Wei Haiyang was a little worried.

As a big brother, he now has a lot of wealth and status that ordinary people cannot accumulate in their lifetimes.

He didn't want to lose these things.

He is well aware.

If his limbs were really broken by Su Mu.

Then, he will lose everything he has now.

His heart began to struggle.


Su Mu's first round countdown ended.

A bullet flew out of Su Mu's hand.


The bullet entered Wei Haiyang's body, and a blood spray instantly burst out.

The pain made Wei Haiyang's face twist into a ball.

He wanted to call.

But the cry had reached the throat, and in the end it did not come out.

"You have one last chance!" Su Mu continued to take the bullet in his hand and ran into the air.





The bullet fell back into Su Mu's palm and made a crisp sound.

This crisp voice made Wei Haiyang's body straighten.

"I said."

In the end, Wei Haiyang still lowered his head.

After all, the person who hired him did not forbid him to say his identity.

"I was hired by a middle-aged man, and I don't know the specific name." Wei Haiyang's forehead was covered with sweat.

After saying this, he immediately showed a relieved expression.

"What is the task he gave you?" Su Mu asked again.

Wei Haiyang wiped the sweat on his forehead and said slowly: "Monitor the villa next to it, if there is any abnormality in the villa, notify him as soon as possible."

"Nothing else but that?" Su Mu still didn't quite believe Wei Haiyang's words.

"Nothing else." Wei Haiyang looked at Su Mu with a sincere face. "Big brother, you must believe me, what I said is true."

"Get out of here!"

Su Mu waved his hand.

Wei Haiyang fled with the help of his younger brother.

He knew that Wei Haiyang did not speak.

The person who hired Wei Haiyang, if nothing else, should be Ma Chunhai or other people in the Ma family.

"It seems that this Ma family really didn't take me seriously!" Su Mumo clenched his chin and whispered to himself.

"Since you didn't take me seriously, then I should also teach the Ma family some lessons!"

Su Mu returned to the villa and lay on the bed.

One night without a word, the next morning.

After Su Mu woke up, he heard a sharp knock on the door.

Su Mu walked downstairs and opened the door.

Outside the gate, stood Song Yu.

Looking at Song Yu, Su Mu looked surprised: "Why are you here."

Song Yu smiled slightly and said, "I came here to protect Mr. Su's family.

"You're in trouble." Su Mu looked at Song Yu with gratitude on his face.

"No trouble." Song Yu waved his hand with a smile, and then said to Su Mudao. "The villas around your villa have all been bought by Yuelu Group."

"To ensure that your family is not disturbed, unless it is a last resort. Otherwise, we would never have come near your villa.

"You Yuelu Group, what you think is thoughtful." Su Mu sighed.

"If nothing happens, then I'll leave first." Song Yu waved his hand at Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded and said to Song Yu with a very sincere attitude: "Thank you."

Song Yu didn't speak, just smiled slightly at Su Mu.

After Song Yu left, Su Mu's eyes suddenly changed.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Ma Linger's number.

"Make an appointment with a place, I have something I want to talk to you about." After the call was connected, Su Mu's voice was full of coldness.

"Did something happen?" Ma Linger asked tentatively.

"Meet and talk!"

There are some things that cannot be explained on the phone.

"It's still the old place!" Ma Linger said to Su Mu.


Twenty minutes later, Su Mu appeared in the Qinghu Cafe's Suibai Qingfeng box.

After waiting for a few minutes, Ma Linger hurriedly arrived.

"Mr. Su." After entering the door, Ma Linger bowed her hand to Su Mu very respectfully.


Su Mu nodded and motioned for Ma Linger to sit down and said.

"Mr. Su." Ma Linger didn't know what was going on, plus Su Mu's face was a little unpleasant, Ma Linger asked tentatively. "Did something happen?"

Su Mu was also unambiguous, and directly told Ma Linger what happened last night.

When Ma Linger heard this, she fell into deep thought.

After pondering for a while, Ma Linger asked, "Mr. Su, what are you going to do?"

"Since the Ma family wants to be the first year of junior high school, then I will do fifteen." Su Mu's eyes were cold, and he said coldly. "Give me an idea!"

Ma Linger was stunned.

For a while, she didn't even know whether what Su Mu said before was true or false.

"He's trying to get me to accept the name!" Ma Linger said secretly in her heart.

Ma Linger was a little hesitant.

"Hesitate at this time, do you think we still need to cooperate?"

Seeing Ma Linger's hesitation, Su Mu directly gave a dose of fierce medicine.

Ma Linger was shocked, and quickly said, "Are you trying to take revenge on the Ma family?" "

Revenge?" Su Mu shook his head with a smile and said slowly. "You can't use the word retaliation, at most you can use warning."

"Warnings are useless." At this time, Ma Linger said uncharacteristically. "The Ma family is too arrogant. They won't stop at one of your warnings.

"They will even see your warning as a provocation to them."

Su Mu looked at Ma Linger with interest.

"Since you want to hit them, you have to hurt!" Ma Linger gritted her teeth.

People who don't know still think that Ma Linger and the Ma family have a deep hatred.

"Good." Su Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked Ma Linger. "Then tell me how to hurt the Ma family."

"Start with Ma Feiyi!" Ma Linger gritted her teeth and said.

"Ma Feiyi?" It was the first time Su Mu had heard of this name.

"The head of the Ma family, the only son of Ma Chunshan." Ma Linger said.

When Su Mu heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Since they want to move my family, then I will move his family first!"

After speaking, Su Mu looked at Ma Linger.

"Ma Feiyi, it should be the Longshan Club now!"

Ma Linger seemed to know that Su Mu wanted to ask Su Mu, and before Su Mu could ask, she answered Su Mu's question.

"I see."

After Su Mu got up, he left the box.

After Su Mu left, Ma Linger took the coffee in front of her.

She elegantly put the coffee to the tip of her nose and sniffed it gently.

"Ma family, you said that who you provoke is not good, you have to provoke this Su Mu."

"Next! There are good shows to watch! "

Ma Linger at this time, elegant and confident.

It's just like before it.

After leaving the café, Su Mu used his mobile phone to inquire about the news of the Longshan Club.

When the inquiry was finished, Su Mu's brows wrinkled slightly.

"This is a bit of a hassle!"

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