"Why did you invite me to develop together?" Su Mu asked.

Su Mu and the Ma family had no intersection at all before.

So Ma Linger's words themselves are suspicious.

Ten thousand steps back said.

Even if Su Mu and the Ma family have some intersection.

The Nama family will definitely not pull others to share the cup with this kind of good deed.

"Because we're in trouble!"

Ma Linger did not go around in circles like before this time, and this time she chose to speak directly.

After the Ma family discovered the alien tomb, they immediately sent a master of nourishing qi to investigate.

But the Ma family waited outside for a long time, and the master who was full of energy did not come back.

This is not the first time that the Ma family has opened an alien tomb, so all this is also expected by them.

Seeing that the master of nourishing qi did not return, the Ma family sent another master of nourishing qi three.

The master who can nourish the qi three times, like the master who nourished the qi one before, did not return.

The Ma family still didn't care too much.

This time, they sent a master of the five layers of qi.

But this master, like the previous two, went in and did not come back.

Three masters were lost in succession.

Even if the people of the Ma family realized it later, they would definitely realize that something was wrong.

To prevent accidents from happening again.

This time, the Ma family sent a master who concentrated on one heavy and three masters who nourished qi and nine heavy.

The four masters came out an hour after entering.

Not only did they not find anything, but the master of concentration was also slightly injured. The remaining two masters of the Nine Layers of Qi were also seriously injured.

The most terrifying thing is that they don't even know what monster they were attacked by.

Hearing this, Su Mu suddenly became interested.

Interest is interest, but Su Mu asked quietly, "If I cooperate with you, what good can I have?"

Ma Linger didn't expect that Gao Mu would agree so happily.

After a little hesitation, Ma Linger said: "As long as you get something from the tomb, Mr. Su can take fifty percent."

After Su Mu listened to Ma Linger's offer, he pointed in one direction and scolded Ma Linger: "How far to roll Lao Tzu!" "

Ma Linger people are stupid.

She didn't quite understand why Su Mu scolded herself.

"Mr. Su." Ma Linger looked at Su Mu with a grievance on her face, and asked with a slight cry in her tone. "Why are you scolding me? Why let me go? "

If it was a smaller and cute girl like this, Su Mu would definitely not eat her set.

But a royal sister-type beauty is indeed very lethal.

Fortunately, Su Mu belongs to the kind of person with relatively firm willpower.

"Don't give me this death!" Angered by Ma Linger, Su Mudu began to speak in the northeast. "What is the difference between your Ma family doing this and the empty glove white wolf?"

"I went into the tomb with you, and you gave me fifty percent of the contents. You don't want to pay a price! "

Without Su Mu's joining, the Ma family can enter the tomb.

However, if they enter the tomb like this, they will surely be killed and injured.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have invited Su Mu.

But with Su Mu's joining, it was equivalent to them having a layer of security.

In other words.

If Su Mu didn't join, there was a high probability that they wouldn't be able to get the things inside.

If Su Mu joins, they will most likely get the contents inside.

Therefore, their behavior is no different from the empty glove white wolf.

Ma Linger was also a little confused.

She really didn't expect that Su Mu was so difficult to deceive.

She had read Su Mu's information very carefully and carefully.

The information showed that Su Mu was just a young man who had just come of age.

Although his strength is strong, his heart may be a little inadequate.

After looking at Su Mu's information, Ma Linger volunteered to lobby Su Mu.

The reason is very simple.

Because she felt that if she dealt with someone like Su Mu, she should be holding a handle in her hand.

But it turned out that she was wrong, and very wrong.

"But if you don't jointly develop it with our Ma family, you won't be able to get fifty percent of the things." Ma Linger decided to pinch the trees a little more.

"Yes?" Su Mu looked at Ma Linger, the corners of his mouth raised, and he outlined an evil smile. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Ma Linger nodded, her attitude was very resolute.

"Swift Step!"

"Shadow Step!"

Two heterogeneous techniques, triggered one after the other.

Before Ma Linger could react, Su Mu appeared behind Ma Linger.

After Ma Linger reacted, she began to look around, wanting to find Su Mu's traces.

You know, Ma Linger is a five-fold alien.

But even so, she still didn't find any trace of Su Mu.

She closed her eyes and tried to use Qiao to find Su Mu.

But it still fails.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that Su Mu had appeared in front of her.

She looked at Su Mu with a shocked face, and asked with a slight shock in her tone: "How did you manage to completely disappear?" "

Disappear completely?" Su Mu shook his head with a smile. "I didn't completely disappear, I just disappeared before your eyes."

"You see, even if you are in front of me, I can still disappear from your presence. If I wanted to track you, you wouldn't even be able to find me.

"I know now that your Ma family has found a tomb. Do I know that following you will find out where the tomb is?

As soon as these words came out, Ma Linger actually had a creepy feeling.

Before meeting Su Mu, she had made up Su Mu's strength countless times.

In her mind, she even made Su Mu's brain into a super master with a heavy concentration.

But judging from the current situation, she still underestimated Su Mu's strength.

"What realm are you in now?" Ma Linger asked curiously.

After asking, he regretted it a little.

After all, in the alien world, it is taboo to ask about the realm of people casually.

"Concentrate threefold!"

Su Mu said half-truthfully.

Although Ma Linger had already guessed, Su Mu's realm was more than concentrated.

But when Su Mu personally admitted that his realm was a threefold concentration, Ma Linger still felt very shocked.

"Mr. Su." Ma Linger swallowed a mouthful of saliva to calm herself down as much as possible. "If our Ma family wants to cooperate with you, our Ma family needs to pay Su Mu's conditions?"

At this time, Ma Linger still listed Su Mu as a person who could communicate with the Ma family on an equal footing.

Before the words, Ma Linger more or less looked down at Su Mu.

"This looks at your Ma family, not me!"

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