew to Su Mu's approach in an instant.

"At your little level, you still want to kill me? I really don't know, what do you think!

Su Mu looked at the Dongying ninja, his face full of mockery.

"Huh!" The Toei ninja sneered back. "You Huaxia people, you are still the same as before, you like to talk big."

But as soon as his voice fell, his eyes widened.

Because he clearly saw just now that Su Mu actually used only one hand to break his sword.

And the most important thing is that Su Mu does not have any weapons in his hands.

"How is this possible!"

The Toei ninja was shocked.

"What's so impossible about this!" Su Mu looked at the Dongying ninja and said with a smile. "It's just that you have shallow knowledge!"

"Golden Light Spell!"

Su Mu stomped the ground with his right foot.

Golden light instantly burst out from Su Mu's body.


Su Muyao pointed to the Dongying ninja.

I saw golden threads flying towards the Dongying ninja.

Before he could react, the gold thread tied it into rice dumplings.

At the same time, there was still a golden light, which opened its mouth.

The Toei ninja struggled and was inept and furious.

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