Qilu land, a luxury villa.

The restaurant on the first floor of the villa seats four people.

People like Ma Linger can only stand in this place.

At this time, Ma Linger was reporting the situation with Su Mu before.


After listening to Ma Linger's report, one person took the case.

"This Su Mu, isn't it too much?"

This is a young man who looks about the same age as Su Mu.

This young man was somewhat similar to Ma Linger in appearance.

The young man's name is Ma Feiyi, and the realm is to nourish qi.

At such an age, there is a realm of nourishment, and it is definitely a future existence.

In addition to Ma Feiyi, there were three middle-aged people sitting around the table.

One of them was a middle-aged man with a national character face and a resolute face.

This middle-aged man is named Ma Chunshan, the contemporary ruler of the Ma family.

"Su Mu did this, it is indeed a bit excessive." Ma Chunshan obviously agreed with his son's words very much, and he nodded and said with a gloomy face. "He doesn't want to give our Ma family face now."

"Big brother." The people on Ma Chunshan's side said very unpleasantly. "Since this Su Mu is so disrespectful to our Ma family, should we teach him some lessons?"

The person who spoke, named Ma Chunming, was Ma Chunshan's own brother and one of Ma Chunshan's right and left arms.

"Don't act rashly!" Another shook his head and said. "Su Mu has such a realm at such an age, and his future is limitless. If you offend him, it will only be bad and not good for my Ma family! This

person's name is Ma Chunhai, and he is also Ma Chunming's own brother.

But it's different from Ma Chunming.

Ma Chunhai belongs to the kind of person who likes to use his brain.

"I said Mistress." When Ma Chunming heard Ma Chunhai's words, he was immediately unhappy. "Su Mu's strength is certainly strong, but if we don't give him a chance to grow. Then his future will come to an abrupt end today.

Ma Chunhai continued to shake his head: "If you move Su Mu, it is too risky. In fact, I think his family should be moved. Hearing

this, Ma Chunshan's eyes showed surprise.

"That's right." He obviously agreed with what Ma Chunhai said. "Moving his family is not very risky. And if the income is highest, it is also the highest. "

If you move his family, it's not good." Ma Linger, who had never spoken, suddenly spoke at this time.

"Shut up!" Hearing Ma Linger speak, Ma Feiyi directly shouted loudly. "You're just an adopted daughter of my Ma family, and it doesn't seem like you have anything to talk about here, right?"

After scolding Ma Linger, Ma Feiyi also glanced at Ma Linger greedily.

He coveted Ma Linger, and it was not a matter of a day or two.

If it weren't for Ma Chunshan saying that Ma Linger was still useful, Ma Feiyi would have made a move against him a long time ago.

"Tell me, why is it bad?" Ma Chunhai looked at Ma Linger.

Ma Linger refuted him in front of everyone, which made him very unhappy.

At the same time, Ma Chunhai's eyes when he looked at Ma Linger also had a greedy color.

Seeing these two eyes, Ma Linger felt very disgusted.

But she had to hold back the nausea.

She is not a fool.

He knew that Ma Chunshan was using himself.

But she is actually using Ma Chunshan.

"I don't know." Ma Linger shook her head and said. "I'm afraid I just feel very bad."

"You go down first." Ma Chunshan frowned and said to Ma Linger. "It's none of your business here."


Ma Linger bowed and left the villa.

"Big brother." After Ma Linger left, Ma Chunming asked very directly. "I like Ma Linger very much, why don't you give me me."

"What else do you know besides the ladies?" Ma Chunshan glanced at Ma Chunming and scolded with a bad smile. "This woman is still valuable to me. When she is no longer useful, I will give her to you and let you have fun.

Ma Chunshan didn't know that Ma Linger heard everything he said.

This is not the Ma family's territory, so this villa is not the Ma family's property, but Ma Chunshan let Ma Linger rent it.

After Ma Linger rented the villa, she installed a complete set of monitoring equipment in the villa.

Her set of monitoring equipment was customized by her at great expense.

Even powerful aliens can't find the monitoring equipment here.

Ma Linger, who walked out of the villa, listened to the sound coming from the earphones, and her face was already gloomy.

She knew that everyone in the Ma family was looking at her, including the sanctimonious Ma Chunshan.

Everyone was more or less subtle before.

But lately, everyone has become more and more blatant.

"Well, my fate with the Ma family is over here."

Ma Linger whispered to herself.

After walking out of the villa area, Ma Linger took out her mobile phone and dialed the phone number reserved by Su Mu.

"Mr. Su." As soon as the phone was connected, Ma Linger directly explained her intentions. "There's something I want to talk to you about."

At this time, Su Mu was playing with the computer in the bedroom at home.

"What's the matter? Did you come up with a deal? Su Mu asked Ma Linger with a smile.

Ma Linger said in a serious tone: "I have some personal matters that I want to discuss with you."

Su Mu heard Ma Linger's tone, something was wrong.

"Make an appointment." Su Mu faintly felt that something interesting was going to happen, so he did not refuse Ma Linger.

"Clear Lake Cafe!" Ma Linger said an address.


After the call ended, Su Mu took out his mobile phone and inquired about this Qinghu Cafe.

Clear Lake Cafe, in a very remote part of the city.

It may be because of the relatively elegant environment, which makes this café the city's Internet celebrity café.

In order to keep a low profile, Su Mu chose to drive there, but chose to take a taxi.

The city is not big.

From Su Mu's villa, to Qinghu Cafe, it is less than half an hour away.

Half an hour later, Su Mu walked down from the taxi.

As soon as he got out of the car, Su Mu received a text message on his mobile phone.

"Third floor, Bai Sui Breeze!"

After reading the content of the text message, Su Mu deleted it directly.

Entering the Qinghu Cafe, the waiter greeted him directly.

The waiter's face asked with a smile: "Sir, do you have a reservation?"

Su Mu said to the waiter: "Bai Sui Qingfeng!"

"Yes sir." The waiter nodded slightly, and then made an inviting gesture to Su Mu. "Come with me!"

Under the guidance of the waiter, Su Mu came to the third floor of the café.

"Wait a minute!"

The waiter came forward and knocked on the door.

"Please come in!"

Ma Linger's voice came from inside the door.

The waiter opened the door of the box and made an inviting gesture to Su Mu.

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