"Lords! Ready? "

The person who spoke was in Dongying dialect.

In order to track down this group of Dongying ninjas, Su Mu spent a day learning Dongying dialect.

So their conversation, Su Mu can fully understand.

"Well, don't worry! From the moment we came out, we were ready to die for the emperor.

"That's right! To be able to sacrifice for the emperor is simply the honor I am waiting for.

"As long as you speak, we will not turn back!"

"Speak! I can't wait. "


Hearing their conversation, Su Mu's brows furrowed slightly.

He always felt that their conversation seemed to be a little abnormal.

"Sacrifice? Why sacrifice?

Su Mu held his breath and walked slowly towards the front.

After walking for a while, he hid behind a tree and looked ahead.

In the open area ahead, Su Mu saw a scene that surprised him.

The group of Dongying ninjas actually stood in a horizontal row.

And the words of the leader stand in front of them.

In front of the leader, there is a statue about the height of the leader.

"This statue, why do I look so familiar?"

Looking at that statue, Su Mu actually had an indescribable sense of familiarity.

Where this familiarity came from, Su Mu didn't know.

"No, no!" Su Mu looked at the statue carefully.

After some recognition, a sense of panic appeared in his heart.

At this time, he suddenly thought of a person.

"Li Ru."

That's right, it's Li Ru.

The reason why Su Mu felt that the statue in front of him was familiar was entirely because of Li Ru.

Because Li Ru and the statue in front of him are actually five points similar.

The similarity of five points is already very high.

"Could it be that ..." A

thought spread in Su Mu's heart.

"Wait!" At this time, Su Mu seemed to have discovered something strange again.

He found that the statue was not only five points similar to Li Ru. It is also five points similar to the Ninja Leader.

"Add up the five points where the statue resembles Li Ru and the five points that resemble the ninja leader, isn't this what the statue in front of you looks like?"

Su Mu was stupid.

In fact, when the ninja appeared in the hotel, Su Mu did not suspect Li Ru.

But some of Li Ru's later practices made Su Mu gradually relax his suspicions about him.

"Is it a coincidence?"

What Li Ru did before did was not at all like something that a ninja should be able to do.

"If it's a coincidence, it's too much of a coincidence."

If the statue is only five points like Li Ru, you say that this is a coincidence, Su Mu may still believe it.

But this situation in front of you, if you say it is a coincidence, it is really pressing Su Mu's brain to the ground and rubbing it.

"If it's not a coincidence, could it be that Li Ru is also an undercover agent?" Su Mu thought in his heart while looking in the direction of the statue.

The scene that happened next made Su Mu stunned.

I saw a ninja walking straight to the front of the statue.

He took out a short ninja knife and wiped it directly at the statue's neck.

That's right, just wipe your neck.


The large arteries of the neck are cut.

Blood instantly sprayed the statue.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

After the statue was sprayed with blood, the corners of its mouth rose slightly, revealing a very strange-looking smile.

"Go on!"

The ninja leader spoke.

At this time, another ninja stepped forward and continued to wipe his neck.

Blood sprayed onto the statue's body.

The statue changed again.

Unlike before, this time the statue moved some distance to the right.

It's a very close distance, just a few centimeters.

Seeing this, the ninja leader showed joy on his face.

"Go on!"

He shouted excitedly.

At this time, another ninja stepped forward.

The ninja still wiped his neck like the previous two.

This time the statue moved a few centimeters forward.

The remaining ninjas, without waiting for the leader's orders, stepped forward one after another.

Su Mu couldn't understand.

Why do these group of human ninjas always have a smile on their faces when they wipe their necks.

And that kind of smile, very proud.

It didn't take long.

It turned out that there were about ten ninjas, and there were only five left.

Among the five, another ninja stood up and prepared to wipe his neck.

But at this moment, the ninja leader called out to him: "No need, we are about to succeed." As

the ninja leader's voice fell.

The statue began to move rapidly towards the back.

Not far behind the statue is a mountain wall.

As soon as I saw it, the statue was about to collide with the mountain wall.

But at this moment, the mountain wall slowly opened like a door.

The statue also goes directly into the mountain wall.

"That's right, that's right, it should be here." The ninja leader shouted excitedly.

He couldn't wait to walk inside.

The other five ninjas followed.

After Su Mu stood in place and waited for a while, he also walked inside.

As soon as you enter it, it is an endless road.

Around the Yong Road, there are very obvious traces of artificial repairs.

After passing through the Yong Road, there is a very large hall.

The decoration in this hall looks very magnificent.

It felt like being in a palace.


And at this moment, a voice sounded behind Su Mu.

All the ninjas turned their heads one after another.

At this time, Su Mu found a bulge and hid himself.

"Boss, do you want me to take a look?" A ninja pleases.

Out of caution, the ninja leader nodded: "Go back quickly!" "


The ninja half-bowed, and then walked towards the Yongdao side.

Su Mu held his breath and concentrated, afraid of being discovered by this ninja.

Fortunately, it was dark in the Yongdao, and the ninja did not discover Su Mu's existence.

After he entered the Yongdao, he came directly to the entrance.

After a brief check-up, it's time to head back.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a chill in his neck.

Before he could react to what was going on, the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in Su Mu's hand directly cut the opponent's throat.

The ninja grew his mouth and wanted to remind his companions.

But because the throat was cut.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make the slightest sound.

After solving this ninja, Su Mu returned to his previous hiding place.

The main hall is resplendent and looks like a palace.

But if you look closely, you will find that this looks like a palace-like thing, and it is a little small.

That's right, it's a small family.

It is different from the atmosphere of Pang Bo in the Huaxia Palace.

This palace feels like a family.

"If nothing else, this palace should have been repaired by the Dongying people." Su Mu said to himself.

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