Su Mu walked straight to the Dongying ninja.

After looking around in his mouth, he directly broke off one of his teeth.

This tooth is exactly the same color as the other teeth.

If it weren't for Su Mu's understanding, he might not be able to find the difference in teeth.

After breaking his teeth off, Su Mu threw it directly on the ground.

Then Su Mu dispersed the golden thread in the mouth of the Dongying ninja.

"Cunning Huaxia people, hurry up and let me go. If you're still a man, fight me head-on! The

Toei ninja struggled and roared loudly.

Su Mu looked at him with an expression like a fool: "I've caught you now, why do I have to fight you head-on?" "

This question directly makes the Dongying ninja stupid to ask.

"Aren't you Huaxia people advocating the spirit of chivalry? You are doing this against the spirit of chivalry! The Toei ninja continued to shout.

Su Mu felt that this Dongying ninja was simply a cerebral palsy.

"We in Huaxia, there are indeed people who advocate the spirit of chivalry. But advocating the spirit of chivalry does not mean that there is a problem with the brain.

"With me catching you, you still want me to let you fight you." I really don't understand what is in your head. "

It is estimated that this ninja has not read some martial arts novels in Huaxia.

In some previous martial arts novels, there is indeed such a plot.

What a certain hero, caught a person.

And then this person, clamoring for something to fight head-on, victory and not martial arts, and so on.

The hero let go of the man.

In the end, the hero was counter-killed by the other party.

"Say, what about the other ninjas? Also, how many of you are infiltrating Huaxia? Su Mu asked the ninja.

The Toei ninja sneered and said with disdain: "This is our secret, I will never tell you." "


Seeing that the Dongying ninja didn't want to say, then Su Mu didn't force the other party.


Su Mu did not continue to ask, which made the Dongying ninja a little confused.

"Trust me, you'll want to say it in a day."

After Su Mu finished speaking, he directly grabbed the collar of the Dongying ninja with one hand.

He carried the Toei ninja back to the hotel.

After returning to the hotel, he contacted Song Yu as soon as possible.

"I caught a Toei ninja, and I need to give him something fun."

"Can you trust this person Li Ru?"

Hearing Su Mu's words, Song Yu smiled slightly.

She smiled and said to Su Mu: "This Li Ru used to be my deputy manager!" The boss and young master also have great trust in him. Otherwise, he would not have been made the general head of the land of Qilu.

"Okay, I see!"

Su Mu ended the call with Song Yu.

Then he picked up the hotel phone.

After the phone was connected, he said to the person on the other end of the phone: "Let Li Ru come to my room later!" When

the front desk heard the tone of this order, he wanted to mock Su Mu.

But when she saw the caller ID clearly, her thoughts suddenly changed.

"Okay." She replied in a very respectful tone. "You wait a minute, I will tell him when I see President Li."

Li Ru had specially ordered the front desk.

If Su Mu had something to find him, he would definitely notify him as soon as possible.

"Trouble you."

After Su Mu finished thanking him, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, the front desk said directly to another front desk: "You first top yourself here, I'll go to Mr. Li first!" "

Huh? What's wrong? The other front desk looked at her with curious eyes.

After glancing left and right at the front desk, he whispered to the other front desk: "The one in the presidential suite, I want to find our President Li."

Upon hearing this, the face of the other front desk showed a serious expression: "Then you hurry." "Good


After the front desk finished speaking, he ran out.

After searching and inquiring from many parties, the front desk found Li Ru in Li Ru's office.

Looking at the panting front desk, Li Ru frowned, and reprimanded very dissatisfied: "Didn't I tell you in life and death, don't do things so frizzy?" The

front desk did not explain, but said to Li Ru: "The gentleman in the presidential suite, said that there is something important to find you!" Li

Ru, who originally wanted to reprimand the front desk for a few words, quickly got up.

He looked at the front desk and asked a little nervously: "Are you sure, it's the gentleman from the presidential suite?"

"Yes." The front desk nodded very surely. "That gentleman also specially explained, let you hurry up and find him."

"I see."

Li Ru nodded, and then waved his hand.

After the front desk left, Li Ru left his office as quickly as possible.

It didn't take long for him to come to the outside of Su Mu's room.


He knocked lightly on the door.

At this time, Su Mu was watching TV in the room for entertainment.

Hearing a knock on the door, Su Mu shouted loudly: "Come in!" The

door of the room was pushed open, and Li Ru walked in directly from outside the door.

When he entered the room, Li Ru's eyes straightened.

In the room, Su Mu was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

In front of him, there was a kneeling man.

Su Mu very comfortably put his feet on that person's body.

Although this scene surprised Li Ru.

However, he did not say much.

Su Mu has a special status.

As a smart person, Li Ru is very clear.

Some things, the less you know, the better for yourself.

"Mr. Su." After adjusting his mood, he asked Su Mu in as calm a tone as possible. "You called me here, what is the matter?"

"I need some tools for interrogation, do you have it here?"

Su Mu doesn't like to beat around the bush.

"Of course there is." Li Ru didn't even think about it, so he nodded. "I just don't know, what kind of tools does Mr. Su need?"

"As long as there are tools, bring them to me." I want your hard-mouthed Dongying devil to know how cruel my Su Mu's methods really are.


Li Ru turned his head and left.

But halfway through, he seemed to have thought of something.

Li Ru suddenly stopped and turned to look at Su Mu.

He pointed to the person at Su Mu's feet and asked Su Mu: "Mr. Su, you said that this person is a Dongying person who has recently caused calamity to the land of Qilu.

"Yes." Su Mu nodded.

Seeing Su Mu nodding, a flash of hatred flashed on Li Ru's face.

He bowed forward, his tone pleading, "If you can, can you let me torture the Toei ninjas?"

Su Mu looked at Li Ru puzzled.

The corners of Li Ru's eyes began to gradually redden.

"The village where my parents are located was given by them..." Li Ru didn't finish his words, and he directly choked up.

"No problem." Su Mu nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Su!"

Li Ru walked out of Su Mu's room.

Su Mu looked at the ninja in his footsteps and couldn't help but kick it.

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