The reason why Su Mu believed that this palace was repaired by the Dongying people.

In addition to the small family, Su Mu also saw many artifacts with very Dongying characteristics.

These artifacts, although they all carry the style of the Chinese Tang Dynasty. But if you look closely, you will still find that this is Dongying's artifact.

"Could it be Qiong Gouyu, here?" Su Mumo clenched his chin and muttered to himself in his heart.

At this time, the ninja leader waved his hand and ordered: "Hurry up and find Qiong Gouyu!" "


The four ninjas bowed one after another, and then began to scatter to search.

The ninjas looked carefully.

If you see something valuable along the way, you will also directly pocket it.

The hall is not large, and a search will not take too long.

When the five gathered again in the center of the hall, they all had a lost expression.

Obviously, none of the five of them found Qiong Gouyu.

"It shouldn't be!" The ninja leader whispered to himself. "According to the data, this Qiong Gouyu should be in this place!"

Hearing the ninja leader's self-talk, Su Mu felt a little strange.

"They know how to get here, and they seem to know that there should be something in there."

"Did they know this before they came? It can be regarded as..." Su

Mu always felt that logically, something was not quite right.

After some thought, Su Mu suddenly realized.

They knew how to get in before they came, and they knew what was in it.

But they don't know where this place is.

If that's the case, then it all makes sense.

"Look again!"

The ninja leader said with some reluctance.


The remaining four ninjas, looking separately again.

The ninja bosses are not like them.

He went straight to the edge and began to fumble around.

He suspected that this place might have a secret door or something.

After some fumbling, the ninja leader seemed to have found something unusual.

But he was silent.

All this was seen by Su Mu.

"It seems that this ninja leader also has his own mind." Su Mu said to himself in his heart.

When the ninjas gathered again, Su Mu found that a very different look appeared in the eyes of the ninja leader.

"Killing intent, this person has a killing intent."

Su Mu guessed what was in the mind of this ninja leader.

"Boss, I still haven't found anything here!"

"Me too, I still haven't found anything here."

"I wonder if our intelligence is wrong. Or rather, this place has some kind of secret passage or something.

"I just touched one, very different from other places, boss or I will show you around."


Listening to everyone's report, the ninja leader nodded quietly.

He looked in one direction and said to the four people: "I was in that direction just now, and I also saw some unusual places. In addition to this place, there is another place that is unusual.

"You guys go over there first, I'll go to another place."

The ninjas, apparently, did not notice that there was anything wrong with the ninja leader.

"Okay, let's take a look!"

The four of them walked side by side towards the place pointed by the ninja leader.

The four also really trust the ninja leader.

Otherwise, you wouldn't have exposed your back to him.

The moment the four ninjas showed their backs, four shurikens appeared in the hands of the ninja leader.

At this time, Su Mu also quietly touched not far behind the ninja leader.

He is now neither far nor close to the position of the ninja leader.

At this distance, as long as Su Mu is violent, he can kill the ninja leader in an instant.

After the four ninjas had reached a suitable distance, the ninja leader raised his right hand.





Four shurikens flew straight towards the back of the four people's hearts.

Caught with one's pants down.

All four were stabbed in the back of the heart by shurikens.

They turned around in unison and looked at the ninja leader with shocked faces.

"Boss, why are you doing this?"

"We're not sorry for you, are we! Why are you doing this to us?

"Boss, I'm your most loyal advocate."


Faced with the puzzlement of the four ninjas, a strange smile appeared on the face of the ninja leader.

"Instead of giving this Qionggou jade to those people, I might as well take Qionggou jade and establish myself as the king." The ninja leader said.

Hearing the words of the ninja leader, the faces of the four ninjas all showed expressions of disbelief.

They really didn't expect that the ninja leader would betray their superiors.

"Okay, you can die."

The ninja leader's hand shook slightly.

Four ninja darts appeared in his hand again.

He lifted his hand.

The ninja dart flew straight towards the four.

The ninja dart pierced directly into the throats of the four people.

The four of them drank hatred.

The ninja leader saw that all four were dead, and laughed maniacally: "I'm a person, I just don't like to follow people's orders." Now that I have the opportunity to stand as king, how can I give up.

"Since this Dongying can't go back, then I will simply find a place to live in this Huaxia." When the aura is revived, I can claim the throne! "

The ninja boss is very proud.

But Su Mu's brows furrowed.

Because in his memory, Huaxia does not seem to have a very powerful Dongying master.

"Did I remember incorrectly, or did this person change his name?"

Just as Su Mu was thinking, the ninja leader walked to the place where he felt abnormal just now.

He pressed his hand against a stone wall.


With the ringing sound.

Su Mu saw that in the deepest part of the hall, a throne appeared.

Above the throne, a pure white jade ruyi is placed.

"Is this the legendary Qiong Gouyu?"

The ninja leader's eyes straightened when he saw this white jade ruyi.

Like the walking dead, he slowly walked towards Qiong Gouyu.

But just when he was still some distance away from Qiong Gouyu, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Just when Su Mu was wondering why he suddenly stopped.

A strange pillar of light landed on the ninja leader's body one day.

The ninja leader, shrouded in pillars of light, suddenly let out a miserable cry.

It's very harsh.

Look at the ninja boss again.

The clothes on his body began to dissolve as if they had encountered high temperatures.

After the clothes were dissolved, it was his hair.

When the hair is dissolved, it is the skin.

In just one minute, the ninja leader was dissolved into a monster with only muscles.


In his mouth, he kept screaming.

But after the skin dissolves, the pillar of light disappears.

This ninja leader has become a monster who is neither a ghost nor a ghost.

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