He survived.

That's right.

He survived.

The pillar of light did not destroy him, but turned him into a monster that was neither a human nor a ghost.


The ninja leader roared up to the sky.

The sharp pain in his body made him very uncomfortable.

"What's the situation? Why is this? Su

Mu, who was a bystander, looked stupid.

As a man in two lifetimes, he has seen many strange situations.

But such a strange scene in front of him, Su Mu really saw it for the first time.

The ninja leader, standing in place and furious, furiously for a while, then looked at the throne again.

The white Qiong Gou jade on the throne made him forget the pain in his body.

He gritted his teeth and walked in the direction of the throne.

With every step he took, a bloody footprint was left under his feet.


When he was less than five meters away from the throne, Su Mu moved.

I saw him turn into an afterimage and come directly to the throne.


[Eight-foot qionggou jade]

level: artifact.

Introduction: One of the three major artifacts of Dongying, which can be flesh and bones live and die.


Looking at the introduction of the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, Su Mu's eyes widened.

Then he held the eight-foot qionggou jade in his hand.

This eight-foot qionggou jade is definitely worthy of the name of an artifact.

This flesh and bones alone, life and death, is enough to surpass many magic weapons.

"Who are you?"

The ninja leader glared angrily at Su Mu.

The eight-foot qionggou jade in front of him is about to be taken by himself.

But at this time, a truncated beard appeared.

There is no reason why a ninja leader should not be angry.

The most important thing is that he has paid so much for this Qiong Gouyu.

"Me? My name is Su Mu, and I am a dispersal cultivator in Huaxia. Su Mu played with Qiong Gouyu and briefly introduced himself to the ninja leader.

"I don't care who you are." The ninja leader glared angrily at Su Mu, and then stared at Qiong Gouyu with greedy eyes. He stretched out his right hand and said in a commanding tone. "Give me the Qiong Gou jade in your hand."

"You have a problem with your TM brain, right?" Su Mu looked at the ninja leader as if he was looking at a fool. "This is already in my pocket, do you think I might give it to you?"

"Huaxia people, I think you are looking for death!"

The ninja leader roared and went to get the ninja knife behind his back.

But when his hand touched his back, his heart was cold.

On his back, there was nothing.

Just now, when he was baptized in the pillar of light, his ninja knife was directly dissolved by the pillar of light.

"Quickly give me Qiong Gouyu, quickly give me Qiong Gouyu!" The ninja leader continued to roar.

Su Mu looked at him coldly, and said with a disdainful smile: "You are slaughtering the poor people in my Huaxia, today I will take the place of Tianxing Dao!" When

the words fell, Su Mu's right hand trembled slightly.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword jumped into his hand.

The long sword swept across.

The ninja leader's throat was directly cut.

Just when Su Mu thought that it was all over.

He found the ninja leader still standing.


That's right, Su Mu cut the ninja leader's throat.

But this ninja leader did not die.

"Could it be that weird pillar of light?"

In Su Mu's mind, the strange pillar of light just now appeared again.

When Su Mu swung his sword just now, the ninja leader had closed his eyes as if he had taken his fate.

But after waiting for a while, he did not feel the pain he imagined.

He slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Su Mu, who was stunned for a day.

He consciously touched his throat.

On his throat, there was a wound just left.

But no blood spurted out.

"Immortal body?" Seeing this, the ninja leader became excited.

Su Mu scratched his head with some headache: "I'm afraid there will be trouble!"

Before his words fell, he saw the ninja leader rushing directly towards him.

That strange look really made Su Mu disgusted.

"Huaxia people, I am immortal, I am immortal!" The ninja boss was very excited.

"Even if you are immortal, I can kill you!"

Su Mu was not too alarmed.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand swept again.

This time, he was going to cut off the head of the ninja leader directly.

But this ninja leader is not a fool.

Seeing the Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword attacking, his body flashed, and he actually dodged Su Mu's blow.

"Something is wrong!"

At this time, Su Mu found something wrong.

After the baptism of the pillar of light, the speed of this ninja leader seemed to have increased a lot.

Not only Su Mu noticed this, but the ninja leader also noticed this.

"Hahaha." After the ninja leader dodged Su Mu's sword, he shouted excitedly. "Huaxia people, you can't kill me, you can't kill me."

Looking at the ninja leader's wanton laughter, Su Mu felt very uncomfortable.


【Kenjiro Yamada】(Living Dead)

Level: Threefold Introduction:

Originally a Toei ninja, he was ordered to go to Huaxia to find Qiong Gouyu, one of the three major artifacts. Under the baptism of the strange pillar of light, this person became a living dead.


Su Mu had also seen the attributes of Kenjiro Yamada before this.

At that time, his realm was one of concentration.

Moreover, after his name, there are no three words of the living dead.

Other words.

The baptism of the pillar of light just now turned this Yamada Kenjiro into a living dead and raised his small realm by two.

"What is that pillar of light, and why is it so weird?"

It can turn a person into a pillar of light for the living dead, isn't it weird!

"Huaxia people, I order you to hand over Qiong Gouyu immediately. If I don't, I will kill you." After

learning that he had become stronger, Yamada Kenjiro once again ordered Su Mu in a commanding tone.

He really got stronger.

But even if he became stronger, Su Mu still didn't put him in his eyes.

"You don't think that if you become stronger, you will be my opponent!"

"Golden Light Spell!"

As soon as Su Mu's words fell, golden light appeared instantly.


Su Muyao refers to Kenjiro Yamada.

The golden light spell directly turned into golden threads and flew straight towards Kenjiro Yamada.

Each golden thread is like a spirit snake, very flexible.

Kenjiro Yamada wants to dodge.

But no matter how he dodged, the golden thread could always find him accurately.

After a period of dodging, the golden thread trapped Kenjiro Yamada into a ball.

Kenjiro Yamada, who was bound, kept struggling.

But no matter how much he struggled, he just couldn't break free from the shackles of the golden thread.

"Immortal body, huh? I'll see if you can still die after cutting off your head!"

Su Mu said as he came to Kenjiro Yamada.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand rose and fell.

Before he could react, his head was cut off by Su Mu.

"This time, it should be dead!"

Su Mu looked at Yamada Kenjiro's body with some uncertainty.

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