Li Ru lowered his head and was silent.

At this time, the atmosphere began to suddenly become tense.

This atmosphere lasted for a full ten minutes.

Ten minutes later, Li Ru slowly raised his head.

His expression was simply different from before.

Just now it was a look of grievances and dissatisfaction. Now it's a sinister smile.

"Did you still find out?" He looked at the statue and sighed helplessly. "I really didn't expect this statue in this place."

"I really didn't expect that my brother and I would be so similar to statues!"

Hearing this, everyone present fell silent.

Su Mu's eyes widened, and he silently thought in his heart: "Tongyu! "

[Yamada Kenyaro] (former name: Li Ru)

Level: Introduction to the Nine Layers of Nourishing Qi:

The adopted son of the Dongying Yamada family, and was later ordered to infiltrate the Huaxia Lu family.


"Ken Yamada! What a name! Su Mu looked at Li Ru with a mocking expression.

When Li Ru heard Su Mu call his Dongying name, his face showed a look of longing.

"Mr. Su." Li Ruxiao looked at Su Mu and said in a very relaxed tone. "You know what? For many years, no one had called me by this noble name.

"In the past ten years in Huaxia, I have been using the lowly name of Li Ru. Every time I hear someone call me Li Ru, I feel very uncomfortable.

"Because this name is very lowly, just like the blood of your Chinese people."

Li Ru's words instantly aroused everyone's dissatisfaction.

"Li Ru, what do you mean? Are you really from Dongying? Are you really a devil? "

CNM, Lao Tzu has been calling a devil boss for so many years? It's disgusting!

"Just now Lao Tzu helped you defend, but I didn't expect you to be such a devil, Lao Tzu is really TM blind."

"The most annoying thing in Lao Tzu's life is the devil. When Lao Tzu's grandfather was nine years old, he was killed by a devil. "


The Chinese people hate the Dongying people, and it is not a day or two anymore.

Some Chinese people, on the surface, have forgotten their hatred.

But if you see the Dongying people, you still can't help but want to drink their blood and eat their flesh.

Except, of course, certain female teachers who teach knowledge.

"Okay, don't TM." For the shouts of everyone, Li Ru was very dissatisfied. "You know what? How disgusting I am when you inferior people call me the boss! Li

Ru had already aroused public anger.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's anger directly rushed to the Heavenly Spirit Cover.

Their hands, already on weapons.

Just waiting for Su Mu's order, they pierced Li Ruwan's arrow through his heart.

Su Mu was not in a hurry to kill Li Ru.

He looked at Li Ru and asked with curiosity on his face: "What are you lurking in Huaxia for so many years?" "

Stupid question." Li Ru raised his head and replied with disdain. "An inferior person like you is not qualified to ask me such a question."

Su Mu was not angry at all.

He looked at Li Ru quietly.

At this time, he suddenly thought of the basement in his mind.

"That basement?" Su Mu asked.

"Say that you Huaxia people are inferior, you still don't admit it. You believe everything I say, you're really stupid.

"The strangers in the basement are all some of your Huaxia aliens. These aliens are not good people, but they are definitely not heinous bastards. Hearing

this, Su Mu knew that he was being tricked by this bastard.

He smiled self-deprecatingly: "After playing with eagles for so many years, I didn't expect to let the eagle peck at the eyes." "

If Su Mu had one more heart, he would have used Tongyu to check on Li Ru earlier.

Then he will definitely not be as dull as he is now.

"So, you're also for Qiong Gouyu?" Su Mu was curious.

Li Ru smiled strangely and took out a dagger from his arms: "I'm not for Qiong Gouyu, I'm for a greater goal!"

After Li Ru finished speaking, before Su Mu could react, he wiped his neck with a dagger.

Looking at Li Ru's body, Su Mu didn't know what to say for a while.

With the death of Li Ru, all the Dongying people in the land of Qilu were wiped out.

Su Mu took out his mobile phone and entered a certain letter group.

Su Mu: [image] Su Mu: [image] Su Mu

: [image]


Su Mu: All the Dongying people in the land of Qilu were all killed by me.

After saying this, Su Mu directly withdrew from a certain letter group.

As soon as he quit a certain letter group, the call from the Heavenly Master came directly.

"Su boy." The old master on the other end of the phone seemed very happy. "What is the matter with this group of Dongying people coming to my Huaxia?"

Su Mu pondered for a moment and replied, "In order to find a Dongying Kingdom artifact." "

Dongying Kingdom Artifact?" The tone of the old heavenly master on the other end of the phone was slightly hesitant, and then asked. "Is it eight-foot qionggouyu?"

Hearing this, Su Mu was shocked in his heart.

To know.

The news that the Dongying people are looking for the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, except for him, only Li Ru knows.

Li Ru and Lao Tianshi have no connection whatsoever.

"Don't be surprised." Seeing that Su Mu did not speak for a long time, the old Heavenly Master explained with a smile. "In the Huaxia Inhuman World, there has always been a legend. Legend has it that the eight-foot Qionggou jade, one of the three major artifacts of Dongying, was brought to Huaxia by an alien in the Tang Dynasty.

"So I guess that they came to Huaxia to find the eight-foot qionggou jade."

"By the way, did they find it?"

Su Mu on this side opened his mouth, and for a while he didn't know what to say.

"Okay." Just when Su Mu hesitated, the old Heavenly Master on the other end of the phone said with a smile. "It doesn't matter if you find it or not."

After a few more brief chats with the Heavenly Master, the call ended.

After the call ended, Su Mu fell into deep thought.

"What is this Li Ru coming to Huaxia looking for? Or, what exactly is his purpose?

On the way back, Su Mu kept thinking about this question.

Back at the hotel, Su Mu dialed Lu Zhenghao's phone.

The situation on Qilu's side, Su Mu also briefly told Lu Zhenghao, including Li Ru's affairs.

"Hey." After listening to Su Mu's story, Lu Zhenghao sighed with regret. "To be honest, I'm still more optimistic about Li Ru."

After chatting briefly with Lu Zhenghao for a while, Su Mu ended the call with Lu Zhenghao.

He was lying in bed, just getting ready to sleep. His cell phone rang again.

This time it was Su Mu's father who called.

"Son, when will you be home?"

The father's voice on the other end of the phone was full of expectation.

"Tomorrow!" Su Mu replied with a smile.

"Huh?" Su Mu's father didn't react for a while. "Going home tomorrow? Did you have a holiday? "

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