Early the next morning, Su Mu's plane landed at the airport in his hometown.

This time, he was very low-key and did not let people from the Yuelu Group come to pick up the plane.

After landing, Su Mu returned to his heart like an arrow.

After taking a taxi outside the airport, he rushed home.

Seeing Su Mu come back suddenly, Su Mu's father and mother were very happy.

"This time, how long have you been back?" Su Mu's father asked.

Su Mu shook his head: "I'm not sure, this time I took a long vacation." "

Take a long vacation?" Su Mu's mother asked with a frown and a puzzled face. "Why are you taking a long vacation? I know that you have a very good relationship with the boss of Yuelu Group now.

"But there is no education, some of it is nonsense, you know?"

In the consciousness of the parents' generation, education is always the most important.

In this regard, Su Muzhi did not deny it at all.

"I've already got enough credits, and even if I don't take classes in the future, I can upgrade smoothly." Su Mu explained to his mother.

Since Su Mu said so, it was not good for the mother to say anything.

After eating, Su Mu decided to take a walk in the community.

The environment of this community is really good.

Green plants everywhere, fresh air.

As he walked, Su Mu's footsteps suddenly stopped.

He looked in one direction with a solemn expression.

It was a villa that looked very similar to Su Mu's villa.

Su Mu looked towards the villa.

After looking carefully for a while, he did not find anything unusual.

"Could it be that I feel something is wrong?"

Just now.

Su Mu obviously felt that someone was spying on him in this villa.

But just as he looked at the villa, the prying feeling disappeared again.

Just when Su Mu was puzzled, the door of the villa slowly opened.

A woman walked out of the door.

This woman looked indifferent, and the makeup on her face gave people a very cold feeling.

Her ear-level hair made this woman look very competent.

The jeans and knee-high boots on the lower body perfectly outline the woman's figure.

The white fur on the upper body makes women look very luxurious.

"Mr. Su, long admired the daimyo!"

The woman walked towards Su Mu with a smile.

Su Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the woman coldly, "Who are you?"

"My name is Ma Linger!" Ma Linger extended her right hand very kindly.

Su Mu also stretched out his right hand.

The two hands simply shake and then separate.

"Ma Linger? Are you from the Qiruma family? Su Mu asked tentatively.

In the land of Qilu, in addition to the four major families, there are several well-known families.

Of course, this so-called fame is only for strangers.

The Ma family is one of these major families.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Su actually knew about the Ma family."

The Ma family has a good reputation.

However, compared with the four major families, it seems that it is so famous.

Ma Linger didn't expect that Su Mu knew his family.

"Say, what's the matter with me?" Su Mu stared at Ma Linger with both eyes and asked.

To be honest, Ma Linger, this woman, made Su Mu have a very uncomfortable feeling.

Ma Linger's appearance is not inferior to Shang Aoxue and Shen Youwei.

"Mr. Su, why are you so cold." A smile appeared on Ma Linger's face.

But the smile on her face made Su Mu feel very unnatural.

It was as if the smile on her face was deliberately squeezed out.

"Say, what's going on? My patience is very limited! "

Ma Linger is a beauty, that's right.

But Su Mu knows many beautiful women.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is immune to beauty.

Ma Linger saw that Su Mu did not sink into his smile, and a touch of unhappiness suddenly rose in his heart.

Smile and appearance have always been her important weapons.

This weapon, as long as it is shot, must be invincible.

But I didn't expect it.

The weapon that was usually invincible, when it came to Su Mu, it was a little ineffective.

"I came to Mr. Su this time to cooperate with Mr. Su." Ma Linger explained her intentions.

Su Mu did not speak, but fell into thought.

"If I'm not mistaken, this Ma family seems to be a family that started with tomb robbery. Does her so-called cooperation mean that she wants me to cooperate with their family in robbing tombs?

After Su Mu wanted to play, he looked at Ma Linger.

"You came to me to cooperate because you wanted me to cooperate with your family in robbing tombs?" Su Mu asked Ma Linger.

When Ma Linger heard this, her eyes widened.

The Ma family's tomb robbery, even in the alien world, there are very few people who know about it.

Although some families and sects have speculated.

But because I have never seen it with my own eyes, speculation is only speculation after all.

"Mr. Su." Ma Linger wiped away the smile on her face, her eyes narrowed slightly, and her voice said coldly. "How did you know that our Ma family robbed the tomb family?"

At this time, Ma Linger's hand touched her lower back.

Seeing this, Su Mu was immediately displeased.

"Swift Step!"

Su Mu directly turned into a gust of wind and came to Ma Linger.

His right hand directly reached out and strangled Ma Linger's throat.

The hard right hand, like iron tongs, strangled Ma Linger's throat, making Ma Linger unable to struggle.

"I don't care if you're from your family, and I don't care if you're a man or a woman. If you dare to kill in front of me, I will kill you in the first place.

Su Mu, who held Ma Linger with one hand, said coldly.

Ma Linger felt afraid.

An unprecedented fear shrouded Ma Linger's heart.

She obviously felt that Su Mu had already had a killing intent on herself.

If she dared to act rashly, Su Mu would definitely kill her.

"Mr. Su." Ma Linger's face flushed, and she struggled hard, shouting while struggling. "Spare me, I know it's wrong, I know it's wrong!"

Ma Linger begged for mercy loudly.

But the coldness in Su Mu's eyes did not diminish in the slightest.

"Explain the intention!"

Su Mu threw his hand and directly threw Ma Linger out.

Ma Linger stumbled under her feet and almost fell to the ground.

"Ahem, ahem!"

The throat was strangled by Su Mu for so long, and Ma Linger kept coughing.

After coughing for a while, Ma Linger's face gradually improved.

"Mr. Su." After her face completely improved, Ma Linger hugged Su Mu and said to him. "I was offended before, I hope Mr. Su doesn't mind."

"I came this time to find Mr. Su to cooperate."

Su Mu didn't speak, just looked at Ma Linger with cold eyes.

Ma Linger hurriedly added: "A few days ago, my Ma family discovered an alien tomb. Our Ma family would like to invite Mr. Su to develop together! "

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