"Why?" Li Ru asked this question, simply curious.

Su Mu explained: "Their identities are secret, so they definitely won't live in the best room. If you stay in the best room, it is easy to attract the attention of others.

"If I were them, I would definitely choose a medium room, or a room below the middle level."

Li Ru nodded, feeling that what Su Mu said made sense.

The hotel has 12 floors.

Floors 1-5, the lowest price rooms in the hotel.

The 6th-10th floors are medium-priced rooms in the hotel.

Su Mu decided to start from the sixth layer and go up to the next layer.

Li Ru's words started from the ten layers and looked down layer by layer.

After the division of labor was completed, Su Mu took the elevator directly to the sixth floor.


As Su Mu's eyes began to change, the scene in front of him also began to change.

Walking through the rooms one by one, everything in the room was fully seen by Su Mu.

Fortunately, it is not late at night, so everyone is playing with their phones in the room.

In less than ten minutes, all the rooms on the sixth floor were all excluded by Su Mu.

"All rooms on the sixth floor, all shot!" Su Mu said to Li Ru from the earphone.

After hearing Su Mu's words, Li Ru was slightly shocked.

You know, in these ten minutes, he knocked on ten doors.

Su Mu's words, but he had already checked all six layers.

With such a fast speed, how could he not make Li Ru feel shocked.

At the end of the sixth floor, there is the seventh floor.

As soon as I arrived at the seventh layer, I found that something was not quite right on the seventh layer.

On some walls, he saw some traces left by the flame.

"It seems that the person I am looking for should be on this seventh layer!"

Thinking about it, he began to search for it on the seventh layer.

After some searching, his footsteps stopped at the 7059 gate.

Follow the hotel's records.

7059 is supposed to be a couple.

But through the darkness, Su Mu found that there was only one person in 7059.

The man was sitting on the couch in the room, drinking beer and watching TV.

In addition to this person, Su Mu found that in the bathroom of the room, there were two people leaning together.

Their eyes were closed and their chests were heaving.

It looks like it's just a coma.


Su Mu knocked on room 7059.

Hearing a knock on the door, the people in the room suddenly became alert.

"Who?" The man walked to the door and asked.

Let's be honest.

This person's Mandarin is the real standard.

"Guest downstairs complained that your room was leaking. Is it convenient for you? If it's convenient, can I go in and check it out? Su Mu said very politely.

The man walked to the door and looked out through the peephole.

Su Mu, who stood outside the door, was dressed as a hotel waiter.

The man obviously didn't really want Su Mu to enter the room.

He stood at the door and asked, "Is the water leakage downstairs serious?" "

It's very serious." Su Mu really just opened his mouth. "His phone, tablet, and computer have been flooded."

Upon hearing this, the people in the room were still a little hesitant.

"I came just to make sure. This leak is the reason for our hotel or the reason for the guest you. "

If it's the hotel's reason, our hotel will compensate the guest 100 percent." If this is your reason, our hotel will also cover 80% of the cost.

Su Mu was outside the door and continued to babble.

That's right, gibberish.

Because these words were all made up by Su Mu temporarily.


The man let go, and then opened the door.

However, he did not immediately let Su Mu in, but asked Su Mu: "Where is the leakage?" "

Near the bedroom!"

Su Mu said with a smile.

The man was relieved to hear that it was in the bedroom.

He thought that the leak would be in the bathroom.

"I'll check it out first." Su Mu said to the man.


The man nodded.

At this time, he flashed and let Su Mu enter the room.

After entering the room, Su Mu began to pretend to check.

"Found it."

Su Mu was in a very hidden place in the bedroom and saw a set of ninja-only clothes.

"Is the inspection finished?"

The ninja in the room couldn't help but urge.

Su Mu stood up and looked at the other party: "You are a Dongying ninja, right?"

The ninja was slightly stunned, pretending not to understand and laughing, "What do you say?" How can I not understand it? I am obviously a Chinese person, how can I be a ninja?

"Yes?" The corners of Su Mu's mouth rose and asked softly. "Then how do you prove that you are from Huaxia?"

The ninja frowned and scolded very dissatisfied, "You waiter, what's going on?" If you treat customers like this, aren't you afraid that I will complain about you?

"This gentleman, may I ask you a question?" Ask you one, and Huaxia people can answer the question. Su Mu looked at the ninja with a smile.

Hearing this, a trace of panic clearly flashed in the ninja's eyes.

The look of panic was fleeting.

But it was still captured by Su Mu.

"You're a waiter and I'm a guest. I am going to complain to you now. "

The ninja is afraid of revealing flaws, so he does not intend to answer Su Mu's question.

"Court Jade Liquid Wine!" Su Mu took advantage of the ninja's lack of concentration and hurried to say.

The ninja turned his head and subconsciously said, "Nani!

As soon as the words came out, the ninja suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

His reaction was also really fast.

The moment he reacted that something was wrong, his hand touched his waist directly.

In an instant, two shurikens appeared in the ninja's hands.

With a flick of his right hand, two shurikens flew straight towards Su Mu.

It's all complicated to say.

But what actually happened, but only between electric flint.

"Look, isn't this just revealing?"

Su Mu said with a smile.

At the same time, his right hand was stretched forward.

His movements are not hurried.

Subsequently, the two shurikens were directly caught by Su Mu's bare hands.

The action is called a relaxed freehand.

Seeing this scene, the ninja was directly stupid.

"What are you? Why is it so easy to catch my shuriken?

The ninja looked at Su Mu with a gloomy face.

"It doesn't matter who I am! The important thing is that you don't go to the museum in the afternoon! Su Mu asked the ninja.

The ninja subconsciously blurted out: "How do you know..." The

words were not finished, but the meaning he wanted to express had already been expressed.

"It seems that you and those ninjas are really in a group."

Su Mu smiled.

The ninja knew that he couldn't hide it.

I saw him turn over with a harrier and come directly to the bed.

He reached under the pillow, and a Dongying knife was pulled out from under the pillow.

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