On the way to the museum, Su Mu told Li Ru the beginning and end of the matter.

When Li Ru heard this, he asked Su Mu curiously: "Why don't you kill them all directly in the small courtyard?"

"That's a good question." When Su Mu heard this question, he smiled slightly. "I don't know, how many ninjas there are in Huaxia."

"If I were to go straight to the courtyard and kill all these ninjas. It's not easy to find another ninja.

"But if I spread the news that there is Qiong Gouyu in the museum." Is that what other ninjas will flock to?

Li Ru's eyes lit up and he nodded slightly.

"So, let's go to the museum now. Then, see if you can find clues about Qiong Gouyu. If you look for it, it's best. But if we can't find it, then we'll wait for the ninjas to come in the evening and let them tell us. "

Su Mu has multiple layers of calculations here.

Li Ru gave Su Mu a thumbs up.

Not long after, the two arrived at the museum.

Li Ru stood at the door of the museum and dialed a phone.

After waiting for a while, a middle-aged man in a suit walked to the door.

When he saw Li Ru, the middle-aged man was very excited.

"Mr. Li." The middle-aged man walked up to Li Ru and directly held Li Ru's hand. "What's the matter with you coming this time?"

"I'm okay." Li Ru smiled slightly and looked at Su Mudao. "Something happened to my friend."

When the middle-aged man heard this, he was slightly stunned.

Then he looked at Su Mu.

"Hello." The middle-aged man very politely stretched out his right hand and introduced himself. "Wang Kai, the owner of this museum."

Su Mu also politely stretched out his right hand and introduced himself with a smile: "Su Mu, Li Ru's friend." The

two looked at each other and smiled.

"Pavilion Master Wang." After the greeting, Su Mu asked straight to the point. "Are there any cultural relics related to Dongying in your museum?"

"Yes, yes." Wang Kai nodded and said very seriously. "In our museum, there are indeed many cultural relics related to Dongying."

"Then can you show me around?"

If there are really clues related to Qiong Gouyu in this museum.

Then, this clue must be in these Dongying cultural relics.

"No problem!"

Wang Kai said, and made an inviting gesture to Su Mu and Li Ru.

Then the group of three entered the museum.

The city is not big.

But the museum here is really not small.

Even, there is a special exhibition hall about Dongying's cultural relics.

"Why, there is an exhibition hall about Dongying cultural relics here?" Su Mu asked curiously.

As the owner of the museum, Wang Kai is facing everything, that is called a family treasure.

"In 630 AD, China was in the prime of the Tang Dynasty. Emperor Dongying sent many envoys to the Tang Dynasty to study Chinese culture.

"The most prestigious of these are none other than Abe Nakamaro and Kibi Mabi. But in addition to these two, there are many Tang envoys.

Some sent Tang envoys and returned to Dongying smoothly. Some of the envoys sent to Tang died in Huaxia due to various accidents.

"Here, we found the tomb of an envoy who sent Tang Tang. In the tombs of these Tang envoys, the burial goods were very rich. We don't know why this is the case.

Su Mu listened to Wang Kai's introduction, and also felt very strange.

Dongying's dispatch of Tang envoys is equivalent to today's diplomats.

It stands to reason that they are unlikely to carry too many valuables with them when they travel to a country.

Therefore, it is an unreasonable thing to find many precious items in the tomb of an envoy.

"So we suspect that this person is a messenger." However, it is not the kind of regular Tang envoy? Or rather, the person may be a stowaway. Wang Kai continued.

"Stowaways? Stealing beams and changing columns? Su Mu asked curiously.

"Yes." Wang Kai nodded and continued to say with a smile. "It is estimated that he changed someone else's identity and quietly sneaked into the Great Tang."

"We don't know what the specific purpose is. But I think that this person's purpose in coming to my Huaxia must not be simple.

Under Wang Kai's introduction, Su Mu and Li Ru continued to visit the exhibition hall.

In this exhibition hall, there are indeed a lot of Dongying cultural relics.

From jewelry and jade, down to clothes, shoes and socks.

These jewelry and jade objects all have a very strong Chinese style.

But if you look closely, you will find out. These jade artifacts are actually from Master Dongying.

In addition to these things, Su Mu also saw a cloth painting.

Probably because of its age, the cloth looks very dilapidated.

Seeing Su Mu standing in front of the canvas, Wang Kai introduced with a smile: "The content on this canvas seems to be related to the three major artifacts of Dongying!" "

The three major artifacts of Dongying?" Su Mu looked at Wang Kai.

Wang Kai nodded and continued to introduce: "In the mythology of Dongying, there are three kinds of artifacts.

"The first is the well-known grass pheasant sword! The second is eight-foot qionggouyu. And the third kind of thing is called a mirror called Hachigoku.

"In Japanese mythology, these three artifacts have the power to destroy the heavens and the earth."

After listening to Wang Kai's introduction, Su Mu fell into deep thought.

"Actually, when we were studying this painting, we also found an interesting place!" Wang Kai said with a smile.

His appearance at this time has a feeling of showmanship.

Su Mu also showed an interested expression: "What's interesting?"

Wang Kai pointed to a place in the cloth painting and said to Su Mu: "Look at this place carefully!"

Su Mu looked towards the place Wang Kai pointed to.

I saw that where he was pointing, a mountain peak appeared.

The mountain peaks are not high, but they are very characteristic.

The appearance of that mountain peak is like the palm of a person's erected hand.

"Five Finger Mountain?" Li Ru blurted out.

"That's right, it's Five Finger Mountain." Wang Kai glanced at Li Ru and said with a smile. "This mountain is exactly the same as the Five Finger Mountain not far outside our city."

Hearing this, Su Mu looked at Li Ru.

Li Ru quickly gave Su Mu a look.

Su Mu nodded.

"It seems that the content on this canvas should have something to do with my Huaxia." Su Mu said with a smile.

Wang Kai's next explanation, Su Mu no longer had the heart to listen.

He now wanted to know what the situation of the Five Finger Mountain in the two people was.

After visiting the Dongying Hall, Li Ru said to Wang Kai: "Pavilion Master Wang, thank you for your explanation." We still have some things to do today, so we have to go first. "

Then send it to you." Wang Kai is very enthusiastic.

Li Ru waved his hand and said, "Don't bother you." "

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