"Shall we take this painting?" A ninja asked.

The rough voice shook his head: "Don't take it away, take it with a camera!" "


I saw a ninja, took out his camera, and began to take pictures of the painting.

When everything was done, the rough voice ninja said, "Withdraw!" "


The other ninjas were puzzled.

"There is finally a chance to loot the museum, shall we just leave?"

"That's it! This museum, so many of our Dongying artifacts. If you don't take some of it, isn't it a little unspeakable?

"To be honest, I love that piece of jade. If you take it away, you will definitely be able to sell it for a lot of money. "

I love that stone! I look very fond of the look of the stone. "


When this group of ninjas discussed the group, the ninja with a rough voice explicitly forbade him: "No one is allowed to make trouble for me until I find Qiong Gouyu."

"When I find Qiong Gouyu, I will allow you to be presumptuous for three days." In these three days, you can do whatever you want, I will definitely not care. But now, you must honestly listen to me. "

At first, the ninjas were disappointed.

Hearing that after finding Qiong Gouyu, they could be presumptuous for three days, and they laughed loudly.

"I'm going to play a hundred women, and after playing them, I'll kill them all."

"I'm going to a children's hospital and go on a killing spree."

"I want to rob a bank, you know I'm very short of money right now."


Amid the excited discussion of the ninjas, they left the museum.

From beginning to end, Su Mu just listened quietly to their conversation, and did not mean to make a move.

"Mr. Su, they're gone."

"Mr. Su, can you hear my voice?"

After the ninjas left, Li Ru's voice sounded in Su Mu's earphones.

This sudden voice pulled Su Mu back from thinking to reality.

"I hear you." Su Mu's voice sounded very cold.

"Are you all right?" Perhaps hearing the indifference in Su Mu's voice, Li Ru asked cautiously. "Did something happen?"

"It's okay." Su Mu's brows frowned slightly, and his eyes narrowed slightly. "You find a conspicuous place to wait for me!"

"Okay, I see."

After Li Ru finished speaking, he ended his previous call with Su Mu.

After ending the call with Li Ru, Su Mu quietly left the museum.

Let's be honest.

He wanted to put an end to this group of ninjas in this museum today.

But after hearing the ninjas' conversation, Su Mu gave up the idea.

The reason is very simple.

The first is that there are many artifacts in this museum.

The speed of being an Inhuman is very clear.

If you do it with this group of ninjas here, then the cultural relics here will definitely lose a lot.

As a Chinese person, this is what Su Mu does not want to see.

The second reason is that Su Mu feels.

It's not the best time to do it now.

In Su Mu's opinion.

The best time to do it is near Five Finger Mountain.

Before their group of ninjas, before they found Qiong Gouyu.

Leaving the museum, Su Mu did not take long to join Li Ru.

After briefly explaining the situation, Su Mu returned to the hotel with Li Ru.

Li Ru drove, and Su Mu sat in the co-pilot.

Su Mubai looked out the window boredly.

At this moment, Su Mu suddenly saw a flash of white light.

"You go straight back to the hotel, don't worry about me!"

Su Mu said, then opened the car door and jumped out of the car.

After jumping out of the car, Su Mu chased directly in the direction of the black shadow.

This chase is ten minutes.

When the black shadow stopped, Su Mu also stopped.

When he saw everything in front of him, Su Mu was slightly stunned.

"That's too far-fetched, isn't it?"

The location where the black shadow was located was actually the back door of the hotel where Su Mu lived.

When he stopped, he pulled out his phone and dialed one.

Not long after, the back door opened and a head stuck out from inside.

After seeing the appearance of the black shadow clearly, the man waved his hand at the black shadow.

The black shadow hurriedly walked up.

In order not to startle the snake, Su Mu did not follow.

He looked at the back door of the hotel and said to himself: "It seems that this hotel also has the external response of Dongying people!" "

Dongying people have two devils in Huaxia, and Su Mu is not surprised.

After all, there are many people in this world who can sell their souls, ancestors and countries for money.

"Let's go back to the hotel first."

Su Mu thought about it and returned to the hotel.

In the hotel lobby, Li Ru was anxiously waiting.

Seeing Su Mu come in, Li Ru was obviously relieved.

He asked Su Mu, "Did you chase that black shadow?"

Su Mu did not speak, but gave Li Ru a look.

Li Ru understood in his heart and followed Su Mu to Su Mu's room.

As soon as the two entered the room, Su Mu told Li Ru everything he had seen before.

That's why he did it.

It was not because he trusted Li Ru, but he was tempting Li Ru.

That's right, it's testing Li Ru.

After listening to Su Mu's words, Li Ru raised his eyebrows slightly, and lowered his voice and said, "You mean, our hotel is the inner response of Dongying devils?" "

Eight-nine is not far from ten!" Su Mu said with great certainty.

Seeing that Su Mu was so sure, Li Ru rubbed his chin and fell into deep thought.

After pondering for a while, Li Ru said, "Then shall we think of a way to find out that Neiying?" "

From Su Mu saying that there is a Dongying people's internal response to now, all of Li Ru's reactions are very normal reactions.

He had suspected that Li Ru might be the biggest introvert.

But now it seems that he may have thought too much.

"Find this kind of thing, don't worry!" Su Mu said to Li Ru.

Su Mu felt that the most important thing now was to find the Dongying ninja first.

"How many rooms do you have here?" Su Mu asked Li Ru.

When Li Ru heard this, his face showed embarrassment: "We have a total of 1231 rooms here.

"Even in addition to this room of yours, we have 1230 rooms."

As soon as Su Mu heard this number, the person was directly numb.

"What about occupancy?" Su Mu asked again.

Li Ru replied, "80%." "

1230 rooms, 80% occupancy! That is, we have to find a person from 1,000 rooms? Su Mu scratched his head.

"I'm afraid it is!" Li Ru nodded.

If there was enough time, Su Mu really didn't mind doing so.

But his current time is not very sufficient.

He had no way of knowing when the ninjas would assemble for Five Finger Mountain.

Now, he has to race against the clock.

"Let's find a room with a medium price first!"

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