"Kill me? If you don't hurry up and identify yourself, I'll kill you first!"

As soon as Su Mu's words fell, he heard several strange sounds.

These sounds sound very similar to the sound of a pistol loaded in a movie.

He looked inside the villa.

I saw it in the villa.

The six people who were monitoring Su Mu just now took out their pistols and aimed them at Su Mu.

"Hurry up and let go of our boss, or Lao Tzu will shoot."

"I don't care who you bastard is, but if you don't let go of our boss, I promise I'll blow your head."

"Young man, you don't have much time."

"If you don't let go of our boss again, I'll really shoot."


In the hands of the six people, they all pointed their pistols at Su Mu's head.

Su Mu looked at them coldly: "No, you really don't know, what am I doing!" Point a pistol at me! Do you think a pistol can hurt me?

Su Mu wanted to look around at the six people like a fool.

Perhaps because of the courage of the pistol, the middle-aged man continued to make a big splash at this time: "You dare to lock my Wei Haiyang's throat, I see that you really don't want to live." Hearing

the name Wei Haiyang, Su Mu's heart shook slightly.

Wei Haiyang, Boss Su Mu, is a very powerful big brother.

He has many younger brothers and a lot of industries.

Su Mu had not heard the name Wei Haiyang in his hometown for many years.

He had thought that Wei Haiyang had been whitewashed.

But now it seems that Wei Haiyang is not whitewashed, but bigger and stronger.

In Huaxia.

If you don't have a gun, at most, it's a gang.

But if you have a gun, then the nature changes.

If Su Mu called the police at this time, it is estimated that it will no longer be ordinary police, but armed police, and even the army.

After all, Wei Haiyang and their group of people can now be defined as fear, fear, division, and son.


As soon as Wei Haiyang's voice fell, Su Mu gave him a big slap in the face.

This slap directly blinded Wei Haiyang.

He has been wandering the rivers and lakes for so many years.

In addition to being slapped when he first debuted, for so many years, Su Mu was the first person who dared to slap him.

"Boy." Wei Haiyang looked at Su Mu and roared with a scowl on his face. "You're TM finished, you're TM finished. If Lao Tzu doesn't crush your corpse into ten thousand pieces today, Lao Tzu will TM and surname! "

Boss Wei!" Su Mu turned his head to look at Wei Haiyang and teased with a smile. "You can't protect yourself now, and you still talk ruthlessly?"

"You little cub, what do you dare to do to me?" Wei Haiyang's face was full of disdain.

Obviously, he didn't believe that Su Mu dared to do anything to him.

I don't know why.

Wei Haiyang's junior disciples did not remind him that Su Mu had jumped down from the upstairs just now.

Moreover, Su Mu, who jumped downstairs, was unharmed.

"You don't believe it, what do I dare to do to you?" Su Mu looked at Wei Haiyang with a playful face.

Wei Haiyang nodded very confidently.


Su Mu raised his hand and slapped Wei Haiyang again.

But this slap, Su Mu is not too addicted.

After this slap, Su Mu kicked Wei Haiyang directly in the stomach.

Caught off guard, Wei Haiyang was directly kicked to the ground by Su Mu, and Wei Haiyang

did not get up in a hurry.

He sat on the ground, pointed at Su Mu and yelled at the younger brothers: "Don't be stunned, shoot me and kill this bastard." "





7 pistols, fired almost at the same time.

The bullet roared in the air and flew towards Su Mu.

"Hahaha! To Lao Tzu to die! To Lao Tzu to die! Dare to hit Lao Tzu's face, this is the end of hitting Lao Tzu's face!

Wei Haiyang shouted almost maniacally.

"Golden Light Spell!"

Su Mu let out a low roar.

The golden light shroud instantly enveloped Su Mu.





The bullet hits the mask with a crisp sound.

At the same time, the golden light mask also rippled layer by layer because of the bullet.

Seeing this scene, the expression on Wei Haiyang's face instantly froze.

"How is this possible!"

His eyes widened and he looked at Su Mu like a monster.

"What are you? Why can you withstand bullets! Wei Haiyang shouted in horror.

Su Mu stretched out his hand and took all the bullets.

He looked at Wei Haiyang with a smile and said loudly, "I'm your father!"

Wei Haiyang was already frightened at this time and did not dare to speak anymore.

Wei Haiyang's younger brother also looked at Su Mu with a shocked face.

For ordinary people, this scene really shocked them.

"Say it." After Su Mu caught all the bullets, he looked at Wei Haiyang. "Who sent you."

Wei Haiyang clenched his teeth.

Shock is shock, but there should be professional ethics.

"Put this on hold and pretend to be a tough guy for me?"

Su Mu played with the bullet in his hand and smiled at Wei Haiyang.

Wei Haiyang remained silent.

"Okay, keep pretending!" In this regard, Su Mu was not angry at all. "I'll see when you can go!"

When the words fell, Su Mu's right hand trembled slightly.

A bullet flew straight towards Wei Haiyang.


The bullet shot into Wei Haiyang's body, splattering a very small blood flower.


Wei Haiyang screamed.

His little brothers held their breath.

These younger brothers are all good at Wei Haiyang's subordinates.

They followed Wei Haiyang and experienced a lot of vicious battles.

But people like Su Mu, they really saw it for the first time.

In the face of such a powerful opponent, they didn't know what to do for a while.

"Say?" Su Mu asked Wei Haiyang in a very gentle tone.

"Don't say." Wei Haiyang clenched his teeth, and every word he said seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth. "You're going to kill me!"

"Killing is illegal!"

He is not in the mountains and forests now.

He is now in the city.

It is illegal to kill people in the city.

As a law-abiding citizen, Su Mu will definitely not kill people easily.

Wei Haiyang is not a fool.

He didn't believe that someone like Su Mu would be a so-called law-abiding citizen.

Su Mu threw the bullets in his hand into the air together, and then took them back one by one.

"I still have six bullets in my hand!"

"The first two bullets, I will break the soles of your feet separately!"

"From the third shot, I will break your legs and hands!"

"This interruption is irreversible! In other words, as long as your hands and legs are broken by me, no matter how much money you spend, you will not be able to cure them! "

Killing people is a very boring thing.

Compared to killing, Su Mu still prefers to blame.

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