Outside the museum, there is a milk tea shop.

Su Mu and Li Ru sat in the box.

He looked at Li Ru curiously and asked, "What is the situation of that Five Finger Mountain?" In

Su Mu's cognition.

The Five Finger Mountain is just a mountain that exists in mythology.

In the myth of Journey to the West, Buddha Rulai used the Five Finger Mountain to suppress the Monkey King.

"Outside our city, there is a big mountain. Because there are five peaks, they are staggered in height and low. It looks like five fingers of a person. So the locals call this mountain Five Finger Mountain. When

Su Mu heard this, after taking a sip of milk tea, he continued to ask: "Then do you have any legends or myths about the Five Finger Mountain here?" "

Myths, legends, these things are very interesting.

Most of the myths and stories in China are not fabricated.

Some of these mythological stories are real events.

However, these deeds are certainly not as mysterious as legends or myths.

It is generally artificially exaggerated.

"I really don't know that." Li Ru shook his head.

Li Ru's hometown is in the land of Qilu.

But his hometown is still some distance from the city.

Therefore, he only knows the matter of the Five Finger Mountain, and does not know the reason.

"Regarding the myths and legends of the Five Finger Mountain, we may be able to go to the library."

Each city's library will have a journal unique to that city.

In the log, in addition to recording some major events, some minor things will also be recorded.

"Are we going now?" Li Ru asked Su Mu.

After glancing at the time, Su Mu shook his head and said, "It's already afternoon, and we don't know when that group of ninjas will act." So the best choice at this time is to wait for the rabbit.

After Su Mu finished speaking, he looked out the window.

The location of their box is just enough to clearly see the museum.

The sun is setting and the sun is setting.

The museum adds a layer of mystery to the setting sun.

"It's almost the end of hours at the museum." Li Ru was opposite Su Mu and reminded in a low voice.

Su Mu nodded.

Then Li Ru said with some worry: "If those ninjas really come today, will the two of us be able to handle it?"

"Not the two of us." Su Mu withdrew his gaze, looked at Li Ru and said with a smile. "It's just me."

"You're alone?" Li Ru's face showed worry. "I'm not doubting your strength, I'm just curious to ask, can you really be alone?"

"It's just a bunch of little ninjas, what's the matter." Su Mu said very boldly.

In fact, when he was in the small courtyard yesterday, Su Mu already had a preliminary understanding of the strength of these ninjas.

The strength of these ninjas is indeed very good.

The leading ninja is probably focused on the realm. And the remaining ninjas, the realm is all nourishing the qi ninefold.

In today's environment, it is really not easy to have so many masters.

Their strength is certainly good.

But in front of the trees, they are nothing.

As long as Su Mu is willing, he can even kill them very easily.

"But..." Li Ru was still a little worried.

"Nothing to do." Su Mu waved at Li Ru again. "I have a sense of proportion."

Since Su Mu said so, then Li Ru didn't have to say anything more.

"What about me? So what should I do? Li Ru asked Su Mu again.

Su Mu looked at the direction of the museum and said to Li Ru with a smile: "I'll get a wireless headset later, you can find a commanding height, and help me report the traces of these ninjas."

Li Ru nodded, got up casually and left the milk tea shop.

Ten minutes later, Li Ru dialed Su Mu's phone: "The wireless headset has been delivered to the first floor of the milk tea shop." If you have a high point, I have already found it.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

Su Mu got the first floor of the milk tea shop and got the wireless headphones that Li Ru stored here.

After putting on the headphones, Su Mu found a relatively remote corner and jumped into the museum.

He glanced at the time on his watch.

Time display on the watch.

Now there is still a minute to go before the museum retreat.

Su Mu first found a hidden place to hide himself.

Then he began to wait.

After about twenty minutes, the entire museum fell into absolute silence.

At this time, there was no one in the entire museum except for the security guard in the security room at the front door.

Su Mu took advantage of this time to quietly touch the interior of the museum.

Because I came during the day, everything seemed familiar.

Soon, he came to the exhibition hall where he had seen the canvas before.

Finding a relatively hidden place, Su Mu used wireless headphones to say to Li Ru: "I'm already in position." "

I'm where I'm right now, with a panoramic view of everything about the museum." Whether it's the front door, the back door, the side door or the walls of the museum.

"If someone suspicious appears, I will report it to you as soon as possible."

After Li Ru said this, the earphones fell into a state of tranquility.

This state lasted until seven o'clock in the evening.

Su Mu, who was hiding in the exhibition hall of the painting, had already begun to doze off.

But at this time, Li Ru's voice sounded in the earphones.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Su! I found seven suspicious people who had rummaged into the museum from a relatively secluded place.

"I see."

Su Mu held his breath and concentrated.

After waiting for about a minute, Su Mu heard Xi Suosuo's footsteps.

The footsteps are getting closer.

As soon as Su Mu immediately adjusted his breathing and the operation of his qi to the lowest state.

It wasn't long before the footsteps stopped.

Su Mu poked his head out and looked in the direction of the cloth painting.

Just as Su Mu expected.

The ninjas really stopped in front of the canvas.

"That's the clue I said yesterday!" One of the ninjas pointed to the mural and said.

The other ninjas looked at the canvas one after another.

"There doesn't seem to be anything special about this painting." At this time, the rough voice sounded.

"You look closely at this place." The ninja who spoke before pointed in the direction of the Five Finger Mountain and said. "I suspect that Qiong Gouyu is on this Five Finger Mountain."

"Why are you so sure?" The rough voice was slightly questioning.

"Because this mural was dug up from that person's grave!" The ninja who spoke said.

Upon hearing this, all the ninjas present fell silent.

"Who is that person? Why don't they say his name? Su Mu became curious about the identity of that person.

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