Early the next morning, Su Mu was ready to go.

Li Ru, who was standing not far from him, said with some worry: "Mr. Su, can you really do it yourself?"

Su Mu nodded with a smile and said, "It's just some jumping beam clowns, I am enough to deal with them."

Li Ru was still a little uneasy.

Su Mu patted Li Ru's shoulder and said with a smile: "Wait for the good news of my victory."

After that, Su Mu left the hotel.

After leaving the hotel, he took a taxi directly to the café agreed upon by the ninjas.

Now, it's seven o'clock in the morning.

The pace of the city is really slow.

At seven o'clock in the morning, except for some breakfast shops, most of the other shops were not open.

Su Mu found a relatively good location and remote place and began to observe the café.

Time walked by minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, it came to eight o'clock in the morning.

The café still shows no signs of opening.

But Su Mu saw very clearly that at this time, in the hall of the café, there were already many people seated.

Roughly counting, there are about ten people in total.

Except for one person's realm, which is one concentration and one weight, the realm of everyone else is the nine layers of nourishing qi.

Because of the distance, Su Mu couldn't hear what they were saying.

Su Mu observed quietly like this.

This observation took more than an hour.

When the number of people in the café came to fifteen, the ninja who was focused on it took the lead and walked towards the back of the café.

The other ninjas followed suit.

"Finally acted."

Su Mu was already a little impatient.

After arriving in the backyard, the ninjas climbed over the back wall.

Then they got into a minibus.

After everyone entered the minibus, the minibus began to start slowly.

"Do you want to walk again?"

The Five Finger Mountain they are going to is not a famous tourist attraction.

But there are also many people who like to go sightseeing.

"Let's take a taxi."

Su Mu finally chose to take a taxi.

After using the taxi software, after hitting a car, Su Mu leaned on the co-pilot and fell into deep thought.

"Almost there."

After pondering for a while, the driver's voice sounded.

Su Mu scanned the code to pay and got out of the car.

After getting out of the car, he stretched out comfortably.

Then he began to look for the traces of the ninjas.

The clothes worn by this group of ninjas today are no different from ordinary people.

The only thing to say that the other party is different from ordinary people is the big backpack behind them.

They mingle among tourists and are very inconspicuous.

If it weren't for Su Mu, he would have known their true identities a long time ago.

He doesn't even have to doubt the identity of this group of people.

Su Mu also followed the crowd and bought a ticket to enter the scenic area.

Last night, while chatting with Li Ru, Su Mu learned something.

These Five Finger Mountains are divided into two areas.

One is the development area.

This development area is very safe. It is aimed at ordinary tourists who come to visit here.

The other is undeveloped areas.

Undeveloped area, there are no roads.

At the same time, the scenic area also has some simple security measures for this unopened area.

Simple security measures, of course.

This simple security measure cannot even prevent ordinary people from entering the undeveloped area of Wuzhishan.

This has led to the fact that in undeveloped areas, people disappear and die every year.

But that's it.

It still can't be stopped, people's yearning for unknown areas.

Let's be honest.

The scenery of these five fingers mountain view area is very uninteresting.

Apart from some flowers and plants, there is nothing interesting.

However, in order to make the scenic area attractive to tourists.

The company in charge of the scenic spot is also painstaking.

The company even wrote some stories.

The story probably means that this five-finger mountain is the five-finger mountain that suppressed Sun Wukong.

Even at the top of Five Finger Mountain, they also specially repaired five temples.

Among these five temples, it is not the gods and Buddhas that are enshrined, but the five-character mantra.


This behavior of the company directly left Su Mu speechless.

After the ninja squad entered the scenic area, the speed increased significantly.

It didn't take long for them to reach the top of Five Finger Mountain.

After reaching the top of the mountain, under the eyes of the leader, the people of the squad began to disperse.

Su Mu's words, but chose to follow behind the leader.

The time came to noon in the blink of an eye.

The leader directly opened the backpack, took out a self-heating hot pot from it, and began to eat it like no one.

"Is this person eating? Why is it so smelly!

"This smell is too bad, I vomited it to my grandfather."

"No, no, I can't help it, I'm going to throw up."

"MD, eating under the public, this is too much to say."


Su Mu obviously also smelled the leader's self-heating hot pot.

To be honest, the smell was really bad.

If you say, you won't be able to do it. But Su Mu felt that the smell was really not better than.

But this ninja leader is really a character.

The people around him said so, and he could still continue to eat hot pot lightly.

With this hot pot in front of you, you have to finish it.

At this time, the ninja leader's eating action actually stopped.

Then he got up and threw the hot pot into the trash can not far away.

"It seems that someone found something."

Su Mu followed quietly.

The ninja leader walked briskly towards the unexplored area.

Su Mu found that the closer to the undeveloped area, the fewer tourists there were.

In the end, only the ninja leader can be seen walking alone.

"Nope." Su Mu knew that if he continued like this, he would definitely be discovered. "It's not a way to go on like this!"



Su Mu found a hidden place, the Void Drawing Talisman.

The rune broke.

A golden, light-feathered crane the size of a thousand paper cranes flew over the head of the ninja leader.

In this regard, the ninja leader did not notice this.

This light feather crane is a rune in the rune encyclopedia.

Its main function is to track.

As long as it flies, it leaves a golden line.

This golden thread could not be seen by anyone except the interpreter.

Seeing that the light feather crane had already begun to leave the golden thread, Su Mu smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

He rested in place for about ten minutes, then followed the golden thread left by the light feather crane and chased after him.

After chasing for about five minutes, Su Mu completely left the development area and came to the mysterious undeveloped area of Wuzhi Mountain.

After chasing for about five minutes, Su Mu heard a voice from ahead.

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