After waiting for a while, seeing Yamada Kenjiro's corpse, there was no reaction, and Su Mu obviously breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you say this ninja leader is luck or bad luck?"

"Say he's out of luck! But he found the eight-foot qionggouyu.

"Say he's lucky!" After finding the eight-foot qionggouyu, he met me.

"It can only be said that his luck is up and down!"

Su Mu's behavior is typical of getting cheap and selling well.

After collecting the eight-foot qionggou jade into the system, Su Mu began to look around.

He wanted to see if he could find anything valuable here.

In this small family-like hall, except for the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, there really was nothing before.

After some searching, Su Mu also found nothing.

"Go home!"

Su Muna called a happy.

This trip to the Five Finger Mountains, although only got one valuable thing.

But this thing is better than thousands of other things.

"Artifact! That's an artifact!

Su Mu thought as he left the cave.

As soon as he walked out of the cave, Su Mu's face changed.

Not far in front of him, he saw Li Ru holding a weapon.

Li Ru was also very surprised when he saw Su Mu appear from the cave.

"Mr. Su." Li Ru quickly put away his weapons, walked quickly to Su Mu, and asked with concern on his face. "Are you all right?"

This Li Ru's sudden appearance made Su Mu very uncomfortable.

"Why are you here?" Su Mu questioned Li Ru.

Li Ru reacted at this time.

He smiled and scratched his head and explained, "After you leave, I don't worry, so..." After

Su Mu left, Li Ru was very worried.

In order to prevent accidents, he still reported Su Mu's affairs to Lu Zhenghao.

After Lu Zhenghao knew about this, he asked Li Ru to immediately bring local good hands to support Su Mu.

Therefore, Li Ru brought everyone to find Su Mu.

"How did you find me?"

That's the crux of the matter.

The place where Su Mu is located is not an easy place to find.

"This..." Li Ru smiled awkwardly, and for a while he didn't know how to explain it.

Seeing Li Ru like this, Su Mu's brows furrowed again, and he asked, "Hurry up, how did you find here."

"Mr. Su, don't fool people too much! We, Li Laodao, brought us to you, is it still wrong?

"Mr. Su, we respect you as a master, so we treat you very courteously. But even if that's the case, you can't doubt our boss.

"That's right! Our boss even scolded us in order to bring us to you! "


When Li Ru asked Lu Zhenghao, he was scolded by Lu Zhenghao.

The reason is: this kind of thing still needs to be instructed.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were a little unkind when they looked at him, Su Mu roared angrily: "You all shut up Lao Tzu!" "

The strength of this group of people is certainly good.

But in the face of such a strong oppressive force by Su Mu, they all suddenly closed their mouths.

"Mr. Su." Li Ru also said a little unhappy. "Why do you doubt me, is there something wrong with me?"

Su Mu did not answer Li Ru immediately, but began to look for the statue.

After finding it, he pointed to the statue and said to Li Ru and the others: "That's why I doubt you Li Ru."

Everyone looked in the direction Su Mu was pointing.

When they saw the statue, everyone present was stunned.

"It's too similar, it's too similar! Our Boss Li is at least fifty percent like this statue. "

Fifty percent? How can I feel even higher! At least sixty percent.

"Could it be that this statue is the ancestor of Old Li?"

"Seeing this statue, I finally understand why Mr. Su doubts the boss. If it were me, I would doubt it too! "


Li Ru looked at the statue with a shocked expression on his face.

"You know what?" Seeing Li Ru's face full of shock, Su Mu continued. "There are at least five images of you in this statue."

Li Ru nodded with a serious expression: "There are indeed five images of me."

"Then do you know who the other five of this statue look like?" Su Mu asked Li Ru.

Li Ru nodded blankly.

"The leader of that group of ninjas!"

Su Mu was really speechless.





Hearing this, everyone present gasped.

Including Li Ru is the same.

If what Su Mu said was true.

Then Li Ru will fall into a very embarrassing situation.

This is typical yellow mud falling on pants, not is also.

"I said I didn't know all this, do you believe it?" Li Ru did not defend himself with anything.

He looked at Su Mu with very sincere eyes.

Looking at Li Ru's sincere eyes, Su Mu really wanted to say that he believed it.

I don't know why.

This look made Su Mu's heart flash an indescribable feeling of disgust.

This feeling made Su Mu very uncomfortable.

"Don't believe it!"

Su Mu shook his head abruptly.

As soon as he didn't believe this, Li Ru panicked.

The other masters he brought with him didn't know what to do at this time.

These people are all good brothers who have lived and died with Li Ru.

Some people even almost died for Li Ru.

Some people were saved by Li Ru.

They don't want to doubt Li Ru, they can't doubt Li Ru.

Seeing that everyone was shaken, Su Mu sighed slightly in his heart.

He felt how deep the relationship between Li Ru and this group of people was.

"Li Ru." Su Mu looked at Li Ru and said with regret in his eyes. "If you could tell those things yourself, I might give you a pain."

"It's not." Li Ru shouted with a face full of wrong. "Mr. Su, you can't doubt me because of a statue!"

"I, Li Ru, have joined the Lu family for so many years now, and there is no merit and hard work! You can't doubt me just because of a statue!

Li Ru said, tears still dripping from the corners of his eyes.

"Yes, Mr. Su, after all, there is some misunderstanding here, you must investigate it well!"

"We, Boss Li, have been loyal to the Lu family for so many years, it is absolutely impossible for him to do something unfavorable to the Lu family."

"You say that whoever the Lu family betrayed, I believe it! But if you say that Boss Li betrayed the Lu family, I will never believe it. "


The people brought by Li Ru were all interceding for Li Ru.

Listening to their words, Su Mu also felt that Li Ru had no problem for a while.

However, his heart told him that Li Ru not only had problems, but also big problems.

"Li Ru." Su Mu looked at Li Ru and said seriously. "Aren't you really going to tell the truth?"

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