A gentle tap under his feet.

Then he turned over and entered the small courtyard directly.

Before, through the crack in the door, Su Mu already had a preliminary understanding of the small courtyard.

The location where he landed was very hidden in the small courtyard.

As long as he doesn't make a noise, no one will notice his presence.

After landing, Su Mu hid all his breath.

After everything was hidden, Su Mu looked in the direction of a room.

The small courtyard is small in size and contains a total of three huts.

One of the huts, directly opposite the doorway.

When Su Mu turned over and entered the small courtyard, the two ninjas who arrived first had already entered the hut.

Just when Su Mu was about to quietly touch the side of the hut.





He heard a few more sounds that broke through the air.

Then he saw that four more ninjas entered the small courtyard.

After confirming that no one was there, they began to walk quietly in the direction of the hut.

"Counting the previous two, there should be six ninjas in this small courtyard now."

"According to the news seen in the group before, this is already a third of the ninjas who came to Huaxia."

Su Mu waited for a while.

After making sure that no one would come in again, he quietly touched outside the hut.

To make eavesdropping easier, he found a window.

Squatting under the window, Su Mu hiddenly started his own flame.

Under the operation of Qi, Su Mu's ears began to become sensitive.

The conversation in the small room also accurately reached Su Mu's ears.

"What about Kanji Ito? Why didn't he come?

"I don't know! I haven't seen Ito-kun for days.

"You said Ito-kun, will it already be..." "Ito-kun

, but much more powerful than me, he is absolutely impossible to be caught."


"Leave Ito-kun alone, let's talk about the situation first." At this time, a voice with a thick voice sounded.

Listening to the tone of this person's speech, he may be the leader or boss of the group.

"Yes." A voice sounded and replied very respectfully. "Today, I haven't found any clues. However, I killed three ordinary people to relieve my boredom.

When he said this, there was not the slightest wave in his tone and tone.

It was as if killing three ordinary people was a common thing for him.

"Good, you did a very good job." The thick voice appreciated.

Hearing this person's appreciation, Su Mu's brows furrowed tightly.

"MD, this group of B people, is TM still human?" Su Mu's heart spat fragrantly.

"Matsushita-kun, tell me about your situation today." The thick voice sounded again.

The ninja, known as Matsushita-kun, began to tell about his situation today: "Today, I have not found a clue to Qiong Gouyu. However, I also killed five ordinary people. "

Hahahaha!" Matsushita-kun couldn't help but laugh after the report.

In addition to Matsushita-kun, the others also laughed.

Su Mu, who was eavesdropping, was already clenching his teeth angrily.

But just when he was about to do something to this group of people.

The thick voice sounded again: "Mikami-kun, you report your situation."

"Yes." The ninja called Mikami-kun began to report seriously. "I looked for clues about Qiong Gouyu."

"What?" The thick voice was shocked to hear the clue that Mikami-kun had found Qiong Gouyu. "Mikami-kun, hurry up and talk! From somewhere, you found the clue of Qiong Gouyu. "

The city's museum!" Mikami-kun replied.

"Museum?" Su Mu's brows frowned slightly, and he secretly said in his heart. "Could it be that the Qiong Gouyu they are looking for can't be made in the city's museum?"

"Then let's go straight to the museum today." The thick voice is also really decisive.

But at this time, Mikami-kun stopped him: "Don't worry, we need to plan well?"

"What's there to plan for?" Isn't it just a little museum?

"That's it! With the strength of a few of us, entering a small museum is not easy.

"That's right! Even if this clue is in Huaxia's army, it is easy for us to enter.

"So, we don't have to plan."


"No, no, no!" Although these ninjas are arrogant, Mikami-kun is not arrogant at all. Not only is he not arrogant, but he is also very cautious. "After discovering the clue, I took a special look at the vicinity of the museum."

"Not far from the museum, there is a small warehouse for food. In that small warehouse, there seem to be quite a few strangers.

"Mikami-kun's caution is very correct." A thick voice said. "We are the best of the elite. So, each of you has nothing to lose.

"There's absolutely nothing wrong with being careful."

After praising Mikami-kun in a thick voice, he asked Mikami-kun, "Do you have a map of the museum?" "

Yes." These three kuns are not only cautious, but also very delicate. "Before I left, I took a map of the museum, so you can take a look."

Next, the cabin fell into a very quiet state.

This silence lasted a full five minutes.

"Today everyone will rest separately, and tomorrow morning, we will gather in this small courtyard!"

The thick voice said, and he left the room first.

Then the other ninjas also left the room.

After it was confirmed, all the ninjas had already left.

Su Mu also left the small courtyard.

With Su Mu's departure, the small courtyard returned to tranquility.

After returning to the hotel, Su Mu washed briefly and went directly to bed.

When I woke up again, it was early morning the next day.

Su Mu dialed the front desk.

"Is Li Ru there?" After the call was connected, Gao Mu asked directly.

"Yes." The front desk clerk on the other end of the phone replied. "You are looking for Mr. Li, is there something wrong?"

The call was from Su Mu, so the front desk did not dare to snub in the slightest.

"Let him come to my room!" Su Mu said to the front desk.


The phone hung up, and the front desk directly began to look for Li Ru.

Five minutes later, Li Ru appeared in Su Mu's room.

"Do you think the city museum people?" After Li Ru came, Su Mu went straight to the point.

Although Li Ru didn't know what Su Mu was going to do, he still nodded and said, "I know, are you in trouble?"

"Come with me to the museum and help me find the upper floors of this museum." Su Mu said directly.

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